[IGPP Everyone] Few more volunteers needed Mar 25th 10am-1:30pm, for on-campus outreach event, South LA Science Academy

Emmanuel Masongsong emasongsong at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Mar 15 21:04:58 PDT 2023

Hello everyone! 

We are hosting a special outreach event next Saturday March 25th from 10am-1:30pm. We will be hosting ~150 K-12 students in the Saturday Science Academy run by Charles Drew University in south LA, our only local historically black college. This is a wonderful opportunity to provide hands-on activities for kids who wouldn't otherwise have access to Earth and space curriculum, as the Academy will provide transportation for them to come to us in the Geology building. Our ultimate goal is for EPSS to build stronger partnerships with local schools serving underrepresented students, investing in future generations by expanding diversity and access to STEM for all! 

Any EPSS undergrads, grads, researchers, or staff familiar with the topics/specimens below are welcome. To compensate you for your time on a Saturday over spring break, we will offer a $40 ASUCLA gift card and an EPSS shirt to wear at the event. =) 

Asterisks indicate where we need volunteers to assist with showing demonstrations and answering questions: 

Rheology/Geophysics - Prof. Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni and her lab group 

Earthquake demos - Saeed Mohanna and Liuwei Liu 
AR sandbox, rock+mineral specimens ***3 volunteers 

Space Weather, Magnetism, and Cubesats - Emmanuel Masongsong, Fik Beyene, Ethan Tsai 

Make a Comet, Asteroids, and Diviner IR cam - Dave Milewski and Yufan Xu 

Optional: Meteorite Gallery and hand specimens ***3 volunteers 

2-3 more general volunteers, including a photographer/videographer to document the event *** 

Volunteers should arrive before 9:30am to help set up (even better, on Friday afternoon/evening). The school will be here from 10am-1:30pm, with a 30min lunch break where we can do solar scopes and more Q&A. Unlike EYU we will have students in groups of 30-40 by age to spend 30mins cycling through each topic area. We also invite you to join our speaker panel for middle-high school kids to share tips on applying to college and geoscience careers. 

It is my hope that we can grow a dedicated team of EPSS ambassadors who especially enjoy inspiring kids and the public, to hone their teaching skills and ideally support 1-2 of these outreach events per quarter. Please let me know if you are interested!! 


Emmanuel Masongsong 
Program Manager 
UCLA EPSS // SPACE Institute 
elfin.igpp.ucla.edu // space.ucla.edu 
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