[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 29, Number 11
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed May 15 09:03:32 PDT 2019
Volume 29, Number 11
*** Pre-register the 2019 GEM Summer Workshop at https://gemworkshop.org/ NOW! The early-bird registration deadline is midnight at the end of today, May 15. ***
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. GEM 2019 Workshop: "ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications" Focus Group Sessions
2. GEM 2019 Workshop “Magnetic Reconnection in the Age of the Heliophysics System Observatory” Focus Group Sessions
3. GEM 2019 Workshop: Call for Participation in the MAPS Focus Group Sessions
4. GEM 2019 Workshop: Modeling Methods and Validation Focus Group Sessions
5. SPA Images for AGU Centennial
6. SESSION: Call for Abstracts at 16th ESWW - Achievements in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling During Geomagnetic Storms and Magnetospheric Substorms
1. GEM 2019 Workshop: "ULF Wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications" Focus Group Sessions
From: Michael Hartinger, Kazue Takahashi, Alexander Drozdov, Maria Usanova, Brian Kress (mdhartin at vt.edu)
The UMEA focus group is pleased to welcome two new co-chairs, Alexander Drozdov and Maria Usanova!
UMEA will have 6 sessions at the 2019 GEM meeting. To request a Wed 1030 presentation, contact Tom Elsden (te55 at st-andrews.ac.uk). For all other sessions, use this form and/or contact co-chairs by June 12: https://forms.gle/UecDS4oyGQa4g19Q8
Short session descriptions below. Visit the GEM wiki page for full session descriptions and latest UMEA updates: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_ULF_Wave_Modeling%2C_Effects%2C_and_Applications
Monday 3:30 PM, joint MMV – Recent Advances in ULF wave research: Modeling. Discussion of advances in ULF wave research, with focus on modeling and including the ULF wave modeling challenge event on 27-28 May 2017.
Wednesday 10:30 AM, joint Dayside Kinetics/IHMIC, discussion leader Tom Elsden – The ULF response to dayside transients with different temporal/spatial scales and asymmetries. The aim of this session is to bring together three focus groups to discuss the ULF response to dayside transients, including related asymmetries.
Wednesday 3:30 PM, joint IEMIT – ULF wave modeling challenges associated with M-I-T Coupling. This session aims to bring together researchers from the ULF wave and M-I-T coupling research communities to discuss challenges associated with realistically modeling M-I-T coupling processes associated with ULF waves.
Thursday 10:30 AM, joint Radiation Belt – EMIC waves. There are many unresolved questions that limit further investigation, modeling and prediction of dynamical processes in the inner magnetosphere involving EMIC waves. Hence, we invite short presentations that discuss recent findings in different areas of EMIC wave research and identify observations/models most needed to address unresolved questions.
Thursday 1:30 PM – Recent advances in ULF wave research: Observations. Discussion of recent advances in ULF wave research, with focus on observations and a general discussion of Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory coordination for ULF wave studies.
Thursday 3:30PM, discussion leaders Xueling Shi and Hyomin Kim – ULF waves driven by wave-particle interactions and instabilities. The purpose of this session is to bring together modelers and observers to discuss the underlying processes that drive/damp these waves, their impact(s) on the M-I system, and the models/observations needed to better understand wave dynamics.
2. GEM 2019 Workshop “Magnetic Reconnection in the Age of the Heliophysics System Observatory” Focus Group Sessions
From: Rick Wilder, Shan Wang, Mike Shay, Anton Artemyev (frederick.wilder at lasp.colorado.edu)
We are pleased to announce the sessions for this year’s GEM focus group on magnetic reconnection. This year, the GEM meeting is joint with the MMS Science Working Team (SWT) meeting, and therefore, we expect a lot of activity this year. The main goal of our focus group is to use the significant volume of data available regarding magnetic reconnection and compare it with global and local models of the physics. Our over-arching questions include the following:
1) What is the relation between magnetic reconnection and turbulence?
2) How does reconnection evolve beyond 2-D laminar models: waves, parallel electric fields, dissipation?
3) How is the energy associated with magnetic reconnection dissipated?
4) How does the local physics of magnetic reconnection depend on, and determine the global plasma and magnetic field configurations?
We will be hosting five sessions:
Session 1:
Monday, June 24, 3:30 – 5:00 PM, Local and Kinetic Physics of Magnetic Reconnection.
Session 2:
Tuesday, June 25, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, Local and Kinetic Physics of Magnetic Reconnection.
Session 3:
Tuesday, June 25, 1:30 – 3:00 PM, Local and Kinetic Physics of Magnetic Reconnection.
Session 4:
Thursday, June 27, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM, System Influences on and Consequences of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail
Session 5:
Thursday, June 27, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM, System Influences on and Consequences of Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause (Joint With Dayside Kinetics FG)
We intend to have this group be workshop style, with ~20 minutes available for open discussion at the end of each session. We therefore encourage you to condense your findings to 3-5 slides and be prepared for discussion and lots of questions.
Please send your presentations to the focus group organizers. For Session 5 please contact both Rick Wilder (frederick.wilder at lasp.colorado.edu) and Ying Zou (yingzou at bu.edu).
Rick, Shan, Anton, Mike
3. GEM 2019 Workshop: Call for Participation in the MAPS Focus Group Sessions
From: Kyle Murphy (kylemurphy.spacephys at gmail.com)
Dear GEM Colleagues,
The “Testing Proposed Links between Mesoscale Auroral and Polar Cap Dynamics and Substorms” Focus Group will have one stand a lone and one joint session at this year’s GEM Workshop. The joint session with “Magnetotail Dipolarization and Its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere” will focus the effects of substorms and dipolarizations on the inner magnetosphere, including for instance, the ring current, the radiation belts, and the plasmasphere. The standalone session will be for general substorm discussion and related talks, of particular interest is new tools to investigate substorm and auroral dynamics.
We invite all that are interested in presenting in either of these sessions to email Kyle Murphy at kylemurphy.spacephys at gmail.com.
4. GEM 2019 Workshop: Modeling Methods and Validation Focus Group Sessions
From: Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Mike Liemohn, and Rob Redmon (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov)
We invite you to participate in the Modeling Methods and Validation Sessions at the upcoming GEM workshop. We will have one general session on modeling methods, metrics, and validation topics at 10:30am on Monday.
Joint sessions will be:
1:30 pm Monday - Distant Tail
3:30 pm Monday - ULF Waves
3:30 pm Tuesday - Electrodynamics of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere - Conductance Challenge Session
3:30 pm Thursday - Dayside Kinetics
You can find more information about the joint sessions from the announcements of the joint focus groups, or by contacting us directly. If you have any questions or would like to participate, contact us at katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov.
We look forward to seeing you at GEM!
Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Mike Liemohn, and Rob Redmon
5. SPA Images for AGU Centennial
From: Christina Cohen (cohen at srl.caltech.edu)
Greetings from Your Space Physics & Aeronomy Section Leadership!
This Fall Meeting is also our Centennial, and we are collecting iconic images and graphics that represent progress within our field over the past 100 years. The images and graphics can include results and observations, science history, vision of the future, scientists and engineers in action (instrumentation development and building), rocket spacecraft missions, etc. Some of the images will be displayed at the Centennial theater screen on a rotating basis with images collected from other sections and potentially on other AGU media.
For additional questions or comments about the images, please contact any one of the SPA section leadership members, listed below. Images/graphics along with a short title or brief description may be sent to Christina Cohen (cohen at srl.caltech.edu).
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Fall Meeting!
Christina Cohen, President
Geoff Reeves, President-elect (geoff at reevesresearch.org)
Elizabeth MacDonald, Secretary - Magnetospheric Physics (elizabeth.a.macdonald at nasa.gov)
Romina Nikoukar, Secretary - Aeronomy (Romina.Nikoukar at jhuapl.edu)
Christina O. Lee, Secretary - Solar-Heliospheric Physics (clee at ssl.berkeley.edu)
6. SESSION: Call for Abstracts at 16th ESWW - Achievements in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling During Geomagnetic Storms and Magnetospheric Substorms
From: Tommaso Alberti (tommasoalberti89 at gmail.com)
Dear Colleagues,
we kindly invite you to contribute to the session “Achievements in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling during geomagnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms” which will be held at the Sixteenth European Space Weather Week, 18 - 22 November, 2019, Liège, Belgium (http://www.stce.be/esww16/).
To submit your abstract, you can follow this link: https://register-as.oma.be/esww16/abstract.php .
Please note that deadline for abstract submission is 9 June 2019 (there is no article processing charge).
Below some details about our session:
“Achievements in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling during geomagnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms”
Conveners: Tommaso Alberti, Paola De Michelis, Anna Belehaki
Session description:
Geomagnetic and ionospheric storms and magnetospheric substorms are the major complex disturbances of Space Weather. Their triggering mechanisms are known to be multifaceted phenomena, originating from the solar corona, propagating through the interplanetary space, and affecting the circumterrestrial environment, e.g., the magnetosphere, the ionosphere, and the thermosphere. Sometime they can also affect the Earth’s surface generating electrical currents, which are capable of travelling into the power grid, potentially damaging transformers and causing regional power shortages or even blackouts. In the past several studies have been devoted to the understanding of the response of the Earth’s magnetosphere – ionosphere system to the changes of the solar wind and interplanetary conditions and to the study of geomagnetic storms, substorms and to the coincident thermospheric storms. Several data have been used to characterize these phenomena coming from different satellites and ground-based observatories, as well as, also new tools and methods of analysis have been proposed to quantify and characterise the dynamics of these complex phenomena.
This session aims at discussing the most recent results in the characterisation of the complex solar wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere - thermosphere coupling and dynamics in response to interplanetary condition changes, both on theoretical and observational points of view, and in providing an overview of the relevance of data analysis tools, novel conceptual studies, dynamical systems approaches and methods in the investigation and modelling of relevant phenomena. Feedback from different methods and models relevant to the investigation and characterization of physical processes in the coupled magnetospheric-ionospheric-thermospheric system is also encouraged.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Liège!
Your sincerely,
Tommaso, Paola, and Anna
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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