Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Sep 16 17:45:26 PDT 2015

Volume XXII, Issue 54
September 16, 2015

Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Todd King, Kevin Addison
Email: editor at igpp.ucla.edu       


Table of Contents

1. LWS TR&T Steering Committee
2. Nominations for AAS/SPD Hale and Harvey Prizes: First Call
3. Announcement of JGR-Space Special Issue: “Big Storms of the Van Allen Probes Era”
4. MEETING: First Circular for "Chromo AID 2016", Boulder, Colorado, March 15-18, 2016
5. 2016 SHIELDS Workshop: Shielding Society from Space Weather, Santa Fe, NM, USA, April 4-8, 2016



LWS TR&T Steering Committee

From: Robert Leamon (robert.j.leamon at nasa.gov)

Dear Colleague,

We are writing to enlist your help in finding well qualified candidates for the next Living with a Star Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) Steering Committee. This committee performs the vital role for the program of establishing and continually updating targets (e.g., make recommendations for the following year’s ROSES call) and top-level priorities, measuring progress in meeting science goals and objectives, and providing mechanisms for monitoring how well products that result from the program are transferred into societal benefits. We seek to fill a number of vacancies with members of the community with a solid understanding of the system science that is our goal. This position is for one year and further information can be found on the new LWS website at


You can become a candidate for the Steering Committee by replying to the address below. Please include in your submission a brief summary of the contributions you would make to the committee and your qualifications for doing so, as well as a copy of your vitae. We will accept submissions until the close of business on September 29, in order to establish the new Steering Committee by October 1. Please feel free to share this letter with anyone you think would be interested.

Thank you for your consideration and assistance.
Robert Leamon (LWS Discipline Scientist)
robert.j.leamon at nasa.gov


Nominations for AAS/SPD Hale and Harvey Prizes: First Call

From: Mark Linton (mark.linton at nrl.navy.mil)

Nominations are sought for the 2016 American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division (AAS/SPD) George Ellery Hale Prize. This prize is awarded to a scientist for outstanding contributions over an extended period of time to the field of solar astronomy. This award is open to any living scientist who meets the professional experience requirements, without regard to country of residence or citizenship. Please see http://spd.aas.org/navbar_prizes.html and http://spd.aas.org/spd_bylaws_200311.html#PRIZES for the detailed eligibility criteria and a list of previous awardees.

Nominations are also sought for the 2016 AAS/SPD early career Karen Harvey Prize. This award is open to anyone who meets the age and professional experience requirements, without regard to country of residence, citizenship, or membership in the SPD. Please see http://spd.aas.org/navbar_prizes.html for the detailed eligibility criteria and a list of previous awardees.

The early career Karen Harvey Prize has age restrictions on eligibility. The eligible candidate must meet at least one of the following criteria for the 2016 Harvey Prize:

1) Must be less than age 36 at the end of calendar year 2016; and/or

2) Must have had their PhD (or equivalent degree) conferred no more than 10 years prior to the end of calendar year 2016; that is the degree award date is on or after January 1, 2006.

A letter of nomination with supporting letters of endorsement (at least two of which must be from members of the Society), curriculum vitae, and bibliography should be submitted to the Hale and Harvey Prize Committee, which will be responsible for the selection.

Deadline for receipt of letters and supporting documents for either (Hale or Harvey) prize nomination is November 15, 2015. Submissions should be sent to Mark Linton at haleprize.harveyprize at nrl.navy.mil.


Announcement of JGR-Space Special Issue: “Big Storms of the Van Allen Probes Era”

From: Sasha Ukhorskiy (ukhorskiy at jhuapl.edu)

Manuscripts are invited for a special issue of JGR-Space Physics entitled “Big Storms of the Van Allen Probes Era.” 

The overarching goal of the Van Allen Probes mission is to understand dynamic variability of the radiation belts and ring current in response to varying solar wind driving. Over the last three years the Probes have collected comprehensive field and particle measurements over the inner magnetosphere during more than 50 geomagnetic storms, including the two biggest storms of the decade on March 17, 2015 (Dst=-225 nT) and June 23, 2015 (Dst=-195) characterized by dramatic variability of the energetic particle environment. 

This collection will document new understanding of radiation belts and ring current processes built on the synergy of multi-point measurements. We invite contributions that combine data from multiple ongoing constellation missions, ground-based observatories, and state-of-the-art models to develop system-wide understanding of the inner magnetosphere during large geomagnetic storms of the Van Allen Probes mission.

Manuscripts should be submitted through the JGR-Space Physics web site. For additional information please contact: jgr-spacephysics at agu.org.


MEETING: First Circular for "Chromo AID 2016", Boulder, Colorado, March 15-18, 2016

From: Hugh Hudson (hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu)

The new ALMA and DKIST facilities will greatly extend our understanding of the chromosphere, and the enigmatic transition region between the classical photosphere and the highly nonclassical corona.  Together with IRIS, which already is exploring this crucial interface, these facilities will provide comprehensive high-resolution observations over many decades in wavelength, from the far-UV to the sub-mm/mm wavelength range.

Because the physics of the solar chromosphere touches on a wide variety of subjects in contemporary astronomy, we plan to have a small meeting anticipating these novel ALMA-IRIS-DKIST views, in Boulder, March 15-18 2016. The immediate goal will be to prepare for the ALMA Cycle 4 call for proposals, which will be the first for which solar programs will be accepted. The main structure of this meeting will consist of invited overview presentations, plus tutorials, arranged in single sessions.  Because space in our venue (NSO Boulder) is restricted, we recommend early registration, at http://www.nso.edu/node/1194 . Full registration and abstract submission will be possible at the time of our 2nd circular.

Tim Bastian, Hugh Hudson (SOC chair), Scott McIntosh, Valentin Pillet (LOC chair)


2016 SHIELDS Workshop: Shielding Society from Space Weather, Santa Fe, NM, USA, April 4-8, 2016

From: Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov)

Space weather is an emerging research area within space science that is rapidly gaining importance and public recognition because of its technological and societal impact. The workshop aims at bringing together international leaders in various areas of space weather and discuss the most recent advances and the most urgent needs for the field.

The workshop will be organized around the following main themes:
(1) Physics of geomagnetic storms and substorms
(2) Coupling of microscopic and macroscopic scales
(3) Space weather modeling approaches
(4) Applications: spacecraft charging, ground-induced currents, ...

The website will be available shortly. Please mark your calendars and contact us for your interest in attending. E-mail inquiries about the meeting should be sent to Gian Luca Delzanno at delzanno at lanl.gov.

We hope to see you in sunny and beautiful Santa Fe!

The organizing committee

Gian Luca Delzanno
Vania K. Jordanova
Michael G. Henderson


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately twice weekly. Back issues are available at


To request announcements or subscribe to the newsletter, please e-mail the Editor at (editor at igpp.ucla.edu).

An announcement request should contain the following information:
1. Title
2. Author name(s) and an e-mail address for contact purposes
3. Announcement text in the plain text format and preferably within 400 words

SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/

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