Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Oct 9 07:20:01 PDT 2015
Volume XXII, Issue 57
October 9, 2015
Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Todd King, Kevin Addison
Email: editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Table of Contents
1. Request for Names-Assessment of the National Science Foundation's 2015 Geospace Portfolio
2. JGR-Space Physics Editor Blog Monthly Highlights
3. MEETING: Dynamic Sun: I. MHD Waves and Confined Transients in the Magnetized Atmosphere, Varanasi, India, February 22-26, 2016
4. CALL FOR PAPERS: JASTP Special Issue on "Effects of the solar wind and interplanetary disturbances on the Earth's atmosphere and climate" -- New Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015
5. CALL FOR PAPERS: JGR Special Issue on "Unsolved Problems in Magnetospheric Physics"
6. SPDF/GSFC Recent Updates for the OMNIWeb+ Data and Interface
7. Availability of ISEE-1 and DE-1 Spectral Density Wave Data
8. JOB OPENING: Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
9. JOB OPENING: Tenure Track Faculty Position in Space Sciences, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FL
10. JOB OPENING: Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Position in Theoretical and Computational Plasma Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College
11. JOB OPENING: Scientist I position in upper atmosphere physics, High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research
12. JOB OPENING: PhD Position in Ionospheric Physics
13. [CORRECTION] JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Position in the Upper Atmosphere and Space group of the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UCLA
Request for Names-Assessment of the National Science Foundation's 2015 Geospace Portfolio
From: Celeste Naylor (CNaylor at nas.edu)
I am writing to you on behalf of the Space Studies Board to request your assistance in identifying experts from the broader science and research community who might be considered for nomination to the membership of the committee for Assessment of the National Science Foundation's 2015 Geospace Portfolio Review, which will be appointed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the Academies).
The ad-hoc committee will have 12 members. The first meeting of the committee will be held in the November 2015 timeframe. The committee will meet up to five times over a five month period. The duration of the activity will be 12 months. The report is expected to be completed by October 2016. The committee's analysis and evaluation efforts will be based on their collective expertise supplemented by information and data gathered independently during the course of this study. The committee's report will be subject to standard Academies’ report review procedures prior to release.
Suggestions are sought for qualified individuals in all sectors of the scientific, technical, legal, industry, and international community. Service on the committee is open to scientists, engineers, and other experts, including those working for a government agency if (1) they have relevant scientific and technical expertise needed to accomplish the committee’s task, and (2) their service will not appear to compromise the independence and objectivity of the study. The Academies strives to appoint diverse committees and panels, and we welcome suggestions that help us achieve that goal in particular in terms of minority and gender diversity.
The committee will include individuals with expertise in the general areas of:
• Research communities served by the Geospace Section of the NSF Division of Atmosphere and Geospace Sciences
• Aeronomy
• Magnetospheric Physics
• Solar-Terrestrial Research
• Space Weather Research
• Geospace Facilities
In your consideration of possible candidates for the membership positions you should feel free to share this request with relevant colleagues in your organization. In your reply, please include the names of your recommendations, their primary areas of expertise, and whatever contact information you may have, including organizational affiliation. Suggestions should be emailed to Celeste Naylor (cnaylor at nas.edu) by the close of business October 20, 2015.
(Editor’s Note: The full announcement can be found at http://spc.igpp.ucla.edu/spa/doc/Experts-for-NSF2015-Portfolio-Review.pdf .)
JGR-Space Physics Editor Blog Monthly Highlights
From: Mike Liemohn (liemohn at umich.edu), JGR-Space Physics Editor-in-Chief
I wrote about some big topics regarding JGR Space Physics over the last month, including the introduction of Commentaries and information on initial manuscript submission formats. Here are links to a few highlights:
September 9: the new paper type of Commentaries
September 21: Looking up the citations in a manuscript
September 28: your initial submission can follow any journal's style or format
Main Website: http://liemohnjgrspace.wordpress.com/
MEETING: Dynamic Sun: I. MHD Waves and Confined Transients in the Magnetized Atmosphere, Varanasi, India, February 22-26, 2016
From: A.K. Srivastava (asrivastava.app at itbhu.ac.in)
The new series of conferences “Dynamic Sun”, and in particular the first one: “Dynamic Sun: MHD Waves and Confined Transients in the Magnetised Atmosphere” is organized by Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India in collaboration with The University of Sheffield, UK. The main aim of this meeting is to discuss cutting edge developments in observations, instrumentation, numerical and analytical modelling of plasma wave processes in the solar atmosphere and corona. This meeting will be also useful for future scientific data interpretation from current (SOHO, Hinode, STEREO, IRIS, SST, ROSA) and forthcoming groundbreaking high-resolution instruments, e.g., the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST, USA), European Solar Telescope (EST, led by Spain) and new Indian facilities (MAST, upcoming 2m-NLST, Aditya-I). We warmly welcome to participate internationally recognized experts in the field of solar physics, early career researchers and PhD students. We anticipate that the proposed conference series will help to establish a long-term relationships between research groups.
Conference website: http://ssg.group.shef.ac.uk/Conferences/India_2016/index.html
Registration and Deadlines:
Registration and accommodation deadline - 15 January 2016
Abstract submission deadline - 15 December 2015
Scientific Programme
22 February 2016
[1] Magnetized Solar Photosphere : Dynamical phenomena, waves, and coupling with sub-layers
[2] Chromospheric dynamics and heating processes
23 February 2016
[3] MHD waves: Observations in various magnetic structures and seismology
24 February 2016
[4] MHD waves: Realistic modeling through various layers of the solar atmosphere
25 February 2016
[5] Waves, confined ejecta, and plasma flows at diverse spatio-temporal scales
[6] Instruments and their novel science aspects
26 February 2016
[7] Special Session on "Spectroscopy of Sun's Atmosphere", and Concluding Ceremony
Day and Evening Excursion to Varanasi and nearby places
Discussion session every day: one hour with various sub-groups
More info and updates may be found at:
Dr. A.K. Srivastava
Dr. V. Fedun
For any query email to dynamicsun1.2016 at gmail.com
CALL FOR PAPERS: JASTP Special Issue on "Effects of the solar wind and interplanetary disturbances on the Earth's atmosphere and climate" -- New Submission Deadline: December 1, 2015
From: Irina Mironova (mironova at geo.phys.spbu.ru)
This is a reminder letter about Special Issue of Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP).
We are grateful to all of you who has already submitted manuscripts in the Special Issue (SI) of JASTP on
"Effects of the solar wind and interplanetary disturbances on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate".
Please, who is interested in submitting manuscripts in the SI of JASTP note the new deadline for submission of papers.
Now the deadline for paper submission has been extended to December 1, 2015.
Instructions for submission:
The submission website for this journal is located at: http://ees.elsevier.com/atp/default.asp. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue it is important that authors select SI: Solar Wind and climate when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Important dates:
submission deadline – December 1, 2015
acceptance deadline – March 1, 2016.
Guest editors:
Katya Georgieva - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Space Research and Technology Institute, kgeorgieva at space.bas.bg
Alan Aylward - University College London, Department of Physics and Astronomy a.aylward at ucl.ac.uk
Irina Mironova - Institute of Physics, St. Petersburg State University mironova at geo.phys.spbu.ru
Eugene Rozanov - World Radiation Center, Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, eugene.rozanov at pmodwrc.ch
Brian Tinsley - University of Texas at Dallas, Physics Department tinsley at utdallas.edu
Scope of the Issue:
This special issue will summarise the present level of knowledge and the new ideas about the effects of the solar wind and interplanetary disturbances on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate, and the mechanisms by which these influences are transmitted from the top to the bottom of the atmosphere. Attempts to include these mechanisms in climate models will also be highlighted. Part of the papers will represent the results of the of two International Space Science Institute research teams: “Effects of Interplanetary Disturbances on the Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate” and “Specification of Ionization Sources Affecting Atmospheric Processes”, and of the COST ES-1005 action TOSCA (“Towards a more complete assessment of the impact of solar variability on the Earth’s climate”. However, the issue is open for all scientists interested in both theoretical and empirical studies of the effects of solar wind and interplanetary disturbances on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate.
Looking forward for your manuscripts.
Sincerely yours,
Guests Editorial Board of the SI of JASTP
CALL FOR PAPERS: JGR Special Issue on "Unsolved Problems in Magnetospheric Physics"
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