[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 27, Number 4

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Feb 2 14:48:59 PST 2017


Volume 27, Number 4

Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/

Table of Contents

1. Message from GEM Chair

2. GEM Summer Workshop 2017 Announcement 

3. Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly 2017

4. IAGA 2017 Session on Magnetic Reconnection


1. Message from GEM Chair
From: Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik at gmail.com)

Dear GEM community, 

I wanted to give you a brief update on the GEM goings-on.  As you all know, the GEM community met for a mini-meeting on Sunday Dec 11, 2016 which included the presentation of a number of potential new Focus Groups (FGs).  The presenters all did an excellent job and I applaud them for their hard work and creativity in putting together their FG proposals.  Being able to select only 2 new FG, the SC chose:

1. Magnetotail dipolarization and its effects on the inner magnetosphere, co-chaired by Christine Gabrielse, Matina Gkioulidou, Slava Merkin, and Drew Turner. 
2. 3D ionospheric electrodynamics and its impact on the Magnetosphere – Ionosphere – Thermosphere coupled system, Co-Chaired by Hyunju Connor, Haje Korth, Gang Lu, and Bin Zhang

A list of current and expiring FGs can be found on the GEM webpage here:

I would also like to remind everyone of the upcoming GEM summer workshop, scheduled for June 18-23, 2017, at Portsmouth, VA.  Our meeting organization team at VA Tech have been hard at work putting together the conference webpage which contains all the relevant information to plan your travel, and can be found here: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/
Registration is not available yet, but will be shortly.  A message from the meeting organizers can be found below.  If you are planning to apply for student support, please be aware that the deadline is March 13.

Congratulations again to the selected FGs and see you all in Portsmouth!

2. GEM Summer Workshop 2017 Announcement 
From: Zhonghua Xu (zxu77 at vt.edu)

The GEM 2017 Summer Workshop will be held during June 18-23, 2017 at the Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel - Portsmouth, Virginia. Please see more at http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

Student support is open for applycation now (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/students.html). A high priority will be given to the following groups: graduate students engaged in their thesis or dissertation research, first time attendees and students from small institutions, and students having specific GEM-related duties.

We urge those of you who qualify and are planning to attend the 2017 GEM Workshop to act quickly and send applications to Zhonghua Xu (zxu77 at vt.edu) requesting support that includes the following information:

Advisor's name and email:
Graduate or undergraduate student:
Year in school:
Previous GEM support received (list number of years):
Are you signed up to give a student tutorial (yes/no)?
Are you signed up to be a volunteer (taking pictures, recording tutorials, light control during plenary sessions...) (yes/no)?
Tentative title and abstract for your oral/poster presentation
Write a brief statement of purpose (500 words) about why you should come to GEM. The statement should include what your research goals are, how GEM could help in pursuing those goals, and how you can contribute to GEM.

Deadline for student applications and advisor recommendations is Friday, March 17, 2017. Applications or advisor recommendations received after this date will be on the waiting list.

3. Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly 2017
From: Simon Wing, Kazue Takahashi (simon.wing at jhuapl.edu)

You are cordially invited to attend 2017 Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly.  Pertinent information can be found below.

Date : 27 August - 1 September, 2017
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Abstract submission deadline: 12 March 2017
Session description:  http://www.iapso-iamas-iaga2017.com/index.php/2016-05-15-22-51-06/scientific-programme-2/iaga-sessions

Sessions that are related to DIV III (magnetosphere) are listed below
A14 - Energetic Particle Precipitation into the Atmosphere: Sources and Atmospheric Impacts (DIV II ‚- DIV III ‚- VERSIM/ ICMA)
A15 - Wave and Particle Dynamics in the Radiation Belts and Ring Current (DIV II ‚- DIV III ‚- VERSIM)
A16 - The Earth’ Plasmasphere: Remote Sensing and Modelling (DIV II ‚- DIV III ‚- VERSIM)
A17 - Auroral Processes  (DIV II ‚- DIV III)
A18 - ULF waves in near-Earth space (DIV III)
A19 - Energy Storage and Release Mechanisms in the Magnetosphere (DIV III)
A20 - Magnetospheric Boundary Layers (DIV III)
A21 - High-latitude electrodynamics and the polar cap (DIV III)
A22 - Magnetospheres of Other Planets (DIV III)
A23 - Reporter Review for Division III
A24 - The Plasmasheet-Ionosphere, a Coupled System: Sinks, Sources, Transport and the Roles of Field-Aligned Currents and Ion Outflow (DIV III ‚- DIV II)
A25 - Magnetic reconnection (DIV III ‚- DIV IV)
A26 - Understanding the electromagnetic impact of space weather on infrastructure: progress in theory, observations, evaluation and mitigation (DIV III ‚- DIV IV ‚- DIV V ‚- DIV VI ‚- ICSW)

4. IAGA 2017 Session on Magnetic Reconnection
From: Daniel Gershman, Mikhail Sitnov (daniel.j.gershman at nasa.gov)

We encourage participation in a session on magnetic reconnection at the upcoming  IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA scientific assembly.  The conference will be held on 27 August – 1 September 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa (http://www.iapso-iamas-iaga2017.com ).  Abstract submissions are due 12 March 2017.

IAGA Session A25 - Magnetic reconnection (DIV III – DIV IV)

Magnetic reconnection is one of the most fundamental mechanisms of the transformation of magnetic energy into particle energy. It is responsible for many explosive phenomena in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, but the terrestrial magnetosphere is one of the best natural laboratories for its in situ investigation. The wealth of observations of reconnection-associated processes in the magnetosphere and recent advances in theory and high-performance computing make studies of this topic particularly compelling and timely. This symposium covers a broad range of phenomena associated with magnetospheric reconnection with a special focus on recent multi-probe observations by the Cluster II, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, and MMS missions.  Recent progress in theory and simulations of reconnection will also be discussed.

Specific topics include: magnetopause and magnetotail reconnection; thin current sheets; electron and ion diffusion layers; plasmoids, flux ropes and dipolarization fronts; associated non-reconnection plasma waves, including buoyancy and flapping motions; particle acceleration and heating; MHD, Hall-MHD and kinetic regimes; MHD, hybrid and full-particle simulations.

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

To broadcast announcements to the GEM community, please fill out the online request form at:


To subscribe or opt out of the GEM mailing list, or to make any other requests, please contact Peter Chi, the GEM Communications Coordinator, by e-mail at

<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>

URL of GEM Home Page:  http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information:  http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

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