Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon May 29 14:37:30 PDT 2017

Volume XXIV, Issue 30

Editor: Peter Chi
Co-Editor: Guan Le
Distribution Support: Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, Kevin Addison
E-mail: editor at igpp.ucla.edu

Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Table of Contents

1. MEETING: First International Workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather Research and Forecasting workshop, Washington DC August 1-4 2017 (SSWRF 2017, http://sswrf.cua.edu).

2. MEETING: IRI-2017 Workshop: DEADLINE for submission of FINANCIAL SUPPORT APPLICATIONS extended to June 10, 2017

3. MEETING: 25th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP 2017), Leuven, Belgium, September 18-20, 2017 

4. RHESSI Science Nuggets in May 2017

5. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Position - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado / LASP)



MEETING: First International Workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather Research and Forecasting workshop, Washington DC August 1-4 2017 (SSWRF 2017, http://sswrf.cua.edu).

From: Vadim Uritsky (vadim.uritsky at nasa.gov)

This is a reminder that the abstract submission and travel  support application deadline for the First International Workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather and Forecasting (SSWRF 2017) is MAY 31 2017.

Workshop dates: August 1 – 4, 2017. 

Workshop location: The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. 

Meeting Scope: SSWRF is the first dedicated scientific meeting focusing on specific needs of space weather studies using small space-based platforms, including those utilizing the CubeSat reference design. The four major themes are Research and Forecasting, Mission Concepts, Innovation and Technology, and Future Opportunities. 

The latest information can be found at the workshop website, http://sswrf.cua.edu/ 

We look forward to seeing you in DC this August.

Vadim Uritsky,  SSWRF Chair


MEETING: IRI-2017 Workshop: DEADLINE for submission of FINANCIAL SUPPORT APPLICATIONS extended to June 10, 2017

From: Dieter Bilitza and Jann-Yenq Liu (Tiger) (dbilitza at gmu.edu)

MEETING: COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop – IRI 2017 – NCU, Taoyuan City, Taiwan, Nov 6-17, 2017
DEADLINE for submission of FINANCIAL SUPPORT APPLICATIONS extended to June 10, 2017
DEADLINE for submission of ABSTRACTS is July 15, 2017

The 2017 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) Workshop will take place at the National Central University (NCU) in Taoyuan City, Taiwan from November 6 to 17, 2017. The NCU campus is just a short taxi ride from Taipei’s Taoyuan International Airport (TPE). The 2-week workshop is supported under the COSPAR Capacity-Building Workshop program and consists of student-oriented lectures and tutorials during the first week followed by the regular IRI science meeting in the second week. The first week activities will introduce graduate students and young researchers to the basics of ionospheric monitoring and modeling and related online resources. The students will work on specific modeling problems in small groups and report their results at the end of the second conference week to the full IRI workshop audience. The second week will be organized as a regular IRI workshop with oral and poster presentations. The special topic of this workshop will be “Improved Real-time Ionospheric Predictions with IRI, COSMIC and other GNSS data”. Papers on general IRI-related topics are also welcome including new data sources and improvements and new additions for IRI. Of special interest are also applications of the IRI model in all areas of technology and science.

Students and Young Researchers are encouraged to apply for financial support. Funding will be provided for travel, housing, and meals for all selected students (30-35).
More information about the workshop can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/iri2017workshop-tw
including application forms for financial support and Abstract templates for papers and posters.
The deadline for FINANCIAL SUPPORT APPLICATIONS for students and young researchers is June 10, 2017.
The deadline for the submission of ABSTRACTS for the IRI Workshop is July 15, 2017.
The IRI homepage is at http://irimodel.org .


MEETING: 25th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (ICNSP 2017), Leuven, Belgium, September 18-20, 2017 

From: Giovanni Lapenta (giovanni.lapenta at kuleuven.be)

The ICNSP, the International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, is bringing together the leading researchers in the field of computational plasma physics  to discuss advanced models, methods and algorithms to solve higher dimensional, complex nonlinear problems.

The workshop encourages a broad scope of contributions related to the development of new numerical methods for any type of plasmas,  including space, laser-plasma, nuclear fusion, astrophysics, industrial and medical applications. 

The 25th ICNSP is followed by Frontiers of Astrophysical modeling, a 2-day international meeting (September 21-22, 2017), open to contributions where advanced numerical modeling makes direct contact with astrophysical insights.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is OPEN at www.icnsp2017.org until August 1 2017. 

REGISTRATION is available at www.icnsp2017.org.

TRAVEL SUPPORT AVAILABLE for students traveling from the United States of America.

A special issue "Advances in the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas" will be published (in 2017) in Computer Physics Communications in conjunction with the 25th ICNSP. This will not be the conference proceedings. Instead, selected papers accompanying conference talks will be peer reviewed. Please indicate your interest in submitting a paper when you submit your abstract, by sending an e-mail to secretariaat.wis at kuleuven.be, stating your abstract number and the title of your abstract.  The deadline for paper submission is December 30, 2017.  The editors of the special issue are Frank Jenko and Giovanni Lapenta.

General inquiries:  giovanni.lapenta at kuleuven.be
Travel support for USA Students: sparker at Colorado.EDU

MEETING WEBSITE: www.icnsp2017.org


RHESSI Science Nuggets in May 2017

From: Hugh Hudson (hhudson at ssl.berkeley.edu)

No. 301, “Double Coronal X-ray and Microwave Sources Associated with a Magnetic Breakout Solar Eruption,” by Yao CHEN: a different explanation of the double coronal hard X-ray sources.

No. 300, “A Lasso Model for Solar Gamma-ray Events,” by Hugh Hudson: a toy model hoping to explain the SEP/LAT relationship.

See http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_Science_Nuggets listing the current series, 2008-present, and http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/nuggets/for the original series, 2005-2008. We publish these at roughly two-week intervals and welcome contributions, which should be related, at least loosely, to RHESSI science.


JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Research Position - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado / LASP)

From: David Malaspina (David.Malaspina at lasp.colorado.edu)

The Space Plasma Group at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), University of Colorado, Boulder (CU), is seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to conduct scientific research on Earth’s magnetotail and inner magnetosphere plasma dynamics in support of existing grants. This position is focused primarily on analyzing and interpreting in-situ particle and fields data from spacecraft including the Van Allen Probes and THEMIS. 

The CU/LASP Space Plasma Group conducts a diverse research program encompassing data analysis, simulation, and theoretical studies of space plasma physics in a variety of environments, including planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres as well as the solar wind. The group maintains a robust space instrumentation program.  

Application Materials Required: Cover Letter, Resume/CV, Reference Letters, Unofficial transcript(s)

For more information, please contact: David.Malaspina at lasp.colorado.edu

Detailed instructions for submitting an application are here: https://cu.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=09672&lang=en&sns_id=mailto#.WSWcQMwZr-4.mailto


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