Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue May 2 21:24:57 PDT 2017

[title SPA SECTION NEWSLETTER, Volume XXIV, Issue 25]

[category newsletter-volume-xxiv-2017]

Volume XXIV, Issue 25

Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, Kevin Addison
E-mail: editor at igpp.ucla.edu

Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Table of Contents

1. International Space Weather Medals: Call for Nominations

2. MEETING: International Conference on Solar and Heliospheric Physics “Our Mysterious Sun: Magnetic Coupling Between Solar Interior and Atmosphere”, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 25-29, 2017: Registration and Abstract Submission Open

3. MEETING: “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” – Cardiff, Wales, UK; 3-8 December 2017

4. Monday Science Telecon

5. SESSION: SHINE 2017 "DKIST Coronal Spectroscopy: The Missing Link in Coupling the Sun and Heliosphere"

6. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series "Management, Search and Analysis of Solar and Stellar Astronomy Big Data (SABID)" -- A Call for Papers for a Focus Issue

7. Topical Issue on "Developing New Space Weather Tools: Transitioning fundamental science to operational prediction systems"

8. RHESSI Science Nuggets in April 2017

9. NASA Postdoctoral Program - Application Deadline July 1, 2017

10. NASA Frontier Development Lab 2017: Call for Applicants

11. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Associates, School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea 



International Space Weather Medals: Call for Nominations

From: Jean Lilensten, on behalf of the ESWW Medal Committee (jean.lilensten at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)

We are happy to announce the 2017 contest for the international space weather medals. The new medal recipients will be announced in a medal ceremony at the European Space Weather Week, the 27th of November, 2017.

All three prizes (Chizhevsky, Nicolet, Birkeland) are prestigious recognitions of recipients' major contributions in the field of space weather. Medal recipient's work must have been documented in peer review journals or book chapters, or must be a technological contribution that has led to a fully implemented new space weather capability. Medal recipient's work must be relevant to space weather and/or space climate. The work must also be internationally recognized.

Please find the necessary informations (how to nominate...) at http://www.stce.be/esww14/medals.php


MEETING: International Conference on Solar and Heliospheric Physics “Our Mysterious Sun: Magnetic Coupling Between Solar Interior and Atmosphere”, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 25-29, 2017: Registration and Abstract Submission Open

From: Teimuraz Zaqarashvili (teimuraz.zaqarashvili at uni-graz.at)

Please, register and submit abstract at: http://solar-conference.iliauni.edu.ge/registration-and-abstract-submission/

Please, indicate appropriate session in your abstract. Confirmed sessions are:

Session I: Future space missions and ground-based telescopes
Session II: Solar dynamo, activity variations and magnetic coupling of interior and atmosphere
Session III: Convection and helioseismology
Session IV: Photospheric magnetism
Session V: Chromospheric structure and dynamics
Session VI: Magnetic coupling in the solar atmosphere
Session VII: Solar corona
Session VIII: Solar wind
Session IX: Solar flares, CMEs and space weather

Limited support will be available for PhD students and young post docs. Please, indicate needed support during abstract submission. 

For more information visit our website: solar-conference.iliauni.edu.ge
Or contact to the address: solar-conference at iliauni.edu.ge


MEETING: “Into the Red Dragon’s Lair: Four-in-One Workshop Tackling Outstanding Problems in Heliophysics and Space Weather” – Cardiff, Wales, UK; 3-8 December 2017

From: David Webb (david.webb at bc.edu)

This Workshop encompasses four themes.  These are the “Fourth Remote-Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere”, “Where are we on Bz” (a SEREN follow-on), the “11th LOFAR Solar Physics and Space Weather Key Science Project”, and “Novel Ionospheric Studies with Advanced Observing Techniques” while also incorporating the MWA SHI and future potential SKA SHI SWG science.

A period of purdah (http://www.stfc.ac.uk/news/news-during-the-election-period/) in the UK owing to the call of the 08 June General Election means that STFC and its staff cannot openly set up any new websites, make new PR posts, or advertise workshops etc…  Therefore, more information than normal is given here and until ~10th June announcements will be made by other members of the SOC.

The workshop aims to gather experts from the various fields of remote­sensing observations of the inner heliosphere, including EUV, white-/visible­light, and radio observations, together with modellers in order to tackle key outstanding heliophysics issues.  The science learned from remote­sensing observations is critical to improving our capabilities of space­weather forecasting as well as having impact on the fundamental physics behind how the Sun creates and drives the heliosphere.  It is also intended to establish closer working relations and devise the best ways our group can move the field forward as a whole with observational capabilities that can be used to aid the upcoming Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus Communities.  The workshop aims to look at ways in which we can more easily and efficiently share and access the various types of data between individual groups and across the different techniques.

The workshop will have five key strands:
- Remote sensing and modelling of the inner heliosphere and how a greater scientific understanding can be achieved by combining multiple techniques;
- Determining Bz and its ‘evolution’ between the Sun and Earth;
- Novel ionospheric observations and modelling (especially at the mid and low latitudes);
- Future coronal/heliospheric/ionospheric remote-sensing instrumentation needs, designs, concepts, and capabilities; and
- How can we support the Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus missions to ensure their science is maximised.

The workshop will have a small registration fee and will likely take up an approximate draft schedule as given on the pre-registration Doodle Poll (http://doodle.com/poll/xbwdvpdpv8rzfywm - there are 12 options in all - please only select the Friday options if you are part of the LOFAR SSW-KSP).  The website will go live in early-mid June 2017 (following the UK purdah period) and this will be advertised in the First Announcement along with abstract/registration details.


Monday Science Telecon

From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)

At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (May 8), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Amy Keesee from West Virginia University. The topic will be "The effect of storm driver and intensity on magnetospheric ion temperatures".

The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please
go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting, enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!

To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533

Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.

Looking forward to speaking with you.


SESSION: SHINE 2017 "DKIST Coronal Spectroscopy: The Missing Link in Coupling the Sun and Heliosphere"

From: Steven Cranmer (steven.cranmer at colorado.edu)

Please join us at this year's SHINE Workshop (July 24-28, 2017) in Saint-Sauveur, Quebec, for a special half-day session on the coronal spectroscopy capabilities of the upcoming Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST).

The only way to answer long-standing questions about coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, and space weather prediction is to have detailed observations of the global Sun-heliosphere system.  We now have petabytes of imaging data for the Sun itself, and more than a half-century of detailed in-situ plasma/field data (soon to be complemented by exploration of the inner heliosphere by Solar Probe Plus and Solar Orbiter).  Intermediate regions that connect the solar disk to the rest of the heliosphere are also observed, but not as comprehensively as is needed to answer the fundamental questions of our field.  The combination between coronagraphic occultation and high-resolution spectroscopy has been found to be able to probe the physics of coronal and prominence plasma in regions where: (a) extended coronal heating is taking place, (b) the solar wind is beginning to accelerate, and (c) collisionless kinetic effects may be important.

Thus, in this session we will explore how the combination of coronagraphs and spectroscopy can help fill in the gaps in our understanding.  A main highlight will be NSO's upcoming DKIST, which will have unprecedented collecting area and resolution, in combination with coronagraphic occultation for use with the Cryo-NIRSP near-infrared spectropolarimeter.  In addition, this session provides a timely venue for discussing other new and planned instruments of this kind, such as HAO's COSMO facility and the METIS, SoloHI, and SPICE instruments on Solar Orbiter.  Please see the full session description for a list of questions we will aim to address:

Invited Scene-Setting Speakers:  Laurel Rachmeler, Jeff Kuhn.

Organizers:  Steven Cranmer, Valentin Martinez Pillet, Mari Paz Miralles, and Scott McIntosh.

Early registration deadline: May 26, 2017.  Abstract and hotel deadline: June 23, 2017.


The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series "Management, Search and Analysis of Solar and Stellar Astronomy Big Data (SABID)" -- A Call for Papers for a Focus Issue

From: Petrus C Martens (martens at astro.gsu.edu)

Management, Search and Analysis of Solar and Stellar Astronomy Big Data (SABID)
A Call for Papers for a Focus Issue

The success of the space-based missions, such as Kepler and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, have flooded the astronomical and solar physics communities with unprecedented quantities of data. Next generation ground-based observatories such as the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will further exacerbate this Big Data crunch. Innovative data management, retrieval and mining techniques of these massive data sets, in the closely related fields of solar physics and stellar astrophysics, have the potential address fundamental science issues ranging from space weather predictability to the habitability of exoplanets. To facilitate this, the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series has opened up a Focus Issue on the Management, Search and Analysis of Solar and Stellar Astronomy Big Data (SABID).

Example Topics

- Managing the Flood of Solar and Stellar Astronomy Big Data:
 New Models and Scientific Standards for Data Storage, Distribution, Retrieval and Mining
 Evaluation of
Information Quality
 New Derived Data Products (Meta-Data)
 Data Management, Search and Analysis in Cloud and Distributed Environments
 Integration of Heterogeneous Information from Multiple Data Repositories

- Solar and Stellar Astroinformatics, Astrostatistics and Data Mining:
 Scalable Algorithms and Systems for Pattern Recognition (e.g. Computer Vision) and Machine-Learning
 Information Retrieval Architectures, their Scalability, Real-life Usefulness and Benefits to Science
 Novel Visualization and Interaction Tools for Hyperspectral Imaging, Spatial and Time Series Analysis

- Computer Applications Related to Space Weather Predictions and Impacts
 Space Weather Applications in Science, Engineering, Education, Navigation, Telecommunication and Power Grids for Government, Public and Private Industry Sectors
 New Real-life Big Data-Driven Case Studies and Their Implications for Decision Making

- Enhancing the Solar-Stellar Connection with Big Data
 Solar Analogs
 the Sun as a Typical Sun-like Star
 Helioseismology and Asteroseismology
 Solar and Stellar
Dynamo Modeling
 Identifying Transient/Periodic Events from Data (e.g. Flares, Exoplanets and Supernovae)

How to Submit:
Submissions for this topical issue will be accepted until June 16, 2017, but all interested authors need to submit abstract and tentative title of their work at least a month ahead. In order to submit your contribution, please follow the instructions available at:
https://aas.msubmit.net/cgi-bin/main.plex?form_type=display_auth_instructions and choose the Sun and Heliosphere corridor. In addition, please make sure to include a note saying that the paper is being submitted for “SABID Special Issue of ApJS”. Each paper will be thoroughly refereed as any other regular submission to the journal. For help with submission process, please contact Dr. Leon Golub through “Getting Help” section available at the link specified above. On all other issues related to the scope of the special issue and questions about review process, please contact one of the guest editors directly. The journal and guest editors very much look forward to receiving your contribution.

The Guest Editors,
Rafal A. Angryk
angryk at cs.gsu.edu
Computer Scientist
Georgia State University

Piet C. Martens
martens at astro.gsu.edu
Solar Physicist
Georgia State University

Russel J. White
white at astro.gsu.edu
Georgia State University
Article ID: 3679 edit article 3679
Section: general


Topical Issue on "Developing New Space Weather Tools: Transitioning fundamental science to operational prediction systems"

From: Shaun Bloomfield (shaun.bloomfield at northumbria.ac.uk)

**  New extended deadline: 15 June 2017  **

Following several requests for extensions, the submission deadline for the upcoming topical issue “Developing New Space Weather Tools: Transitioning fundamental science to operational prediction systems” in the open-access Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC; http://www.swsc-journal.org/) has been extended to 15 June 2017.

This Topical Issue will address, among others:

  •  guidelines/requirements for operational space weather predictions;
  •  advances in existing research-oriented prediction systems;
  •  implementation of research-oriented models/tools in operational settings;
  •  robustness, reliability and testing of near-real time observations for space weather modelling;
  •  near-real time prediction system verification.

Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format via the SWSC online submission tool (https://articlestatus.edpsciences.org/is/swsc/). The deadline for submissions is 15 June 2017.

All manuscripts will be peer reviewed according to the quality standards of international scientific journals. The type of contributions must fit the style of SWSC. All manuscripts should contain enough new insight, present the results against a properly referenced background of existing work, and present adequate evidence that supports the conclusions. Accepted papers are published in electronic format only, and are freely available to everyone via the SWSC web site. SWSC offers the possibility to include electronic material, such as animations, movies, codes and data.

The Topical Editors-in-Chief are:

  •  D. Shaun Bloomfield (shaun.bloomfield at northumbria.ac.uk)
  •  Giovanni Lapenta (giovanni.lapenta at kuleuven.be)

For questions regarding this topical issue, please contact any of the Topical Editors. For questions concerning the submission process the Editorial Office (swsc at edpsciences.org) should be contacted.

Please find below some additional information on the journal:

  •  SWSC is ISI-listed and has a 2015 impact factor of 2.846
  •  SWSC is an open access (gold) journal
  •  Accepted SWSC publications are subject to an article processing charge (APC) of 800 EUR+tax, covering:
      o  an up-to-date infrastructure for the article submission and evaluation process
      o  publication of content in various formats adapted to different reading habits
      o  long-term content access and preservation
      o  tools for indexation and discoverability
      o  language editing service


RHESSI Science Nuggets in April 2017

From: Hugh Hudson (hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu)

No. 297: "Multi-Instrument Solar Flare Observations I: Solar Flare Finder," by Ryan Milligan. Retrospective searches for your favorite flare

No. 298: "Multi-Instrument Solar Flare Observations II: A SC24 Retrospective," by Ryan Milligan and Jack Ireland. How the widget did in Cycle 24

No. 299: "High Resolution Temporal and Spatial Structure of a White Light Flare," by Vasyl Yurchyshyn. The biggest solar telescope finds still smaller scales for white-light flare kernels

See http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_Science_Nuggets listing the current series, 2008-present, and http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/nuggets/for the original series, 2005-2008. We publish these at roughly two-week intervals and welcome contributions, which should be related, at least loosely, to RHESSI science.


NASA Postdoctoral Program - Application Deadline July 1, 2017

From: Taifa Simpson (npphelp at usra.edu)

The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) supports NASA’s goal to expand scientific understanding of Earth and the universe in which we live.
The NASA Postdoctoral Program offers US and international scientists the opportunity to advance their research while contributing to NASA's scientific goals.  The NPP supports fundamental science; explores the undiscovered; promotes intellectual growth; and encourages scientific connections.

Engage in NASA research in Earth science, planetary science, heliophysics, astrophysics, aeronautics and engineering, human exploration and operations, space bioscience, and astrobiology.

	• Annual stipends start at $53,500, with supplements for high cost-of-living areas and certain degree fields
	• Annual travel budget of $8,000
	• Relocation allowance
	• Financial supplement for health insurance purchased through the program
	• Appointments renewable for up to three years
	• Approximately 90 Fellowships awarded annually

Available Fields of Study
	• Aeronautics, Aeronautical or Other Engineering
	• Astrobiology
	• Astrophysics
	• Biological Sciences
	• Cosmochemistry
	• Earth Science
	• Heliophysics Science
	• Interdisciplinary/Other
	• Planetary Science
	• Technology Development

Available NASA Centers
	• Ames Research Center
	• Armstrong Flight Research Center
	• Glenn Research Center
	• Goddard Institute for Space Studies
	• Goddard Space Flight Center
	• Jet Propulsion Laboratory
	• Johnson Space Center
	• Kennedy Space Center
	• Langley Research Center
	• Marshall Space Flight Center
	• NASA Astrobiology Program
	• Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute
	• Stennis Space Center
	• Wallops Flight Facility

NOTE: Not all centers participate in every application round... please refer to the website for current opportunity locations.

	• US citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents and foreign nationals eligible for a J-1 visa as a Research Scholar
	• Recent and Senior-Level PhD recipients

Application Deadlines
Three each year - March 1, July 1, and November 1

To learn more about specific opportunities and to apply, please visit https://npp.usra.edu/opportunities/ 


NASA Frontier Development Lab 2017: Call for Applicants

From: Lika Guhathakurta (madhulika.guhathakurta at nasa.gov)

NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) is looking for doctorate or post-doc researchers with an understanding or interest in one of this year’s problem areas:  

Planetary Defense: Near-Earth Object 3D shape modeling or Comet detection
Space Weather: Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) or Solar-Terrestrial Interactions 
Space Resources: Lunar Water or Asteroid Prospecting 

Hosted by the SETI Institute and NASA Ames in Mountain View, FDL brings together teams of experts in the physical sciences and specialists in data science and machine learning for an intense 8-week concentrated study on topics important to NASA – and to humanity’s future. 

The format encourages rapid iteration and prototyping to create outputs with meaningful application, papers and conference posters. All participants are paid and provided accommodation and transport in Silicon Valley. 

The 2017 8-week program is still accepting qualified participants and will run June 26 - August 18, 2017. 

Applications will be accepted until the closing date of the 19th of May, although we encourage you to apply sooner to ensure a place. 

To learn more about FDL and submit your application, please visit the FDL website at frontierdevelopmentlab.org


JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Associates, School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, South Korea 

From: Yong-Jae Moon (moonyj at khu.ac.kr)

The Kyung Hee University invites applications for postdoctoral positions in Solar Physics. We expect to offer two positions of two years and one position of one year(renewable for one or two more years contingent on performance and funding). The preferred starting date is September 1, 2017 but a later or earlier starting date can be negotiated. Fellows are expected to carry out original research in Solar Physics and Space Weather under the general supervision of Prof. Yong-Jae Moon whose interests are solar activity (CMEs and flares) and their associated space weather forecasts (statistical or deep neural network or physics-based).

Application consisting of a C.V., a list of publications, a description of research interests and plan (within three pages), and two letters of recommendation by those familiar with candidate’s work should be sent to harim at khu.ac.kr by May 31, 2017. Review of the applications will begin June 1, 2017, and continue until the position is filled.
Salary will around 33,000,000 KRW (~29,000 USD) depending on the candidate’s experience. The health insurance and pension will be partially supported. Funds will be available for travel and other research expenses. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Astronomy or Space Science by the time of employment.

Founded in 1949, Kyung Hee University is a well-established, but vibrantly growing educational and research institution ranked among the top eight comprehensive universities of Korea. The Department of Astronomy and Space Science, inaugurated in 1985, is located in Yongin (approximately 30 km south of Seoul), and currently has 19 professors, 15 postdoctoral researchers, and more than 60 graduate students. The information on the faculty members is available at http://ssrbkplus.khu.ac.kr/en/.


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:


To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(IMPORTANT: Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

Note: Announcements for SPA-related sessions at major conferences, such as AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, and IAGA Meetings, are distributed in special issues of the Newsletter.

SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************


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