[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 29, Number 46
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon Dec 30 16:40:22 PST 2019
Volume 29, Number 46
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. GEM 2020 Workshop Dates and Location
2. Reminder of announcement for the XII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2020) to be held in Pucón, Chile, from 14-18 of December 2020 (Eclipse time)
3. SURVEY: Shape the Future of Space
1. GEM 2020 Workshop Dates and Location
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu)
It is my pleasure to announce some great news - the contracts have been signed for the GEM 2020 workshop. Umbe and the UNH folks (Chia-Lin Huang and Chris Mouikis) did a fantastic job!!!
As a reminder, the workshop will be back-to-back with SHINE, our sister organization studying solar and heliospheric physics. The dates are those distributed previously: SHINE is July 12 - July 17, the joint GEM/SHINE day is July 18, and GEM is July 19-July 24. As we have done in the past, we will plan on putting GEM-relevant sessions in SHINE near the end of the first week and SHINE-relevant sessions in GEM near the beginning of the second week so that people do not have to be away the full two weeks (unless they want to!).
About the location, the rumors are true - we will be going to Hawaii! A major motivation for doing the workshops in Hawaii is that first light of the DKIST telescope in Maui is expected this summer. Both workshops will be held in the Alohilani Resort Waikiki in Honolulu, Hawaii. Information will be forthcoming at the GEM workshop website; stay tuned for an announcement when it is ready.
Thanks, and happy holidays!
2. The XII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2020), Pucón, Chile, 14-18 December 2020 (Eclipse time)
From: Juan Alejandro Valdivia (alejo at macul.ciencias.uchile.cl)
Reminder of announcement
for the XII Latin American Conference on Space Geophysics (Colage 2020)
to be held in Pucón, Chile, from 14-18 of December 2020
The conference will be held during the time of the Solar Eclipse, and Pucon will be at the center of the Umbra. Having a conference at the same time of the Eclipse can be a great opportunity and an unforgettable experience but also brings a number of complications. Please be aware that many of the hotel rooms around Pucon were reserved a very long time ago for the Eclipse, so that we would suggest to make reservations as soon as possible. We will probably have a very large number of people going to the area for the Eclipse.
We would like to remind you that we are approaching very quickly the following deadlines:
Pre-Registration Deadline: December 31st, 2019
Housing Deadline: December 31st, 2019
Abstract Deadline: March 15th, 2020
For more information see https://ccc.ciencias.uchile.cl/2020colage/info.php
The Conveners and Scientific committee
3. SURVEY: Shape the Future of Space
From: The APL Space Survey Team (aplspacesurvey at jhuapl.edu)
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) is performing an internally-funded three-round survey to identify possible disruptive futures and potential inflection points for the space industry. Our goal is to understand the range of possible futures and, in our role as a Trusted Agent, identify actions that the United States Government should take to ensure continued advancement of the domestic space industry. We invite you to share your vision for the future of space by participating in this survey.
Participants from the first round of this survey provided thought-provoking answers to our question prompts. We have taken several recurring themes and ideas from those original responses to construct this second round, which aims to narrow down and find expert consensus among the concepts that emerged in our first analysis. Your responses to this survey will help us construct the final round of questions, which will further explore proposed space futures.
We request that you participate, if possible, in both this second round and the forthcoming third round of this survey.
***The results of the study will be shared with everyone who participates in both remaining rounds.***
The survey is going out to people with known space expertise across the industry. As you are a valued member of that community, we encourage you to forward it to others you know who have ideas to contribute. The more who participate, the better chance we will have of capturing the broadest set of ideas.
Thank you for your participation in this survey. We see this as a very exciting time for space development!
The survey is managed through the online SurveyMonkey tool. We ask that you respond by January 15th, 2020.
The link to the survey is:
Thank you!
The APL Space Survey Team
aplspacesurvey at jhuapl.edu
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, Editor of the GEM Messenger, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>.
GemWiki website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/
Workshop Coordinator website: https://gemworkshop.org/
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