Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Dec 10 19:12:37 PST 2015
Volume XXII, Issue 68
December 10, 2015
Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Todd King, Kevin Addison
Email: editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Table of Contents
1. Updated Time and Room Location for LWS TR&T Town Hall Meeting
2. SPEDAS (MMS, THEMIS, ERG ...) Tutorials and User/Programmer Coordination Session at mini-GEM
Updated Time and Room Location for LWS TR&T Town Hall Meeting
From: Elsayed Talaat (elsayed.r.talaat at nasa.gov)
LWS TR&T Town Hall Meeting, 14 December 2015, 6:15-8:00 pm, Location:Market Street Room, Parc 55 Hotel, 55 Cyril Magnum St., San Francisco, CA 94102
As has become customary, there will be a Town Hall meeting for the LWS TR&T program at the Fall AGU meeting. You are invited to attend and hear brief summaries on the program status and some of the existing TR&T Group and individual efforts, and to participate in open discussion of the LWS program as well as discussion on the recently published “Living With a Star Enabling Science, Technology and Exploration to Advance Society 10 Year Vision Beyond 2015” (http://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/pdf/LWS_10YrVision_Oct2015_Final.pdf).
Market Street Room
Parc 55 Hotel
55 Cyril Magnin St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
SPEDAS (MMS, THEMIS, ERG ...) Tutorials and User/Programmer Coordination Session at mini-GEM
From: Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos (vassilis at ucla.edu), Eric Grimes, Barbara Giles, Jim Burch
Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System tutorials and user/programmer coordination at mini-GEM: 15:30 - 17:00, Sunday Dec 13, 2015, at Oregon Rm, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, SF, CA
The SPEDAS community, including the MMS, THEMIS, ERG and other Heliophysics/Geospace teams are planning a joint software tutorial and users/programmers forum to be held at the mini-GEM Dec 2015. This session is to introduce the multi-mission analysis software SPEDAS to a wider community, coordinate SPEDAS users/programmers on how make the software more effective, provide tutorials on the basic software functionality for THEMIS, ERG and MMS data analysis, discuss software updates to various mission plug-ins, and plan for the upcoming GEM meeting. This end-of-day session will spill-over to an on-site session for people with their own laptops with IDL, assuming internet connection is available. The session's agenda is at: http://spedas.org/blog/2015/12/07/spedas-at-the-december-2015-mini-gem/
The MMS demo will include real time on-line data loading and use of the analysis software by the community. Users can download the MMS plug-in together with SPEDAS from http://spedas.org/downloads/spdsw_latest.zip and the MMS data for the demo from: http://spedas.org/downloads/mms_demo_data.zip starting a few days prior to the conference. Please note MMS rules of the road at: https://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/display/mms/MMS+Data+Rights+and+Rules+for+Data+Use
SPEDAS speaker requests should be addressed to: Jim Lewis: jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu
Best regards, Vassilis Angelopoulos/Jim Lewis/Eric Grimes (SPEDAS/THEMIS) + Barbara Giles/Thomas Moore (MMS)
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately twice weekly. Back issues are available at
To request announcements or subscribe to the newsletter, please e-mail the Editor at (editor at igpp.ucla.edu).
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2. Author name(s) and an e-mail address for contact purposes
3. Announcement text in the plain text format and preferably within 400 words
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