[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 30, Number 4
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun Feb 9 16:03:15 PST 2020
Volume 30, Number 4
Announcement submission website:
Table of Contents
1. 2020 GEM Summer Workshop: Application for Student Travel Support
2. Boulder Space Weather Summer School
3. Deadline for Submitting a Paper to URSI GASS 2020 Is Postponed to February 10, 2020!
4. JpGU Meeting 2020 - M-AG43 - The Application Usability Level (AUL): A Standard Measure of Progress to Benefit Space Research
5. SCOSTEP/PRESTO Newsletter Vol.22
6. Energetic Particle Space Scientist, Research Associate Position at CIRES/NOAA-NCEI
7. Job Announcement: Visiting Young Scientist at Dartmouth College
1. 2020 GEM Summer Workshop: Application for Student Travel Support
From: Chia-Lin Huang, Chris Mouikis (chia-lin.huang at unh.edu)
Aloha! GEM student financial support is available for graduate students and junior postdocs to attend the upcoming workshop at Hawaii on July 19- 24. Student applicants are required to attend the student day and present a poster at the meeting. Please submit your financial support applications by April 1st through the conference website. Mahalo!
2. Boulder Space Weather Summer School
From: Stan Solomon (stans at ucar.edu)
Applications will be due soon for the 2020 Boulder Space Weather Summer School, which will be held June 29 – July 10 at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, in Boulder, Colorado. The SWSS is a comprehensive two-week introduction to the science of space weather: what it is, what it does, and what can be done about it.
* Application Deadline: March 1, 2020 *
The SWSS curriculum integrates the fundamental science of the Sun-Earth system with the impacts of space weather, and has a particular emphasis on modeling and forecasting. The School is broadly designed for graduate students who are considering space weather or space physics as a research field, as well as active practitioners from government and industry (for example, space weather forecasters). Admission is also open to advanced undergraduate students. The pedagogical approach combines morning lectures from distinguished experts, with interactive learning labs in the afternoons that give students hands-on experience analyzing and interpreting data from spacecraft, and output from state-of-the-art models. The interactive activities culminate in a capstone project where students synthesize and apply the concepts and skills they have learned to forecast a space weather event, from its origins on the Sun to its impact on the Earth.
Local SWSS partners include the NCAR High Altitude Observatory, the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, the National Solar Observatory, and the University of Colorado. Lecturers come from these and other leading research and educational institutions across the US, particularly Boston University, where the summer school originated.
For further information, and instructions on how to apply, see:
3. Deadline for Submitting a Paper to URSI GASS 2020 Is Postponed to February 10, 2020!
From: Wen Li (wenli77 at bu.edu)
General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GASS) from 29 August to 5 September, 2020, Rome, Italy.
The DEADLINE for submission of abstracts, for application for Young Scientists Award, and for Student Paper Competition is extended to February 10, 2020. The abstracts submission website is the following: https://www.ursi2020.org/author-info-abstract-submission/
We particularly invite students to participate in the URSI-GASS 2020 Student Paper Competition. Young Scientists Awards will be set up to assist young scientists to attend the URSI-GASS. The full details can be found at https://www.ursi2020.org/
Please note that we will ACCEPT USUALLY FORMATTED ABSTRACTS prepared in the template named "extended abstracts". Authors who wish to submit a longer "Summary Paper" with figures and references to the proceedings still have the opportunity to do so but not required unless the authors apply for a Young Scientists Award. The abstracts have to be submitted as pdf files.
The URSI-GASS will have an open scientific program covered by ten Commissions of URSI, two of which (Commission H and G) are closely related to the GEM community. Please find the full scientific program at https://www.ursi2020.org/program/
4. JpGU Meeting 2020 - M-AG43 - The Application Usability Level (AUL): A Standard Measure of Progress to Benefit Space Research
From: Jeff Klenzing, Adam Kellerman, Brett Carter, Tam Dao (akellerman at epss.ucla.edu)
As space physics becomes both more interdisciplinary and more intertwined with commercial and government operations, there has risen a need for improved communication between different groups, and a system for tracking the progress of a project towards the specific application for a given user. The Application Usability Level (AUL) framework was developed precisely for this task, and in addition, encourages publication of instrument-like papers for delivering and publicizing AULs to help the community quantify the progress of successful applications, metrics, and validation efforts.
In a given project within the AUL framework, there is typically a diverse eco-system of individuals necessary to ultimately produce a useful space weather product or productive research collaboration. For example, in the case of non-academic fields, users and researchers alike may benefit from a translator, i.e. a broker, who may help with the effective transition from research to operations. Independent validators are another essential player for validation efforts and comparing like products for a specified application. In many cases the different players throughout the process will act in multiple roles as well as act in different roles for different projects and AUL pathways.
We invite papers to this session that show projects which are using the AUL framework, have found new research and applications through transdisciplinary interactions, or describe how a project moves through this eco-system and the players involved.
Abstracts are due Feb 18.
5. SCOSTEP/PRESTO Newsletter Vol.22
From: Kazuo Shiokawa, SCOSTEP President (shiokawa at nagoya-u.jp)
SCOSTEP/PRESTO Newsletter volume 22 has now been published. The PDF file is available at
Below are the contents of this volume.
Contents of SCOSTEP/PRESTO Newsletter Volume 22
1. Introducing PRESTO - Predictability of the Variable Solar-Terrestrial Coupling
2. Pillar 1: Sun, interplanetary space and geospace
3. Pillar 2: Space weather and Earth’s atmosphere
4. Pillar 3: Solar activity and its influence on climate
Meeting Report
1. COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop
1. Deadline Extension for Submission on JASTP Special Issue of VarSITI2019 and STP-14
Upcoming Meetings
6. Energetic Particle Space Scientist, Research Associate Position at CIRES/NOAA-NCEI
From: Brian Kress (brian.kress at colorado.edu)
The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado at Boulder has an immediate opening for a Research Associate supporting NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). This position is for an Energetic Particle Space Scientist in NCEI’s Solar and Terrestrial Physics (STP) Group. A team of dedicated scientists within STP works to ensure that current and future space weather sensors on NOAA satellites provide effective operational products for use by the NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). STP’s overall responsibilities also include providing access to these environmental data by spacecraft engineers and the scientific community. The Energetic Particle Space Scientist will be primarily responsible for ensuring the quality and availability of data from the Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS), operated on-board NOAA’s Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-R series system. SEISS measures the local charged particle environment across a broad energy range at multiple pitch angles. The GOES-R series is NOAA’s newest generation of GOES spacecraft. The first GOES-R satellite, GOES-16, was launched in November 2016. The fourth and last GOES-R satellite is expected to launch in 2024. SEISS calibration and validation activities are ongoing.
Required -
• This position involves handling of export-controlled documents and data, thus only applications from US citizens or permanent residents (green card holders) can be considered.
• If hired, you will need to pass a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI, Federal background check).
• Ph.D. in Physical Science, Engineering or similar technical discipline.
• Four years’ experience at the post-bachelor’s level in satellite sensor design, algorithm development, and/or scientific research with space environmental data.
What We Would Like You to Have -
• Ph.D. in Space Plasma Physics.
• 1-2 years’ post-doctoral experience working with space plasma instrumentation and instrument data.
• Familiarity with NOAA’s satellite programs, particularly GOES.
• Willingness to pursue independent funding for research.
For additional information and application instructions go to
Contact: Brian Kress (brian.kress at noaa.gov).
7. Job Announcement: Visiting Young Scientist at Dartmouth College
From: James LaBelle, Kristina Lynch (James.W.LaBelle at Dartmouth.edu)
A visiting appointment for a recent Ph.D. scientist is available at Dartmouth College. The appointment would be for up to 6 months during academic year 2020-21. The position includes teaching in the departments of Physics and Astronomy, Engineering, or Earth Sciences. Extension of appointment may be possible using appropriate sponsored research projects. To qualify, candidates must be U.S. citizens engaged in research related to space science, planetary science, astrophysics, remote sensing, aerospace technology, or technology dependent on space-based platforms. To apply, send a 1-2 page summary of short-term and long-term (career) teaching and research goals, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references to: Visiting Young Scientist, c/o Tressena Manning, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College, 6127 Wilder Hall, Hanover, NH 03755. For more information, e-mail either (Professor) Kristina.A.Lynch at dartmouth.edu or (Professor) James.W.LaBelle at Dartmouth.edu. Applications will be reviewed starting April 15, 2020. The position is funded by NASA NH Space Grant. Dartmouth College is committed to diversity in hiring, and members of under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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For any other questions, please contact Peter Chi, Editor of the GEM Messenger, at <pchi at igpp.ucla.edu>.
GemWiki website: https://gem.epss.ucla.edu/
Workshop Coordinator website: https://gemworkshop.org/
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