[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 55
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 14 18:08:44 PST 2018
Volume 28, Number 55
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. Mini-GEM 2018: Conductance Challenge Joint Session
2. Mini-GEM 2018: The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group Session
1. Mini-GEM 2018: Conductance Challenge Joint Session
From: Katherine Garcia-Sage, Hyunju Connor, Mike Liemohn, Lutz Rastaetter, Rob Redmon (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov)
Please join us for the Conductance Challenge session at mini-GEM! This is a joint session with the Modeling Methods and Validation FG and the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Coupling FG. The focus is on discussion of conductance and conductivity-related observations, modeling, and model-data comparisons for the following 4 events:
2016 Oct 13-15
2013 March 17
2015 Jun 21-24
2012 March 9
If you have recently made any improvements to your conductance modeling or auroral region data availability, we hope you'll attend! The session will be at 3:30 pm.
Confirmed presenters so far include:
Agnit Mukhopadhyay
Margaret Chen
Bob Robinson
Gang Lu - presented by Hyunju Connor
Contact Katherine Garcia-Sage (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov) or Hyunju Connor (hkconnor at alaska.edu) for more info.
MM&V Focus Group Co-Chairs Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Mike Liemohn, and Rob Redmon
MIT Coupling Focus Group Co-Chairs Hyunju Connor, Binzheng Zhang, Gang Lu, and Haje Korth
2. Mini-GEM 2018: The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group Session
From: Chih-Ping Wang, Andrei Runov, David Sibekc, Slava Merkin, Yu Lin (cat at atmos.ucla.edu)
The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group will hold a session at the Mini-GEM workshop.
Time: 3:30-5:00 PM, Sunday, December 9, 2018
Location: Jefferson Room, Hilton Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia
The 90 minute session will include two parts:
(1) Progress on the topics of this FG: We would like to solicit short (< 5 min) GEM-style presentations of your current work on observations and modeling of structure, dynamics, and boundary processes in the mid-tail magnetosphere and magnetosheath. Topics related to near-Earth tail are also welcomed.
(2) Modeling challenge: We will present a modeling challenge event, 06-11 UT of 2017-07-09, for understanding the global response of the tail, from near-Earth to mid-tail, to a gradual solar wind dynamic pressure increase, an IMF southward turning, and an IMF northward turning. This is an midnight conjunction event of Arase(ERG), GOES, Geotail, MMS, and ARTEMIS. The observations will be compared with the BATS-R-US, OpenGGCM, and LFM runs conducted on NASA CCMC.
If you would like to present, please contact Chih-Ping Wang (cat at atmos.ucla.edu)
More information on this FG can be found at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Tail_Environment_and_Dynamics_at_Lunar_Distances
Chih-Ping, Andrei, David, Slava, and Yu
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, GEM Communications Coordinator, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>
URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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