Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Jan 24 13:06:34 PST 2017
Volume XXIV, Issue 7
Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, Kevin Addison
E-mail: editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
Table of Contents
1. MEETING: 15th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-15), Budapest, Hungary, September 4-8, 2017
2. SESSION: URSI General Assembly Commission G including Session on Design and Application of HF and OTH Radar Systems
3. SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "Ionospheric Space Weather"
4. SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "Workshop on Extreme Space Weather Environments"
5. SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "International Beacon Satellite Studies
6. JOB OPENING: NSF Geospace Section Head
7. JOB OPENING: Positions Available: Research Associates in the Solar Orbiter SWA Operations Team (2 posts) at UCL/MSSL
8. JOB OPENING: Planetary Plasma Scientist, Postdoc Position at MPS
9. Graduate Student Research Opportunities at University of New Hampshire
MEETING: 15th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-15), Budapest, Hungary, September 4-8, 2017
From: Istvan Ballai (i.ballai at sheffield.ac.uk)
This is the first detailed announcement for the 15th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-15, http://astro.elte.hu/espm15) that will take place in Budapest (Hungary) in the period 04-08 September, 2017. The meeting will be hosted by Eotvos University, which is centrally located in Budapest.
ESPMs are organized by the Board of the European Solar Physics Division (ESPD, http://solar.epsdivision.org), a joint Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) and the European Astronomical Society (EAS).
ESPMs are held every 3 years with the purpose of bringing together researchers from Europe and beyond, who are active in the theoretical and observational study of solar phenomena.
The scientific programme of ESPM15 include the following sessions:
- Session 1. Solar Interior, Dynamo, Large-Scale Flows and the Solar Cycle
- Session 2. The Solar Atmosphere: Heating, Dynamics and Coupling
- Session 3. Fundamental Plasma Processes in the Solar Atmosphere: Magnetic Reconnection, Waves, Emission, Particle Acceleration
- Session 4. From Radio to Gamma Rays: Near-Sun Manifestations and Triggering of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections
-Session 5. Solar-Terrestrial Relations, Solar Wind, Space Weather and Space Climate
Online registration and abstract submission will open in early spring. The ESPM-15 Local and Scientific Organizing Committees are currently working to secure funding that will hopefully provide limited travel and/or local support mainly to young researchers.
Further details related to registration fees, abstract submission, accommodation, financial assistance and relevant deadlines will be circulated in a second announcement and will also be available on the meeting’s website.
The ESPM-15 meeting website can be found at http://astro.elte.hu/espm15
We look forward to welcoming you to Budapest.
Best regards,
Istvan Ballai
on behalf of ESPM-15 Scientific and Local Organizing Committees
SESSION: URSI General Assembly Commission G including Session on Design and Application of HF and OTH Radar Systems
From: J. Michael Ruohoniemi (mikeruo at vt.edu)
The 32nd URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium will be held in Montreal, Canada, August 19-26, 2017. The Commission G (Ionospheric Radio and Propagation) program is open for papers with a closing date of January 30, 2017. The Symposium website is http://www.ursi2017.org.
We ask you to consider submitting an abstract to one of the Commission G sessions which are listed below. In particular we suggest consideration of the session entitled Design and Application of OTH Radar Systems:
This session is focused on sky-wave High Frequency radar including operational over-the-horizon radars and the SuperDARN ionospheric research radars and their support instruments. Research topics include :
• Antenna design,
• HF waveforms (radar and sounders),
• HF digital receivers,
• Signal processing techniques
• HF radio wave propagation in the ionosphere
• Space Weather monitoring with HF radar observations
• HF sounding of the ionosphere at all latitudes
• Ionospheric disturbances and their impacts on HF and OTH systems
• Application of satellites to HF propagation studies
• Coordinate registration and multi-mode management
• Ionospheric Absorption (measurements and modeling)
• Directional HF noise and interference (measurements and modeling)
• HF mapping of the terrestrial surface
The abstract submission site is http://www.ursi2017.org/side_program/scientific_program/call_for_submissions_e.shtml
J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Manuel Cervera, and Richard T. Parris
Session Chairs
Commission G Sessions:
• Tutorial: “Will We Ever be Able to Model and Forecast the Ionosphere Well Enough to Support the Needs of the Radio Wave Users?”
• Data Assimilation Modeling
• International Reference Ionosphere – Improvement, Validation and Usage
• Advances in Irregularities and Scintillation Studies
• Incoherent Scatter Radar
• Design and Application of HF and OTH Radar Systems
• Ionospheric Space Weather
• GNSS Applications in Radio Science
• Improvement of GNSS Radio Occultation Techniques
• Radio Studies of Mid and Low Latitude Aeronomy
• International Beacon Satellite Studies
• Open Session and Recent Results
Commission G joint sessions:
• GEH: Seismo Electromagnetics (Lithosphere-Atmosphere- Ionosphere Coupling)
• GF: Radio Studies on Polar Aeronomy
• GH: Meteors, Collisional EMPs, and Other Highly-Transient Space Plasma Events
• GH: Plasma Instabilities in the Ionosphere
• GHJ: Workshop on Extreme Space Weather Environments
• EFGH: Natural Electromagnetic Noise and Radio Sensing Applications in Terrestrial and Planetary Environments
• EFGHJ: One-Day Workshop on RFI Mitigation and Characterization
• HG: Active Experiments
• HGE: Atmospheric, Ionospheric, Magnetospheric and High Energy Effects of Lightning Discharges
• JEFGH: Characterization and Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference
• JG: Ionospheric Models and their Validation
SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "Ionospheric Space Weather"
From: Sandro Radicella, Anthea Coster (ajc at haystack.mit.edu)
We would like to announce the Commission G session on Space Weather at the upcoming URSI General Assembly in Montreal CA this Aug 19-26, 2017. The Abstract deadline is MONDAY, January 20.
The session description appears below; more information about the meeting is available at http://www.ursi2017.org/. The web site for submitting abstracts is http://www.ursi2017.org/side_program/scientific_program/call_for_submissions_e.shtml
Best regards,
Sandro Radicella and Anthea Coster
Commission G - "Ionospheric Space Weather", Conveners: Sandro Radicella, Anthea Coster
This session will focus on ionospheric and space weather events that may impact telecommunications and navigation systems. It will cover all areas of ionospheric space weather research including modeling and novel observations, using, in particular, radio waves techniques. Of special interest are papers describing the assessment and validation of space weather models, and the justification of the need for new ground and space-borne measurements. Studies and investigations addressing modeling, forecasting and/or mitigation of ionospheric phenomena due to space weather events, such as ionospheric medium- and small-scale irregularities as revealed by different radio and optical techniques, are also welcome.
SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "Workshop on Extreme Space Weather Environments"
From: Mike Hapgood, Terry Onsager, Anthony Mannucci, Viviane Pierrard, Mauro Messerotti and Ludwig Klein (mike.hapgood at stfc.ac.uk)
We invite abstracts for the session “Workshop on Extreme Space Weather Environments” sponsored by URSI Commissions G, H and J, that will be held during the URSI General Assembly in Montreal, Canada this Aug 19-26, 2017 (http://www.ursi2017.org/).
The abstract deadline is MONDAY, January 30.
The website for Abstract submission is at http://www.ursi2017.org/side_program/scientific_program/call_for_submissions_e.shtml
We thank you for your interest and positive response.
-Tony Mannucci on behalf of the workshop convenors: Mike Hapgood (Chair), Terry Onsager (Co-Chair), Tony Mannucci, Viviane Pierrard, Mauro Messerotti and Ludwig Klein
Workshop Abstract
Over recent years extreme space weather has been recognized as a global risk with significant societal and economic risks affecting many domains, including but not limited to electrical power grids, satellites, aircraft passengers and crew, avionics, GPS, Galileo and other GNSS positioning, navigation and timing systems and communications systems. In order to evaluate the consequences of space weather on these systems it is essential (a) to identify what are the factors in space weather environments that interact with the systems at risk, and then (b) to estimate what are reasonable worst cases for these factors. This workshop will bring together experts and other interested parties to review and refine a process for developing an internationally agreed set of specifications for the extreme space weather environment, and to test the process by applying it to a number of key domains. It is hoped that this will be the first of a series of workshops, hosted by different organizations and fora, developing these specifications.
The workshop will be led by Professor Mike Hapgood of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and will be hosted by URSI Commissions G, H and J. The focus will be on environments appropriate to the work of these Commissions, namely neutron, proton and electron fluxes, solar radio fluxes, ionospheric electron density enhancements, TEC and related electron gradients and radio scintillation. Talks and related presentations will be by invitation only, however, there will be plenty of opportunities for discussion and possibly for showing targeted data and information. Poster papers will be accepted.
The workshop will require additional registration on the URSI web site (but there is no additional cost). Additional preparatory materials will be sent out prior to the meeting.
SESSION: URSI General Assembly Session on "International Beacon Satellite Studies
From: Patricia Doherty (Patricia.Doherty at bc.edu)
Dear Colleagues,
As you probably know, the XXXII General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI) will be held on August 19-26, 2017 in Montreal, Canada.
Within the frame of this event the Commission G Session will be held titled:
Commission G - "International Beacon Satellite Studies"
Conveners: Patricia Doherty, Andrzej Krankowski, Bruno Nava
This session welcomes papers relevant to the interests of the Beacon Satellite Studies Group of Commission G. The session will begin with a historical view of this studies group and its goals for the future. It will also recap the success of the most recent Beacon Satellite Symposium that was held in 2016. Additional papers are invited that will include all aspects of satellite signals observed on the ground and by receivers on-board satellites. This may include distributed arrays of multi-instruments used for ionospheric monitoring and scientific investigations that span all regions of the globe together will more focused regional investigations. Papers from the developing world are also encouraged.
All of you are cordially invited to submit the papers. Please, keep in mind that the deadline for submission is 30 of January 2017.
Patricia Doherty, Andrzej Krankowski, Bruno Nava
JOB OPENING: NSF Geospace Section Head
From: Paul Shepson & Therese Moretto Jorgensen (TJORGENS at nsf.gov)
Section Head, Geospace Section
Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Arlington, VA
NSF’s Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) seeks candidates for the position of Section Head for the Geospace Section in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS). The Head of the Section serves as a member of the Division leadership team and as the Directorate’s principal spokesperson in the area of geospace science research. The Section Head is responsible to the AGS Director for the overall planning, management, and commitment of budgeted funds for the Section, which includes programs in Aeronomy, Magnetospheric Physics, Space Weather, Solar Terrestrial, and Geospace
Appointment to this Senior Executive Service position may be on a career or on a one to three-year limited-term basis, with a salary range of $160,300 to $177,800. Alternatively, the incumbent may be assigned under Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) provisions. The job opportunity announcement (AGS-2017-0004) with position requirements and application procedures may be viewed at:
The deadline for applications is Monday 2/13/2017.
NSF is an equal opportunity employer committed to employing a
highly qualified staff reflecting the diversity of our nation.
For questions or further information please feel free to contact Therese (TJORGENS at nsf.gov) or Paul (PSHEPSON at nsf.gov).
JOB OPENING: Positions Available: Research Associates in the Solar Orbiter SWA Operations Team (2 posts) at UCL/MSSL
From: Christopher J Owen (c.owen at ucl.ac.uk)
We seek to appoint two individuals to join the Operations team for the Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) Investigation. In the first instance (prior to launch), these posts will be centrally involved in the full software and hardware development of the SWA operations facility and capability, which must be designed and built to handle all SWA commanding, data handling, calibration and archiving, and instrument health monitoring activities prior to the launch of the mission. Close collaboration with the ESA Science Operations Centre and Mission Operations Centre teams and SWA partners in Rome, Toulouse, Texas and Michigan will be required.
Both posts are available immediately and are funded by the UKSA until March 2019 in the first instance.
MSSL is the UK’s largest university based space science research institution and is involved in many leading space research missions (https://www.ucl.ac.uk/mssl/space-plasma-physics).
The Department of Space and Climate Physics is currently applying for an Athena SWAN Bronze Award, which recognises and celebrates good employment practices for women working in higher education and research. UCL has a Silver Athena SWAN award from the Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), and a Bronze award under ECU’s new Race Equality Charter for higher education; UCL is the only university to have both.
Job Title: Research Associates in the Solar Orbiter SWA Operations Team
Department: Space and Climate Physics (Mullard Space Science Laboratory)
Reports to: Principal Investigator of the Solar Orbiter SWA project (Prof Christopher J Owen)
Grade: Grade 7
Salary: The salary will be in the range £31,076 - £38,183, dependent on experience.
Closing Date: 16th February 2017
A Job and Person Specification is available to download - see further information tab near the bottom of page referenced in this link:
or go to: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs/ and search under Reference Number 1623627.
The above links also provide the route through which formal applications for the posts must be made.
JOB OPENING: Planetary Plasma Scientist, Postdoc Position at MPS
From: Markus Fraenz (fraenz at mps.mpg.de)
The Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS,http://www.mps.mpg.de/) conducts fundamental research in solar and planetary physics. For the current ESA/NASA space project “Mars Express” , MPS is offering a position for a Planetary Plasma Scientist (m/f) within the research group on Planetary Plasma Environment (http://www.mps.mpg.de/planetary-science/ppe).
A scientific data analyst is being sought to participate in the evaluation of data received by the European Mars Express and Venus Express spacecraft at Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen, Germany.
The ESA Mission Mars Express (http://sci.esa.int/mars-express/) has been exploring the environment of Mars since 2004 and its activities (operations and data processing) will continue at least to the end of 2018.
The MPS is participating as Co-Investigator for the plasma environment investigations ASPERA-3 on Mars Express and ASPERA-4 on Venus Express. The scientific analyst will be responsible for the processing and analysis of data received by the ASPERA experiments, the MAVEN mission and related data at MPS. This includes the maintenance of existing data bases and software and the advice on instrument operation and control. He or she is also expected to publish scientific results related to these observations. Applicants should have a strong background in plasma physics of the solar system and a solid understanding of spacecraft instrumentation. They should hold a PhD in a relevant field and have a proven record of scientific publications. They should be familiar with various computer systems (specifically Linux) and be able to program independently. Existing code is primarily in the Interactive Data Language IDL. On the basis of the many international collaborations involved, proficiency in the English language is essential.
The position is available as of March 1, 2017 (alternative starting dates can be negotiated) and will be initially for two years with possible extensions depending on mission developments. Remuneration is compliant with the Collective Agreement for the German Civil Service, TVÖD level E13. Please send applications with CV and recommendations to Dr. Markus Fraenz (fraenz at mps.mpg.de). Deadline is Februray 13, 2017. It is the policy of the Max Planck Society to increase the number of women in all sectors where they are underrepresented. Therefore women are explicitly invited to apply. The Max Planck Society strives to employ more handicapped persons and encourages applications from such persons.
Graduate Student Research Opportunities at University of New Hampshire
From: Nathan Schwadron (nschwadron at unh.edu)
The Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire is accepting applications (http://physics.unh.edu/content/graduate-program) to its MS and PhD programs for the Fall 2017 semester. We have a number of graduate research fellowships to award to incoming students. The Department of Physics is linked to the Space Science Center (SSC), part of the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space. Faculty and students are members of the Department of Physics (http://physics.unh.edu) with a graduate degree program specializing in Space Physics/Astrophysics .The Space Science Center fosters research and graduate education in all of the space sciences with studies ranging from the ionosphere to the Earth's magnetosphere, the local solar system, and out to the farthest reaches of the universe. Investigations of the Earth's environment in the solar system look at space as a laboratory for plasma physics. We conduct theoretical, computational, data analysis, and instrument development projects focused on the solar-terrestrial radiation environment involving both satellite and suborbital missions. High energy astrophysics investigations involve the sensing of energetic astrophysical objects with ground, balloon, and satellite detectors. Satellites from NASA missions are still providing data for ongoing analysis. Students have opportunities to participate in recent missions that are carrying SSC-associated instruments including STEREO (launched 2006), IBEX (launched 2008), LRO (launched 2009), Van Allen Probes (launched 2012), Firebird (launched in Dec. 2013), MMS (launched in 2015), FIREBIRD II (launched in 2015), and GOES-R (launched in 2016). Upcoming missions in which the SSC is involved include Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe. The SSC is also a Center of Excellence in theoretical Solar-terrestrial research.
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately twice weekly. Back issues are available at:
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SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
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