[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 29, Number 42
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sat Nov 30 07:58:04 PST 2019
Volume 29, Number 42
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. Mini-GEM Session: ULTIMA Forum for Ground-based Magnetometers
2. Mini-GEM Session: Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
3. Mini-GEM Session: Dipolarization and its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere
4. Mini-GEM Session: “System Understanding of Radiation Belt Particle Dynamics through Multi-Spacecraft and Ground-Based Observations and Modeling” Focus Group
5. Judging for AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards
6. Postdoctoral Positions at Southern University of Science and Technology, China
1. Mini-GEM Session: ULTIMA Forum for Ground-based Magnetometers
From: Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu)
A ground-based magnetometer session organized jointly by GEM and ULTIMA will take place during the mini-GEM Workshop in San Francisco.
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am, December 8, 2019
Location: Redwood Room, Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness Avenue
We invite short presentations on the instrumentation or operation of ground magnetometers, and scientific studies of which magnetometer data play an important role. Please contact Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu) if you wish to give a talk in this session.
Confirmed speakers and topics:
* Jennifer Gannon: MagStar
* Hyomin Kim (for Nathaniel Frissell): Personal space weather station
* Alfredo Del Corpo: Field line resonance sounding of the magnetosphere
There will be a related session on "Discussion of the Future of US-Supported Ground Magnetometer Arrays for Space Weather Monitoring and Research" starting at 12 pm after a brief lunch break. More information about the mini-GEM Workshop can be found at:
2. Mini-GEM Session: Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction
From: Heli Hietala, Ying Zou, Andrew P. Dimmock, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Gabor Toth (heli at igpp.ucla.edu)
We invite you to participate in the Dayside Kinetics Focus Group’s session at the upcoming mini-GEM meeting on Sunday December 8 at the Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway.
Time: 15:30-17:00 PM, Sunday, December 8, 2019
Location: Washington Room
Theme: focus group coordination, work-in-progress, and research highlights
The first part of the session is for discussion on potential 2020 GEM sessions - bring your ideas! For the second part, we invite short presentations of your work on observations and modeling of kinetic processes at the magnetopause, magnetosheath, bow shock and foreshock as well as their global connections. We encourage in particular updates and work-in-progress related to the on-going FG themes: (i) geoeffectivity of dayside kinetic transients; (ii) southward IMF challenge; (iii) synergy between observations and modeling.
If you’d like to speak in our session, please send your session idea or talk title, and whether it’s AGU material or work in-progress to Heli Hietala (heli at igpp.ucla.edu) by Thursday, Dec 5.
We also encourage you to attend and participate in the discussions. Hope you will join us!
Heli Hietala, Ying Zou, Andrew P. Dimmock, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, and Gabor Toth
3. Mini-GEM Session: Dipolarization and its Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere
From: Christine Gabrielse (christine.gabrielse at aero.org)
We invite the GEM community to participate in a discussion on the topic of dipolarization and its effects throughout the tail and on the inner magnetosphere. We had a very fruitful debate last year on the topic of scale sizes and the question of "do many DFBs contribute to the large-scale dipolarization" in terms of magnetic flux, current, and particles. Over the summer we had an energetic discussion on energy dissipation. We would now like to take a pulse of the community to solicit feedback and thoughts for next steps.
We would like open discussion, but your contributions may include ~3 slides, since a demonstration of your work in the area helps diagnose interest.
We will meet in Gold Rush A at 15:30-17:00.
For Mini-GEM details: https://gemworkshop.org/
Please contact Christine if you would like to contribute or if you have questions. (christine.gabrielse at aero.org or cgabrielse at ucla.edu for faster response during AGU week.)
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Christine, Matina, Drew, Slava, and David
4. Mini-GEM Session: “System Understanding of Radiation Belt Particle Dynamics through Multi-Spacecraft and Ground-Based Observations and Modeling” Focus Group
From: Hong Zhao, Lauren Blum, Sasha Ukhorskiy, Sean Fu (hong.zhao at lasp.colorado.edu)
We would like to invite the GEM community to participate in the mini-GEM sessions of our focus group, “System Understanding of Radiation Belt Particle Dynamics through Multi-Spacecraft and Ground-Based Observations and Modeling”. We will be hosting two sessions at mini-GEM:
Session 1 (12:00 – 1:30 pm):
Recent Radiation Belt Space Mission Status and Results: How Multipoint Observations Can Enhance Science Return
Speakers: Sasha Ukhorskiy (Van Allen Probes), Yoshizumi Miyoshi (ARASE), James McCollough (DSX), Vassilis Angelopoulos (ELFIN), Lauren Blum (GTOSat), Lengying Khoo (CIRBE), Sarah Jones (LAMP), Robyn Millan (REAL), and Alexa Halford (REACH)
Session 2 (1:45 – 3:15 pm):
1. Panel Discussion on Chorus Wave Generation
Moderator: Sean Fu
Panelists: Oleksiy Agapitov, Jinxing Li, Wen Li, and Yoshiharu Omura
2. Feedbacks on mini-GEM FG Activities and Discussion on Potential Focused Topics
Chair: Hong Zhao
We would greatly appreciate your participation in our mini-GEM sessions and look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.
Hong Zhao, Lauren Blum, Sasha Ukhorskiy, and Sean Fu
5. Judging for AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards
From: Sarah Vines, Sam Schonfeld, Betsey Mitchell (agu.spa.ospa at gmail.com)
Dear Colleagues,
This year, over 3,000 students wish to be considered for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA), with over 200 students participating from the SPA section alone! Please consider volunteering to judge student presentations, as this provides a great avenue for students to grow in their research. For those who have signed up already, your efforts are much appreciated!
To sign up and find student presentations in the SM, SH, and SA sessions still needing judges, go to https://ospa.agu.org/2019/ospa/find-presentations/.
If you have any questions about the OSPA process, please feel free to contact us at agu.spa.ospa at gmail.com. Thank you for your assistance and for ensuring the success of the OSPA program!
Sarah Vines, Sam Schonfeld, and Betsey Mitchell
6. Postdoctoral Positions at Southern University of Science and Technology, China
From: Jian Yang (yangj36 at sustech.edu.cn)
Multiple postdoctoral positions are available in the field of space (plasma) physics at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. The selected candidates will work on with Dr. Kaijun Liu, Dr. Shengyi Ye and/or Dr. Jian Yang in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences (http://ess.sustech.edu.cn). The research includes broad topics like radio emissions, plasma waves, radiation belts, auroral dynamics, planetary magnetospheres, M-I coupling, as well as experimental space physics.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in space physics (or a related field) or soon to be completed. The positions are for two years with the possibility of an extension based on performance and funding availability. Salary (typically between 350,000 and 400,000 RMB) and benefits will be commensurate with education and experience.
Interested candidates should send curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, along with a list of three references and contact information to Ms. Anka Chen at chenak at mail.sustech.edu.cn.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, Editor of the GEM Messenger, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>.
GemWiki website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/
Workshop Coordinator website: https://gemworkshop.org/
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