[Everyone] REMINDER: Fall BBQ this Friday! (10;/31)

Ricky Hart rhart at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Oct 28 20:10:10 PDT 2014

Hi Everyone!
Please join us this Friday (10/31) for our annual Fall BBQ.  It will be 
held at 5PM in the courtyard between Franz Hall and Geology. There will 
be a costume contest, pumpkin carving contest, and gourd throwing 
competition with prizes!  If you would like to participate in the 
pumpkin carving contest please let me know by Thursday, so we can have 
enough pumpkins for everyone.  We will also be selling department 
t-shirts, mugs, and shot glasses.

Ticket prices are as follows:
Undergrads: $9
Grad Students and Staff: $11
Faculty: $13

Hope to see you there!

Ricky Hart | Grad Student/System Admin | UCLA Space Physics
5833 Slichter Hall | Los Angeles CA 90095
rhart at igpp.ucla.edu | Office: 310-206-9955

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