[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 17
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun May 15 08:13:45 PDT 2016
Volume 26, Number 17
Table of Contents
1. New Focus Group “Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind – Magnetosphere Interaction”
2. Invitation to the GEM/CEDAR Workshop M3I2 Sessions
3. Call for Abstracts: Global Modelling of the Space Weather Chain. October 24-28, 2016, Helsinki, Finland
1. New Focus Group “Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind – Magnetosphere Interaction”
From: Heli Hietala, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Gabor Toth, Andrew P. Dimmock (heli at igpp.ucla.edu)
We would like to announce the beginning of activities of the new “Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind – Magnetosphere Interaction” Focus Group (2016-2020). Our aim is to provide a venue for joint modeling and observational efforts to understand kinetic processes in a global context.
In particular, we would like to bring to your attention the upcoming dayside modeling challenge. The challenge aims to conduct observation-model, as well as model-model comparisons of the dayside phenomena. We will select a short time interval with constant solar wind conditions for a spacecraft conjunction from the first MMS dayside season. Both global and local modeling efforts are welcome. In preparation for the Summer Workshop, we solicit suggestions of suitable events from the community.
At the upcoming Summer Workshop, we will have four joint sessions with other focus groups:
Tuesday PM1: Dayside magnetopause processes and transport
together with “Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere” and “Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures”
Wednesday GEM, PM1: Magnetospheric signatures of dayside transients
together with “ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications” and “Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures”
Thursday PM1: Kick-off session of the dayside modeling challenge
together with “Modeling Methods and Validation”
Friday GEM PM2: Kinetic and transient processes in the foreshock, bow shock, and magnetosheath
together with “Transient Phenomena at the Magnetopause and Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures”
More information of the sessions will be posted closer to the meeting.
More information of the focus group and its planned activities are available on our website:
Please address your questions and suggestions to the focus group co-chairs:
Heli Hietala, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Gabor Toth, and Andrew P. Dimmock
2. Invitation to the GEM/CEDAR Workshop M3I2 Sessions
From: Vince Eccles, Barbara Giles, Shasha Zou (vince.eccles at aggiemail.usu.edu)
Dear Colleague,
We invite you to participate in the M3-I2 sessions at the GEM-CEDAR workshop. Please contact a co-chair to be included on the program. Bring a slide or 2 to help guide future plans for M3-I2.
TITLE: Merged Modeling & Measurement of Ionospheric Plasma Injection into the Magnetosphere (M3I2) and Its Effects: Plasma Sheet, Ring Current, and Substorm Dynamics
Shasha Zou, U. of Michigan, shashaz at umich.edu
Barbara Giles, NASA GSFC, barbara.giles at nasa.gov
Vince Eccles, USU, vince.eccles at aggiemail.usu.edu
It is apparent that magnetosphere model results are dramatically altered by the presence and placement of ionospheric ions throughout the magnetosphere. Our goal is to (1) refine outflow models through comparison to measurements, (2) improve Geospace General Circulation Models (GGCMs) response to ion outflow, (3) improve understanding the effects of ion outflow on plasma sheet, ring current, substorm dynamics.
Session 1, Monday PM1: Review of Effects of Ionospheric Ion Injections on the Magnetosphere
Invited speakers will review the understanding and modeling of the effects of ionospheric ion injections on the magnetosphere. The Chairs will moderate a discussion on new in situ observational opportunities for improvements in current GGCMs. Special focus in this session discussion will be placed on the effects of the outflow on the magnetosphere (plasma sheet, ring current, substorm dynamics) and M-I-T feedback loops.
Session 2, Monday PM2: Shortcomings of Polar Wind Models and the Ionospheric Boundary Definition (GEM-CEDAR Joint Session)
Invited speakers will review current understanding and modeling of ion energization and upflow initiated in the ionospheric boundary. To improve topside upflow models the ionospheric boundary (<600 km) must be defined accurately in the polar and sub-auroral regions for appropriate comparison model results to satellite data. This effort will marshal new in situ and ground-based observational abilities for model-data comparisons. CEDAR scientists are encouraged to participate in this GEM-CEDAR session on M-I-T coupling.
Session 3, Friday PM1: Recap and Organize—Planning for M3-I3 Model-Measurement Comparisons
Invited speakers will review big picture possibilities for advancing community capabilities and GGCMs. The Chairs will summarize results of the previous sessions then moderate a planning discussion for the current year and long term efforts.
Session 4, Friday PM2: Open Planning
Sub-group time to finalize plans.
3. Call for Abstracts: Global Modelling of the Space Weather Chain. October 24-28, 2016, Helsinki, Finland
From: Andrew P. Dimmock (andrew.dimmock at aalto.fi)
We are now accepting abstracts for the upcoming workshop “Global Modelling of the Space Weather Chain” to be held in Helsinki, Finland from 24 - 28 October 2016.
Abstract submission deadline is 31 July 2016
The discussed topics will include, but are not limited to the following areas:
1) Solar-wind and CME modelling
2) Global and Local Geo-space modelling
3) Operation space weather needs
4) Model integration
Format: Talks, posters and open discussion sessions.
Fees: The conference fee is 150eur for full participants, and 100eur for students.
We welcome submissions from both global and local modellers; those discussing local-global model integration are particularly encouraged. In addition, synergetic model-data themed abstracts are encouraged, particularly on the subject of data-assimilation.
Student support: student support is available to a limited number of students. Information on how to apply can be found on the website.
Information on how to submit your abstract is posted on the workshop webpage (www.spaceweatherchain2016.aalto.fi) along with other practical information.
Please direct all enquiries to questions.gmswc at gmail.com and we will respond as soon as possible.
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and hope to see you in Helsinki.
Kind regards,
Andrew P. Dimmock, T. I. Pulkkinen, A. Osmane, E. Kilpua and M. Palmroth
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) sponsors this workshop.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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