[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 24

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Jun 21 15:07:46 PDT 2016


Volume 26, Number 24

Table of Contents

1. 2016 GEM-CEDAR: Reminder to Attend the CEDAR/GEM LWS TR&T Draft Topics Town Hall

2. 2016 GEM-CEDAR: SPEDAS sessions at GEM

3. SESSION: AGU Fall Meeting Session SH016: Science of Space Weather Interactions with Space Technologies 


1. 2016 GEM-CEDAR: Reminder to Attend the CEDAR/GEM LWS TR&T Draft Topics Town Hall
From: Eftyhia Zesta and Mark Linton (eftyhia.zesta at nasa.gov)

Dear Colleagues,

This is a quick reminder that the LWS TR&T draft topics for the ROSES 2017 announcement have been posted in our website 

with input boxes for comments and feedback on each individual topic, as well as on the overall process. The comment period will remain open until July 18 (the Monday following the SHINE meeting).

The topics will be presented as a poster and in a LWS TR&T town hall discussion during the CEDAR/GEM meeting (town hall at 9:45am June 23) to expose them to as much community input as possible.

Please attend the CEDAR/GEM town hall session and visit the poster.


Eftyhia Zesta, co-chair
Mark Linton, co-chair
On behalf of the LWS TR&T Steering Committee

2. 2016 GEM-CEDAR: SPEDAS sessions at GEM
From: Vassilis Angelopoulos, Jim Lewis (jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu)

The SPEDAS team will be holding two sessions at the upcoming GEM meeting in Santa Fe, NM, on Friday June 24.

At 1:30 PM, we'll hold a tutorial session for the newly released MMS plugin to SPEDAS, showing how to use the GUI and command-line tools to load, process, and plot MMS data.

At 3:30 PM, we'll have another workshop showing off some of the other capabilities of the recent SPEDAS 2.00 release,  including recent updates to the plugins for THEMIS and some other missions,  and our road map for future development of the SPEDAS framework, plugins, and other online resources.

We expect to have some time for Q&A, installation, and troubleshooting help, after the formal agenda for each session.

Both sessions are scheduled in the SFCC Coronado/DeVargas room. 

3. SESSION: AGU Fall Meeting Session SH016: Science of Space Weather Interactions with Space Technologies 
From: Linda Neergaard Parker/USRA,  Joseph I Minow/NASA/MSFC (joseph.minow at nasa.gov)

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the session SH016 - Science of Space Weather Interactions with Space Technologies.  You can submit abstracts here, http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2016/abstract-submissions/, until August 3. 

Session ID: 13631 
Session Title: SH016. Science of Space Weather Interactions with Space Technologies 
Section/Focus Group: SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics

Session Description:
Understanding the physical basis of space weather has become increasingly important in recent years as society becomes more reliant on space technologies which can be damaged by any number of hazards encountered on orbit through interaction with the space environment.  While many advances have been made in understanding the solar-terrestrial interactions that drive changes in the charged and neutral particle environments in Earth orbit and interplanetary space where spacecraft operate, there is much left to understand.  We encourage abstracts that are related, but not limited, to the theory, modeling, or observations that directly relate to the interaction of the space plasma, energetic charged particles, photons, meteors, or neutral atmosphere with spacecraft in the heliosphere.

Linda Neergaard Parker, USRA 
Joseph I Minow, NASA/MSFC

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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