[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 22
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed May 30 18:09:35 PDT 2018
Volume 28, Number 22
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. GEM Workshop 2018: “Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)” Focus Group
2. GEM Workshop 2018: Geospace Systems Science Focus-Group Sessions
3. New Release of Van Allen Probes ECT/MagEIS Data (Data Release 4; "rel04")
4. Master’s Degree in Applied Space Weather Research at Catholic University of America
5. Positions Available within the AIDA Network
6. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Fellow in Space Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, NL, Canada
1. GEM Workshop 2018: “Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)” Focus Group
From: Yiqun Yu, Colby Lemon, Jichun Zhang, Mike Liemohn (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com)
Dear Colleagues,
The “Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)” at the upcoming 2018 GEM Workshop will have three final sessions for its 5-year term. We solicit short and informal presentations focusing on the following topics.
Session 1 (10:30am-12:00pm, Tuesday) Inner magnetosphere coupling with the ionosphere
In this session, we will focus on the coupling between the inner magnetosphere and the ionospheric electrodynamics. Topics include but not limit to the improvement of electric field self-consistency in global models, the connection between inner magnetosphere populations, field-aligned currents, convective or SAPS electric field, or the influence of precipitation on the ionospheric conductivity, etc.
Session 2 (1:30-3:00pm, Tuesday): plasma wave dynamics and coupling with inner magnetosphere populations
In this session, we will focus on magnetospheric particle dynamics and their role in the generation of plasma waves, and the feedback effect of plasma wave dynamics on the dynamics of plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts.
Session 3 (3:30-5:00pm, Tuesday): Summarize the past and plan the future.
We will present the results of spacecraft charging Challenge being worked on. The event we have selected is March 17, 2013, and the surface-charging environment (i.e., the keV electron fluxes) is what we are comparing with across various models. If you have any relevant results on this challenge, you are cordially invited to present as well.
In the second half, we will have discussion on remaining problems to be resolved in the inner magnetosphere community, particularly in the ring current/plasmasphere and their coupling to the tail and ionosphere. A panel will be set up to invoke topic directions and ideas. We look forward to your enthusiastic participation.
If you are interested in presenting your work in any of the above sessions, please email your title to Yiqun Yu (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com).
Best regards,
Yiqun Yu, Colby Lemon, Jichun Zhang, Mike Liemohn
2. GEM Workshop 2018: Geospace Systems Science Focus-Group Sessions
From: Joe Borovsky, Bill Lotko, Vadim Uritsky, Juan Alejandro Valdivia (jborovsky at spacescience.org)
The Geospace Systems Science (GSS) Focus Group is in its final year. At the 2018 GEM Summer Workshop GSS will hold two sessions both on Wednesday June 20:
Morning 10:30-12:00 “Progress in Systems Science”
will be a session with oral presentations highlighting this year’s progress.
Afternoon 1:30-3:00 “Discussion: The Future of Geospace Systems Science”
will be an audience discussion to assess the systems-science approach to understanding geospace and to consider new ideas for the future.
Contact Joe Borovsky (jborovsky at spacescience.org) to get on the schedule.
3. New Release of Van Allen Probes ECT/MagEIS Data (Data Release 4; "rel04")
From: Seth Claudepierre (seth at aero.org)
We are pleased to announce release 4 (rel04) of the Van Allen Probes ECT/MagEIS data. This new release includes a number of minor bug fixes and changes to the data files and their contents, along with a few major changes. Of particular note is that the electron and proton energy channels are no longer time varying in a given daily CDF file; this important improvement and simplification to the data product means that you may have to modify your existing data analysis and processing routines.
Please see the MagEIS-related documentation at the ECT Science Operations and Data Center for more details:
4. Master’s Degree in Applied Space Weather Research at Catholic University of America
From: Vadim Uritsky (vadim.uritksy at nasa.gov)
The Department of Physics at Catholic University of America (CUA) is pleased to offer a two-year program for graduate students to earn a Master’s Degree in Applied Space Weather Research. The impetus for creating this new opportunity is the increasing need for expertise in space weather in the commercial sector, government, and academia. Although the importance of space weather and the potential hazards to technical systems and human health have been highlighted in several recent studies, universities have yet to fully accommodate the multi-disciplinary knowledge that will provide the foundation for a space-ready society of the future.
Course offerings for the Master’s Degree in Applied Space Weather Research cover both the fundamental physics of the Sun-Earth system and the technical aspects of infrastructure impacted by conditions in the space environment. Course instruction leverages the strong partnership between CUA and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The CUA Department of Physics has recently launched an on-campus Space Weather Center that will allow students to conduct research and access space weather data and models in a real-world setting.
CUA is accepting applications for the Fall 2018 semester. Information about the program can be found at https://physics.catholic.edu/academics/graduate/ms-space-weather/index.html. Questions about the program can be addressed to space-weather at cua.edu. We strongly recommend candidates contact CUA prior to submitting an application.
5. Positions Available within the AIDA Network
From: Giovanni Lapenta (giovanni.lapenta at kuleuven.be)
PhD and PostDoc Fellowships in Space Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence within the H2020 project AIDA (aida-space.eu)
The AIDA H2020 Consortium funded by the European Commission is looking to cover several positions at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. The AIDA consortium is composed by KU Leuven in Belgium; CWI in The Netherlands; University of Calabria, University of Pisa and CINECA in Italy; CNRS in France; IRIDA in Greece and by Space Consulting in USA.
The activities of AIDA will focus on the development of modelling and data analysis from multiple space missions of processes in the solar corona (flares, CMEs), in the solar wind and in the Earth’s magnetosphere. The work will be primarily in the development of new methods for data analysis and simulation, focusing especially on machine learning and artificial intelligence but covering also more traditional data analysis methods. Knowledge of the python programming language is critical in most tasks. The work will be based on the extensive previous expertise in the field of high performance computing, space science and its application to space weather within the consortium.
The selected candidates will have expertise in at least one of the following areas:
1. Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Bayesian Methods
2. Solar, Magnetospheric and Solar wind data analysis
3. Expertise on computer programming with Python, C, C++ or Fortran.
4. Plasma physics, astrophysics or space physics,
5. Numerical methods for fluid dynamics, MHD, and kinetic plasma physics (particle in cell methods, Vlasov Eulerian methods).
The researchers will have access to large parallel computer facilities and to a stimulating research environment within the AIDA consortium. The researchers will be employed by specific partners of AIDA, but collaborations with other centers are encouraged. An updated list of open positions can be found on www.aida-space.eu. Currently we have the following positions open:
* 1 PhD student position at KULeuven, Belgium: 4 years are the expected duration of a PhD at KULeuven: Details and Application Link: https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54648904
* 1 PostDoc position at KULeuven, Belgium: the position will be for up to 3 years. Details and Application Link: https://www.kuleuven.be/personeel/jobsite/jobs/54649709
* 1 Postdoc position at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, up to 3 years. Details and Application Link: https://tinyurl.com/aida-CWI-job
* 1 Postdoc position at the Department of Physics (UNIPI), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy up to 2 years. Details and Application Link: (see contact below). Required specializations: points 4, 5, 3.
* 2 Postdoc positions at the Department of Physics (UNICAL), University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, of the duration of two years each. Details and Application Link: (see contact below)
* 2 PostDoc positions at the Laboratory of Plasma Physics (CNRS), Paris, France: the duration of each position will be 1 year. Details and Application Link: (see contact below)
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made directly to partner hiring. Contact persons are:
* KULeuven: Prof. Giovanni Lapenta (tel: +32 16 327965, email: coordinator.aida at kuleuven.be).
* CWI: Dr. Enrico Camporeale (tel: +31 20 592 4240, email: e.camporeale at cwi.nl)
* UNIPI: Prof. Francesco Califano (tel: +39 050 2214 862, francesco.califano at unipi.it)
* UNICAL: Dr. Sergio Servidio (tel: +39 0984 496138, sergio.servidio at fis.unical.it), Dr. Francesco Valentini (tel: +39 0984 496129, francesco.valentini at unical.it
* CNRS: Dr. Alessandro Retinò (tel: +33 1 69335929, alessandro.retino at lpp.polytechnique.fr), Dr. Fouad Sahraoui (tel: +33 1 69335922, fouad.sahraoui at lpp.polytechnique.fr)
The review of the applications will begin on August 1, for full consideration it is advisable to send the applications before that date. The preferred start date for employment is September or October but it can be adjusted based on the candidate’s needs.
6. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Fellow in Space Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, NL, Canada
From: Danny Summers (dsummers at mun.ca)
A position of Postdoctoral Fellow in Space Physics is available in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, Canada. The start date is flexible, but Fall 2018 is preferred. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in space physics, plasma physics, or related field. Experience is required in one or more of the following : radiation belt physics, Earth's magnetosphere, solar wind, planetary magnetospheres, kinetic theory, MHD, computer simulations. Initial appointment is for one year, renewable subject to satisfactory performance and budget. Please send letter of application , statement of research interests and CV, and have at least three letters of reference sent, to Professor Danny Summers, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John's, NL, Canada A1C 5S7.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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