[IGPP Everyone] [EPSS Everyone] New fund manager: Michelle Pang

Brown, Carlene cbrown at epss.ucla.edu
Mon May 1 09:13:17 PDT 2017

Dear Everyone,

Happy May! I am pleased to announce that we have found a replacement fund manager to fill Herumi Baylon's position: Michelle Pang!

Michelle has been with the University only since August 2016 but has very quickly learned a great deal about EPSS operations and the UCLA financial systems (no easy task!). Although she will need significant training with OCGA and EFM, Michelle is well-qualified to take on new responsibilities as a fund manager.

Note that Michelle assumes her new role as of TODAY and will continue to be assigned to 3806 Geology.  Please stop by and welcome her to this new position. :)

We have posted the vacant purchasing assistant job and will fill that position as soon as possible (requisition #25823 on the UCLA Career Opportunities website; please pass the word if you know anyone interested in applying).

Until a new purchasing assistant is on board please forward all purchasing requests to Rick Fort, with Mike Rathjen as backup. FYI, the new purchasing assistant will be assigned to 3845 Slichter.

Thank you for your patience during this transition, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


Carlene Brown
CAO, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
Phone: 310-825-9784
Fax: 310-825-2779

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