[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 53

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Nov 1 22:00:02 PDT 2018


Volume 28, Number 53

Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/

Table of Contents

1. Call for Proposals for New GEM Focus Groups – Deadline November 30th  

2. GEM Summer Workshop 2019: Mark Your Calendars!

3. “ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications” 2018 Mini-GEM Schedule

4. Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis Using SPEDAS - Updated

5. Call for Abstracts: EGU 2019 Session ST2.6

6. Postdoc and Graduate Student Opportunities at University of Michigan


1. Call for Proposals for New GEM Focus Groups – Deadline November 30th  
From: Jacob Bortnik on behalf of the GEM SC (jbortnik at atmos.ucla.edu)

The GEM Steering Committee (SC) is now accepting proposals for new Focus Groups (FGs), which are due by 5 pm (ET) Friday, November 30th. The official proposal guidelines are given in the GEM by-laws: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/GEM_Bylaws and a more informal description is given on pages 14-16 of the latest version of the GEM Best Practices document: http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/pdf/GEM_BestPractices_22Sep2017.pdf.

The proposals should be no more than 4 pages in length, organized under the following headings, and in the following order: 

1) Topic: a description of the topic
2) Timeliness: a statement on timeliness of the proposed FG
3) Fit: how does the FG relate to existing RA’s and FG’s, e.g., does it complement? Is there any duplication?
4) Goals & Deliverables: specific goals and target deliverables* 
5) Co-chairs: names of the proposed co-chairs (please note that current SC members may not act as co-chairs of new FG’s)
6) Research Area: the Research Area with which it will be associated
7) Term: 5 years or less from summer 2019
8) Expected activities: for example group challenges, plans for metrics and validation, and activities in support of GEM’s workshop atmosphere

*Deliverables can be GGCM modules, empirical relations that lead to modules, solutions to specific science problems, challenges, data sets for validation and metrics, or paper collections. 

The currently active FGs, their descriptions, research areas, and terms are available on the GEM website:http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/GEM_Focus_Groups 

Please keep in mind that on one hand we want to have a few active FGs operating under the umbrella of each Research Area, but there is no upper limit to the number within a research area. The GEM SC will consider all proposals received before the submission deadline. 

There will be an evening session at the Mini- Workshop at which the FG proposals will be presented and discussed in a forum open to the entire GEM community. The SC will then meet after the mini-workshop sessions to decide which proposals will be selected to become new GEM Focus Groups. If you are proposing a FG, then please plan to give a 5-minute presentation in this session. 

Please send FG proposals to the GEM Steering Committee Chair Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik at atmos.ucla.edu) and Chair-Elect Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu). Questions should be directed to the SC Chair or to the specific Research Area Coordinator for your topic, available at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/Organization_and_People. 

2. GEM Summer Workshop 2019: Mark Your Calendars!
From: Jacob Bortnik on behalf of the GEM steering committee  (jbortnik at atmos.ucla.edu)

This serves as a first “mark-your-calendars” announcement for the 2019 GEM summer workshop which will take place over the week of June 23-28, 2019, and will be held at the La Fonda Hotel, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  As in 2018, the GEM summer workshop will be coordinated with the CEDAR workshop (which will take place over the week of June 16-21 2019), with a CEDAR-GEM overlap day held at the La Fonda hotel on Saturday, June 22nd.  

Scientist housing will be at the La Fonda hotel, with overflow at the Hotel Chimayo de Santa Fe.  Students will be housed at the Hilton Santa Fe.  We also aim to pilot a new program with limited support for “family care grants”. These grants are intended to help offset the cost of childcare, though recipients will be responsible for arranging their own childcare.  More details will be provided in subsequent announcements.

We look forward to seeing you there!

3. “ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications” 2018 Mini-GEM Schedule
From: Mike Hartinger, Kazue Takahashi, Brian Kress (mdhartin at vt.edu)

The UMEA focus group will have two sessions at the 2018 mini-GEM meeting. Please contact the co-chairs to request a presentation, and check the wiki for updates (http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_ULF_Wave_Modeling%2C_Effects%2C_and_Applications).

ULF modulation of the aurora, Heliophysics/Geospace system observatory coordination for ULF wave studies, 1350-1520 Salon C: 
This session focuses on understanding a variety of mechanisms responsible for ULF modulations of the aurora. Eric Donovan will give a 30 minute invited presentation, with the rest of the session open for presentations and discussion on this topic. We welcome discussion of ULF aurora generation mechanisms and the types of conjunctions, observations, and models needed to understand the zoo of ULF auroral modulations. We also welcome discussion of upcoming observation campaigns/satellite conjunctions that would be particularly useful for ULF wave studies.

ULF wave modeling challenge and research highlights, 1530-1700 Salon C: 
The first part of the session is for updates on the idealized ULF wave modeling challenge and potential 2019 GEM sessions. The next part of the session is for observation/model presentations relevant to the 27-28 May 2017 ULF wave challenge event and final selection of the modeling challenge targets – all types of models and observations welcome. The last part of the session will be open for 1 slide ULF wave modeling and observation research highlights. 

4. Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis Using SPEDAS - Updated
From: Eric Grimes, Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos and the SPEDAS team (egrimes at igpp.ucla.edu)

The SPEDAS development team invites you to a webinar we'll be holding on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern. The focus of this webinar will be on FPI/HPCA analysis tools in SPEDAS.

Topic: Special MMS Plasma Webinar on FPI/HPCA Analysis using SPEDAS - Updated
Time: Nov 7, 2018 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Tentative agenda:
  1) Introduction to FPI and HPCA load routines and keywords
  2) Energy, PA, gyro phase spectra from distributions (mms_part_getspec)
  3) 2D velocity/energy slices from distributions (mms_part_slice2d)
  4) Combining time series moments/spectra with 2D slices (mms_flipbookify)
  5) Visualizing the distributions in 3D (mms_part_isee3d)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/696696857

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16699006833,,696696857#  or +16465588656,,696696857# 
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): 
        US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 558 8656 
        Norway: +47 7349 4877  or +47 2396 0588 
        Japan: +81 (0) 524 564 439  or +81 (0) 3 4578 1488 
        Austria: +43 (0) 72 011 5988  or +43 (0) 670 309 0165 
    Meeting ID: 696 696 857
    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/aeA4I2wfyS

Or an H.323/SIP room system:
    H.323: (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)
    Meeting ID: 696 696 857

    SIP: 696696857 at zoomcrc.com

5. Call for Abstracts: EGU 2019 Session ST2.6
From: Maria Usanova, Yuri Shprits (maria.usanova at lasp.colorado.edu)

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to ST2.6, Inner Magnetosphere Interactions and Coupling session at the EGU General Assembly to be held 7–12 April, 2019 in Vienna, Austria.  

Conveners: Yuri Shprits and Maria Usanova

Abstract submission: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/sessionprogramme

The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2018, 13:00 CET.

Session: ST2.6, Inner Magnetosphere Interactions and Coupling
The complicated and non-linear responses of various plasma populations in the inner magnetosphere are driven by the solar wind and determined by various coupling mechanisms. The inner magnetospheric particle population is driven by the global and local electric and magnetic fields. The Ionosphere serves as a sink of energy and feeds back magnetosphere, as well as provides the source of outflow particles for refilling of the lost magnetospheric particles. Precipitating inner magnetospheric particles cause changes in the ionospheric conductivity and may affect the upper atmospheric chemistry and climate. Dynamics of the plasmasphere, ring current and radiation belts are also coupled by means of currents and fields as well as wave-particle interactions. While the dynamics of outer planets’ magnetospheres are driven by a unique combination of internal coupling processes, the latter have a number of fascinating similarities which make comparative studies particularly interesting.
We invite a broad range of theoretical, modelling, and observational studies focusing on the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere of the Earth and outer planets, including the coupling of the inner magnetosphere and ionosphere and coupling between the solar wind disturbances and various magnetospheric processes. In particular, we encourage presentations using data from MMS, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, Arase (ERG), Juno and cube-sat missions.

6. Postdoc and Graduate Student Opportunities at University of Michigan
From: Tuija Pulkkinen (tuija at umich.edu)

The University of Michigan Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering is looking for 1-2 Post-doctoral scientists and 1-2 PhD students to work on science of space weather. The research focuses on key processes driving the dynamics of the space plasma environment using global models of the solar wind – magnetosphere coupling and/or spaceborne and ground-based observations of the Earth’s space environment. Research will be conducted in national and international collaboration using state-of-the-art models and spaceborne observations in the research group of Professor Tuija Pulkkinen.

PhD student candidates should hold a BSc or MSc degree in suitable fields and apply through https://rackham.umich.edu/admissions/applying/. PhD students are guaranteed support for five years after their BSc. PostDoc candidates should have a PhD and experience in space physics or nearby fields. Experience in programming is considered an asset. The PostDoc appointment is initially for one year, with possibility for extension. Salary and benefits are based on experience and University of Michigan payscale.

Deadline for applications is Nov 30, but applications are accepted until the positions are filled. For more information, please see http://clasp.engin.umich.edu/. Please send your applications including a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, and names of three references to tuija at umich.edu.

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, GEM Communications Coordinator, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>

URL of GEM Home Page:  http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information:  http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

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