Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Aug 11 09:10:04 PDT 2017
Volume XXIV, Issue 44
Table of Contents
1. Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s Heliophysics Senior Review Panel
2. MEETING: Cosmic Ray Anisotropy Workshop, 10-13 October, 2017
3. MEETING: “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” at the Clayton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales, UK (03-08 December 2017) – Second Announcement
4. SESSION: SPEDAS Session at Mini-GEM, December 10, New Orleans
5. Monday Science Telecon: August 14
6. Coronal Prediction for the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
7. Announcing Solar Radio Science Highlights
8. Announcing RHESSI Science Nugget 304
9. NASA Postdoctoral Program - Application Deadline November 1, 2017
10. JOB OPENING: Improve the Use of Research and Operational Satellite Data at JCSDA
11. JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position on Basic Plasma Physics Related to Solar and Heliospheric Physics
12. JOB OPENING: Space Physics (ePOP/SuperDARN) Post-Doctoral Researcher
13. JOB OPENING: Post-doctoral Research Position at the University of New Hampshire in the Simulation of Particle Acceleration to Suprathermal Energies
14. JOB OPENING: Post-doctoral Fellowship in Computational Heliophysics, South Africa
15. JOB OPENING: PhD and Postdoc Positions on Machine Learning for Space Weather at CWI, Amsterdam (NL)
16. JOB OPENING: PhD Position in Space Physics
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s Heliophysics Senior Review Panel
From: Jeffrey Hayes (jeffrey.hayes-1 at nasa.gov)
The Heliophysics Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate intends to conduct the Senior Review of Operating Missions. NASA invites applications from scientists and other qualified and interested individuals at U.S institutions to participate in this Senior Review panel.
The panel will be charged with conducting the 2017 HPD Senior Review for Operating Missions with the view to assess the past science merits and performance as well as the future plans of these 16 missions (in alphabetical order): ACE, AIM, Geotail, Hinode, IBEX, IRIS, MMS, RHESSI, SDO, STEREO, THEMIS, TIMED, TWINS, Van Allen Probes, Voyager, and Wind. Performance factors to be evaluated will include mission scientific productivity, technical status, budget efficiency, data quality and accessibility, and contribution to the “Heliophysics System Observatory (HSO).” The period for this Senior Review will cover Fiscal Years 2018 through 2022. Each mission that is invited to this Senior Review will submit a proposal outlining how its science investigations will benefit the Heliophysics research objectives. These objectives and focus areas are described in the Science Plan for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate 2014 (the SMD Science Plan).
NASA will select panel members based upon demonstrated expertise in areas relevant to the system science of Heliophysics. NASA anticipates the selection of approximately sixteen members.
The Senior Review panel will be formed in late September 2017 and will be disbanded after the Heliophysics Advisory Committee accepts the Senior Review’s final report, expected in the late 2017, early 2018 timeframe. During this anticipated six-month period of time, panel members will participate in the following activities:
1. Weekly to biweekly teleconferences, as appropriate leading up to the Senior Review face-to-face meeting;
2. The face-to-face meeting the week of October 30-Nov 3, 2017 in the Washington DC area, for which travel support will be provided by NASA;
3. The preparation and review of material for and the production of the Senior Review report;
4. Additional virtual meetings the panel deems appropriate.
Applications for membership on the Heliophysics Senior Review Panel are due no later than September1, 2017 (11:59 EDT) and must be submitted by e-mail to Dr. Jeffrey Hayes (address below). The subject line of the e-mail should be “Helio SR Application”.
The application must consist of a single PDF that includes:
1. A cover letter that explains the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the panel and the specific contribution, capabilities, and experience that they would bring to the review process. This letter may be up to two pages in length.
2. A short statement confirming the submitter’s availability during the six-month period that the panel may be active and committing to perform the tasks assigned to the panel. In cases where a submitter anticipates select, significant schedule constraints that could restrict engagement at critical times, this statement must state and discuss them. This statement may be up to one-half of a page in length.
3. A resume or CV that includes any relevant spacecraft mission involvement and publications. This document may be up to two pages in length.
Letters of Application are invited only from individuals; group applications, collaborations, and teams will not be considered.
This Senior Review panel is being chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). Members of the panel who are not Regular Government Employees (RGE) will be designated Special Government Employees (SGE). As an SGE, each panel member will be required to submit an OGE 450 (Confidential Financial Disclosure Form), as well as attend an ethics briefing with via telecon or WebEx with the NASA Office of General Council.
NASA reserves the right to cancel this Call for Letters of Application at any time should programmatic and/or other reasons warrant it. The issuance of this Call for Letters of Application does not obligate NASA to accept any of the applications. Any costs incurred by prospective submitters in preparing responses to this Call are incurred completely at their own risk.
Jeffrey J. E. Hayes
Heliophysics Division
Science Mission Directorate
jeffrey.hayes-1 at nasa.gov
MEETING: Cosmic Ray Anisotropy Workshop, 10-13 October, 2017
From: Priscilla C. Frisch (frisch at oddjob.uchicago.edu)
As observed from within the heliosphere, sub-PeV galactic cosmic rays are highly anisotropic. The COSMIC RAY ANISOTROPY WORKSHOP will be held 10-13 October, 2017, in Guadalajaa, Jalisco, Mexico. The purpose of the workshop is to utilize current observations of cosmic ray anisotropies across a wide energy range to probe the factors that create those anisotropies. Topics of interest include cosmic ray origins and acceleration in near and distant sources, cosmic ray propagation through interstellar clouds, turbulent regions and magnetized plasma, and cosmic ray interactions with the heliosphere and astrospheres.
MEETING: “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” at the Clayton Hotel, Cardiff, Wales, UK (03-08 December 2017) – Second Announcement
From: Mario Bisi (Mario.Bisi at stfc.ac.uk)
Dear Colleagues.
It is with great pleasure that we remind you that early registration (deadline 13 August 2017) and abstract submissions are open for our workshop entitled “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather”. Please register soon to stay ahead of the coming price increase – and please remember to pay in the second step of the process as registration is no complete until the second step is completed – we are only expecting around 40 participants to be able to maintain the workshop environment.
***Full details and deadlines can be found on the workshop website here: https://www.ukssdc.ac.uk/meetings/IntoTheRedDragonsLair/.***
Our Workshop encompasses four main themes:
- The “Fourth Remote-Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere Workshop”;
- “Where are we on Bz?” (a SEREN follow-on);
- “Novel Ionospheric Studies with Advanced Observing Techniques”; and
- The “11th LOFAR Solar Physics and Space Weather Key Science Project”.
(The combined workshop also incorporates the MWA SHI and future potential SKA SHI SWG science.)
The workshop aims to gather experts from the various fields of remote¬-sensing observations of the inner heliosphere, including EUV, white-/visible-¬light, and radio observations, together with modellers, in order to tackle key outstanding heliophysics issues. It is also intended to establish closer working relations and devise the best ways our group can move the field forward as a whole, tapping into observational capabilities that can be used to aid the upcoming Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe Communities, as well as Space Weather science and forecasting enhancements in general.
The workshop registration fee (£120 early/£150 late) includes lunches, excursions, welcome reception, and workshop dinner (the latter three are all Welsh themed allowing participants an insight into Wales’ culture and recent history). Menus and excursion details have been updated accordingly on the website along with some other updates.
Several invited speakers have already been confirmed to include Sarah Gibson (UCAR), Colin Lonsdale (MIT Haystack), Jackie Davies (STFC RAL Space), Curt de Koning (NOAA SWPC), Anthony Yeates (Durham), David Jackson (Met Office), and Giovanni Lapenta (KU Leuven).
We look forward to welcoming you to Cardiff!
Best wishes,
Mario (SOC and LOC Chair, on behalf of the SOC and LOC)
SESSION: SPEDAS Session at Mini-GEM, December 10, New Orleans
From: Jim Lewis, Eric Grimes, Vassilis Angelopoulos (jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu)
We will once again be holding a SPEDAS session at the mini-GEM workshop on Sunday, December 10 2017, the weekend before this year's fall AGU conference in New Orleans, LA. The agenda will include demonstrations of SPEDAS tools, including any new updates to plugins or core features, and discussions of future development plans.
We are in the early stages of planning our sessions, so if anyone has special requests for features they'd like to see explained or demonstrated, please let us know and we'll put them on the agenda. Also, if any of you have an interesting or novel application of SPEDAS tools to your specific analysis or visualization needs, and would like to show off what you've done, we'd love to hear about it so we can set aside some time for your presentation.
We'll make another announcement once the schedule and agenda are firmed up. We hope to see you there!
Jim Lewis, Eric Grimes, Vassilis Angelopoulos (on behalf of the SPEDAS development team)
Monday Science Telecon: August 14
From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)
At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (August 14), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Takuma Nakamura from Space Research Institute (IWF)/Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria. The topic will be "Event study of vortex-induced reconnection at the magnetopause using MMS observations and fully kinetic simulations".
The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please
go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting, enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!
To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533
Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
Coronal Prediction for the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
From: Pete Riley (pete at predsci.com)
The solar physics team at Predictive Science is once again predicting the structure of the corona for the upcoming eclipse, which will occur on August 21, 2012 . This eclipse will be will be visible across the entire contiguous United States, and will trace out a band, approximately 70 miles wide across fourteen states, being first visible shortly after 10:15am PDT at Oregon's Pacific coast, and finally finishing in Charleston, South Carolina. Our preliminary prediction, which was posted on July 31st, can be viewed at http://www.predsci.com/ in the "Latest News" section on the right-hand side of the page. The prediction will be updated during the upcoming weeks, resulting a final prediction approximately one week before the event.
Our model relies on 3-D, resistive, time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations to predict the state of the corona. Photospheric magnetic field data from the HMI instrument aboard SDO are used to specify the boundary condition on the radial magnetic field. This year, for the first time, we are using a new Wave-Turbulence-Driven model to self-consistently capture the large-scale propagation, reflection, and dissipation of wave turbulence along closed coronal loops. Such a model also allows us to predict emission in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths and X-rays, which can be compared with solar observations from spacecraft such as SDO, STEREO, and Hinode. Additionally, we have increased the number of mesh points used to 65 million, allowing us to capture even more spatial structure. This work is supported by NASA, NSF, and AFOSR, and computations are supported by the Texas Advanced Computing Center at Austin and the NASA Advanced Supercomputing division at Ames. A direct link to our prediction page is:
Announcing Solar Radio Science Highlights
From: E Kontar (eduard at astro.gla.ac.uk)
Recent CESRA nuggets:
Oscillation of solar radio emission at coronal acoustic cut-off frequency
by T. Zaqarashvili et al.
Siberian Radioheliograph: First Results
by S.V. Lesovoi et al.*
The 30 cm solar radio flux: a new proxy for upper atmosphere specification
by Thierry Dudok de Wit and Sean Bruinsma
Particle acceleration and turbulence during a solar flare
by E.P. Kontar et al.*
Solar wind density turbulence from 10 to 45 solar radii
by K. Sasikumar Raja et al.*
CESRA publishes Highlights of Solar Radio Physics aka CESRA Nuggets approximately every two weeks. These short communications are written in the language accessible to a non-expert in the specific area and designed to keep solar and heliophysics communities informed and up-to-date about current research. The highlights can be followed, discussed, commented and shared via
http://www.facebook.com/solarcesra/ and
Announcing RHESSI Science Nugget 304
From: Hugh Hudson (hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu)
“RHESSI and the Megamovie,” by Hugh Hudson, Laura Peticolas, and Juan Carlos Martinez Oliver’s: A wholly new way to observe a solar eclipse, and to do solar astrometry.
See http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_Science_Nuggets (listing the current series, 2008-present), and http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/nuggets/ (for the original series, 2005-2008).
We publish these at roughly two-week intervals and welcome contributions, which should be related, at least loosely, to RHESSI science.
NASA Postdoctoral Program - Application Deadline November 1, 2017
From: Taifa Simpson (tsimpson at usra.edu)
The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) supports NASA’s goal to expand scientific understanding of Earth and the universe in which we live. The NASA Postdoctoral Program offers US and international scientists the opportunity to advance their research while contributing to NASA's scientific goals. The NPP supports fundamental science; explores the undiscovered; promotes intellectual growth; and encourages scientific connections. Engage in NASA research in Earth science, planetary science, heliophysics, astrophysics, aeronautics and engineering, human exploration and operations, space bioscience, and astrobiology.
• Annual stipends start at $53,500, with supplements for high cost-of-living areas and certain degree fields
• Annual travel budget of $8,000
• Relocation allowance
• Financial supplement for health insurance purchased through the program
• Appointments renewable for up to three years
• Approximately 90 Fellowships awarded annually
Available Fields of Study
• Aeronautics, Aeronautical or Other Engineering
• Astrobiology
• Astrophysics
• Biological Sciences
• Cosmochemistry
• Earth Science
• Heliophysics Science
• Interdisciplinary/Other
• Planetary Science
• Technology Development
Available NASA Centers
• Ames Research Center
• Armstrong Flight Research Center
• Glenn Research Center
• Goddard Institute for Space Studies
• Goddard Space Flight Center
• Jet Propulsion Laboratory
• Johnson Space Center
• Kennedy Space Center
• Langley Research Center
• Marshall Space Flight Center
• NASA Astrobiology Program
• Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
• Stennis Space Center
• Wallops Flight Facility
NOTE: Not all centers participate in every application round... please refer to the website for current opportunity locations.
• US citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents and foreign nationals eligible for a J-1 visa as a Research Scholar
• Recent and Senior-Level PhD recipients
Application Deadlines
Three each year - March 1, July 1, and November 1
To learn more about specific opportunities and to apply, please visit https://npp.usra.edu/opportunities/
JOB OPENING: Improve the Use of Research and Operational Satellite Data at JCSDA
From: Susanne Demaree (sdemaree at ucar.edu)
These are full time positions. Initial consideration will be given to applications received prior to 31 August, 2017 at 4:00pm. Thereafter, applications will be reviewed on an as-needed basis.
The Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), are pleased to offer several scientific and technical positions working with the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA). The JCSDA is a multi-agency research center created to accelerate and improve the use of research and operational satellite data for analyzing and predicting the weather, the ocean, the climate and environment.
• JCSDA Software Engineer/Programmer II-Data Management
• JCSDA Software Engineer II-Data Configuration and Development
• JCSDA Software Engineer III-Data Assimilation
• JCSDA Project Scientist II- Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation (GNSSRO)
• JCSDA Project Scientist II-New and Improved Observations (NIO) Project
These positions are located in College Park, MD and/or Boulder, CO.
The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer that strives to develop and maintain a diverse workforce. UCAR is committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, creed, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or pregnancy.
Whatever your intersection of identities, you are welcome at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). We are committed to inclusivity and promoting an equitable environment that values and respects the uniqueness of all members of our organization.
Please see the CPAESS Employment page for details:
JOB OPENING: Postdoc Position on Basic Plasma Physics Related to Solar and Heliospheric Physics
From: Fan Guo (guofan at lanl.gov)
Outstanding candidates are invited for an immediate postdoc opening in the basic plasma physics area such as particle acceleration & heating, magnetic reconnection, MHD turbulence, and collisionless shocks, with applications to solar and heliospheric, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas. The candidates with strong backgrounds on theoretical and computational plasma physics in fluid physics and/or plasma kinetic physics are highly desirable. The position is offered by the Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology group within the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The successful candidates are encouraged to collaborate with the current group members on on-going projects, and will also be able to develop his/her own research programs. The initial appointment is for two years, with a possible third year extension.
Candidates should send their applications electronically, including a CV, a publication list, and a concise research statement (within 2 pages) describing past achievements and future plans. Applicants should arrange three reference letters to be sent electronically as well. All material and further inquiries can be sent to Fan Guo (guofan at lanl.gov) and Hui Li (hli at lanl.gov).
Candidates may be considered for a Director's Fellowship or Chick Keller Postdoc Fellow in Space Physics area and Astrophysics area, and outstanding candidates may be considered for the prestigious Marie Curie, Richard P. Feynman, J. Robert Oppenheimer, or Frederick Reines Fellowships. Applicants with US citizenship will also be considered for the Metropolis Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Physics. Applications must be received before Oct. 1, 2017 for full consideration. The review of applications will be on-going until offers are accepted.
Please go to http://www.lanl.gov/careers/career-options/jobs/all-jobs.php and search for job # IRC58000 for the full description. For general information to the Postdoc Program go to http://www.lanl.gov/careers/career-options/postdoctoral-research/index.php.
Equal Opportunity: Los Alamos National Laboratory is an equal opportunity employer and supports a diverse and inclusive workforce. All employment practices are based on qualification and merit, without regards to race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or preference, marital status or spousal affiliation, physical or mental disability, medical conditions, pregnancy, status as a protected veteran, genetic information, or citizenship within the limits imposed by federal laws and regulations. The Laboratory is also committed to making our workplace accessible to individuals with disabilities and will provide reasonable accommodations, upon request, for individuals to participate in the application and hiring process. To request such an accommodation, please send an email to applyhelp at lanl.gov or call 1-505-665-5627.
JOB OPENING: Space Physics (ePOP/SuperDARN) Post-Doctoral Researcher
From: Glenn Hussey (glenn.hussey at usask.ca)
The Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (ISAS) in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at the University of Saskatchewan invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the area of space physics. The successful candidate will be part of the dynamic and active radar physics group within ISAS, which includes the SuperDARN Canada research team (http://superdarn.ca/).
The research will focus on the Canadian CASSIOPE ePOP mission (https://epop.phys.ucalgary.ca/), specifically the Radio Receiver Instrument (RRI) in collaboration with ground-based HF radars such as SuperDARN. The purpose of this research is to investigate transionospheric HF radio wave propagation in the terrestrial ionosphere. The ability to integrate multiple data sets to calibrate and support the transionospheric studies is essential. Supporting data sets may be from the ePOP satellite itself (GAP, MGF, CER), other satellite missions (ESA SWARM), or ground-based instrumentation (Resolute Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR)). Also, the continued development of a physics based transionospheric ray-tracing model will be part of the analysis.
Qualifications: Candidates must have successfully completed a Ph.D. in the area of space physics within the past five years. Radio/radar physics experience is essential. Demonstrated expertise in data analysis of large datasets is an asset. The successful candidate must demonstrate an ability to work in a highly collaborative, multidisciplinary team environment with other investigators, support personnel and students. A demonstrated ability in publication of results in the scientific literature is required, as are strong written and oral communication skills.
Conditions: The position is for one year, renewable yearly up to two more years, with the renewal dependent upon satisfactory progress. Salary will follow the university standard for a post-doctoral researcher and will be commensurate with experience, up to a maximum of $50,000 Canadian dollars per year.
How to Apply: Applicants will submit a cover letter stating how your background and qualifications match the position, a full curriculum vitae (CV) detailing your education, awards, publications, research experience, etc., and the contact information for three references to:
Dr. Glenn Hussey
Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics
Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies (ISAS)
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Email: glenn.hussey at usask.ca
JOB OPENING: Post-doctoral Research Position at the University of New Hampshire in the Simulation of Particle Acceleration to Suprathermal Energies
From: Noé Lugaz (noe.lugaz at unh.edu)
The Space Science Center of the University of New Hampshire is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher to work on hybrid/PIC simulations of the acceleration of protons and ions to suprathermal energies by turbulence, compression and shocks. The position is for 2 years starting around January 2018 with a possibility for a third year. The project involves a large fraction of the Space Science Center (Profs. Vasquez, Kucharek, Isenberg, Lugaz, Lee, Moebius, Schwadron, Smith, Vasquez, among others) as well as Mihir Desai from SwRI. The review of applications will start in early October. Any question should be addressed to noe.lugaz -at- unh.edu
The job posting can be found at: https://jobs.usnh.edu/postings/27128
JOB OPENING: Post-doctoral Fellowship in Computational Heliophysics, South Africa
From: Prof Marius Potgieter (Marius.Potgieter at nwu.ac.za)
In the Heliophysics Group at the North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa.
The successful candidate will be expected to play an active role in research on Computational Heliospheric Physics. This group has a strong research team with the computational modeling research of the group internationally recognized within the Cosmic Ray, Heliospheric & Space Physics and Astrophysics communities.
Applicants must have experience in computational modeling and a recently obtained PhD in Heliophysics, Space Physics, Cosmic Rays or Astrophysics. For more information contact the program leader Prof M S (Marius) Potgieter (Marius.Potgieter at nwu.ac.za) directly.
The successful candidate may also be involved in the teaching of physics and the supervision of research projects for post graduate students. The appointment can be up to three years contingent upon available funding and satisfactory performance. Candidates should submit a CV electronically before 30 September 2017, including a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, as well as the names and contact information of three references.
Send these documents to the director of the CSR, Prof Stefan Ferreira (Stefan.Ferreira at nwu.ac.za) with a copy to Prof Marius Potgieter. The appointee will be expected to commence duty between 1 December 2017 and 31 March 2018. The North-West University is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.
See http://www.nwu.ac.za or http://natural-sciences.nwu.ac.za/space-research
JOB OPENING: PhD and Postdoc Positions on Machine Learning for Space Weather at CWI, Amsterdam (NL)
From: Enrico Camporeale (e.camporeale at cwi.nl)
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, the Dutch national center for Mathematics and Computer Science, is seeking candidates interested in applying machine learning and Bayesian inference to the Space Weather problem.
Positions are open both at doctoral (PhD) and post-doctoral level. The project "Real-time forecasting of killer electrons on satellite orbits" is funded through a 5-years NWO-VIDI grant.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
Application screening will begin on September 15th.
The starting date is flexible, from 1 November 2017 onward.
For more info see:
PhD position: https://www.cwi.nl/jobs/vacancies/phd-student-on-the-subject-of-machine-learning-and-space-weather
Postdoc position: https://www.cwi.nl/jobs/vacancies/postdoc-on-the-subject-of-machine-learning-and-space-weather
or contact Dr. Enrico Camporeale (e.camporeale at cwi.nl tel +31 20 592 4240)
A general overview of the activities of the group can be found at www.mlspaceweather.org
JOB OPENING: PhD Position in Space Physics
From: Yuri Khotyaintsev (yuri at irfu.se)
Applications are invited for a PhD student position to study turbulence and wave-particle interaction mechanisms inside magnetic reconnection. Magnetic reconnection is an important process in most astrophysical plasma environments leading to efficient, fast and often explosive-like conversion of magnetic energy into kinetic energy of plasma particles and rapid reconfiguration of magnetic topology. The new PhD student will work directly with experimental data from the NASA multi-spacecraft Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission.
The position is available at the Uppsala office at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), located at the Ångström Laboratory in Uppsala, Sweden, starting at the latest in the second half of 2017 for a total duration of four years. The PhD student will belong to the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University and must therefore fulfill the university requirements. Information on the research education is available at www.physics.uu.se and www.teknat.uu.se. Information on research at IRF Uppsala can be found at www.irfu.se. The Swedish Research Council and Uppsala University fund the position.
For further information please contact:
Dr. Yuri Khotyaintsev, e-mail: yuri at irfu.se
Prof. Mats André, e-mail: mats.andre at irfu.se
Trade union representative:
Thomas Leyser, SACO, thomas.leyser at irfu.se
Closing date for applications is 18 September 2017. Applications should include a CV, a short (one-page) letter stating research interests and relevant experience, copies of academic transcripts, completed theses or manuscripts and other relevant publications, and contact information for two professional references.
Applications should be submitted, preferably by email, to: registrator at irf.se
or by post to:
Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Box 812
SE-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden
Please quote reference number: 2.2.1-212/17
If your application is sent by e-mail you should get a confirmation that we have received it. If you do not get the confirmation within three days, please contact the registrar: +46-980-790 00.
More information: http://www.irf.se/Topical/Vacancies/?group=P4&vacid=55&chosen=topical
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:
To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison
*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************
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