[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 27, Number 60
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Dec 8 13:02:44 PST 2017
Volume 27, Number 60
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. Speaker List for Mini-GEM session “Merged Modeling and Measurement of Ionospheric Source for Magnetospheric Plasma” (M3I2)
2. 2017 ULTIMA Meeting on Ground-based Magnetometers at Mini-GEM
3. JOB OPENING: PhD Student Positions in Space Physics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland
1. Speaker List for Mini-GEM session “Merged Modeling and Measurement of Ionospheric Source for Magnetospheric Plasma” (M3I2)
From: Shasha Zou (shashaz at umich.edu)
Dear Colleagues:
You are invited to participate our mini-GEM session “Merged Modeling and Measurement of Ionospheric Source for Magnetospheric Plasma” (M3I2)
Location and time:
Hilton Garden Inn – New Orleans Convention Center (1001 S Peters St, New Orleans, LA 70130)
Dec 10th, 2017 12:00-13:30pm
Gardenia+Camella room
Speaker List:
1. Vince Eccles: Overview of focus group and collaborative effort
2. Barbara Giles: New access to the POLAR TIDE data, including potential for the plasma moments
3. Martina Gkioulidou: Outflow off the Beaten Path: Low-energy (<keV) O+ outflow directly into the inner magnetosphere and implications for mid- and low-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
4. Dave Knudsen (for Johnathan Burchill): Ion upflow and electron temperature correlations in the cusp/cleft
5. Bruce Fritz: Exciting results from RENU 2 (Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling)
6. Shasha Zou: Ion upflow excited during solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement
7. Jun Liang: Ionospheric electron heating associated with pulsating auroras
8. Naritoshi Kitamura (for Masafumi Hirahara): First Japanese Flight Mission Using Compact/Micro Satellites for Investigating the Space-Earth Coupling Processes
GEM M3I2 Focus group leaders: Shasha Zou, Barbara Giles, and Vince Eccles
2. 2017 ULTIMA Meeting on Ground-based Magnetometers at Mini-GEM
From: Ian Mann and Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu)
We invite participation in the annual ULTIMA meeting during mini-GEM.
Time: 9 AM – 12 PM; Sunday, 10 December 2017
Location: Hilton Garden Inn New Orleans Convention Center, Magnolia Room
(Please note that the meeting will start at 9 am instead of 8 am).
The session will follow the approximate agenda below:
1. ULTIMA Array Updates:
Brief overview of updates and news from ULTIMA Member Magnetometer Arrays
2. Science Presentations:
* Endawoke Yizengaw: ULF Wave Associated Density Irregularities and Scintillation at the Equator
* James Weygand: dB/dt and EMF associated with substorms
* I. P. Pakhotin: Evidence of in-situ intense localised magnetic perturbations screened from ground observations by Biot-Savart integration - magnetosphere-ionosphere energy coupling at multiple scales
* Mark Engebretson: EMIC wave activity during the four GEM QARBM challenge intervals
* Louis Ozeke: Using ULTIMA data for Specifying Radiation Belt Transport and Loss
* Kyle Murphy: Magnetopuase control of ULF wave power
* Jesper Gjerloev: SuperMAG: Supporting global ULF investigations
If you wish to contribute short presentations on the science and space weather topics relating to ground-based magnetometers, please contact the session coordinators, Chair and Secretary of ULTIMA Ian Mann (imann at ualberta.ca) and Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu).
3. JOB OPENING: PhD Student Positions in Space Physics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland
From: Minna Palmroth (minna.palmroth at helsinki.fi)
The Space Physics Group at the Department of Physics is a world-leading group specialised in modelling of the space environment. We develop the novel global hybrid-Vlasov simulation Vlasiator (physics.helsinki.fi/vlasiator), which is massively parallelised and regularly run on the largest European supercomputers.
We have recently obtained several new research grants, including a Finnish Centre of Excellence (2018 – 2025), a European Research Council grant (2016 – 2021), and an Academy of Finland grant (2018 – 2022).
We are now looking for PhD students in space physics, HPC or computational physics, to work on modelling of space plasmas, adaptive mesh refinement, communication reduction or other relevant HPC algorithms. Useful skills include: Python, C/C++, supercomputer environments, and code repositories.
We offer a position in a dynamic and international research group, with a possibility to network and to develop as a researcher. As our the Centre of Excellence builds and launches cubesats establishing new technologies with cutting edge scientific payloads, our community extends from space physics to space technology and entrepreneurial startups.
The positions are available from 1 Jan 2018, and they are open until they are filled. For specifics about the position, contact Professor Minna Palmroth (minna.palmroth ‘at’ helsinki.fi). Interested candidates should send their informal application, CV, and maximum of three names to act as references to the above address.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, GEM Communications Coordinator, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>
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Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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