Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Jul 9 11:21:08 PDT 2019
Volume XXVI, Issue 42
Table of Contents
1. NASA – Final Call for Feedback on Living with a Star Strategic Science Areas
2. Topical Collection of Solar Physics on "Ten Years of Solar Observations with PROBA2"
3. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position in Atmospheric and Space Physics at Clemson University
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
NASA – Final Call for Feedback on Living with a Star Strategic Science Areas
From: Mark Linton (mark.linton at nrl.navy.mil)
Dear Heliophysics Community,
The NASA Living with a Star Program Analysis Group (LPAG) serves as a community-based interdisciplinary forum for soliciting and coordinating community analysis and input for Living with a Star objectives and of their implications for architecture planning and activity prioritization and for future exploration. This year, the LPAG Executive Committee is focusing on a re-examination of the Strategic Science Areas (SSAs), developed in 2014 as long-term targeted areas of system science to guide LWS activities (see https://lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/pdf/LWS_10YrVision_Oct2015_Final.pdf). The Executive Committee met in April to reexamine these SSAs, keeping in mind the overall Living with a Star goals, the ways in which these SSAs are now used by the community to develop new Focused Science Topics, and the ways in which the LWS program can complement the Space Weather Action Plan and NASA’s new Space Weather Science and Applications (SWxSA) program.
Based on these discussions, the LPAG Executive Committee has expanded, refocused, and reordered the SSAs into nine draft SSAs: SSAs I-IX. We are now soliciting community feedback on these draft SSAs. All of these draft SSAs are now posted on our website at lwstrt.gsfc.nasa.gov/lpag, with input boxes for comments and feedback on each individual SSA, as well as on the overall collection of draft SSAs. The feedback site will be open for comments until July 14, 2019. During this time, LPAG Executive Committee members will be holding a series of town halls on these draft SSAs at the AAS/SPD, GEM, and CEDAR meetings (note, an LPAG town hall will also be held at the SHINE meeting in August).
After this comment period closes, the committee will meet again to review the community feedback on the SSAs and, based on this feedback, will finalize the SSAs for our annual report to NASA Headquarters.
We look forward to your feedback on these draft SSAs.
Mark Linton & Anthea Coster (co-chairs)
On behalf of the Living with a Star Program Analysis Group Executive Committee
Topical Collection of Solar Physics on "Ten Years of Solar Observations with PROBA2"
From: Elke D'Huys (elke.dhuys at oma.be)
We solicit manuscripts on this general subject for inclusion in a Topical Collection of the journal Solar Physics. The deadline for submission of statements of interest (SOI) with a tentative title, abstract, author list, and three suggestions for referees, preferably with e-mail, is 13 September 2019; and the deadline for manuscript submission is 2 November 2019, the 10th anniversary of the launch of PROBA2.
This Topical Collection is a follow-up of the 2013 Topical Issue that highlighted the scientific and operational achievements after the first two years of the mission. This Topical Collection is not limited to research based solely on PROBA2 data, but submissions should have a clear link with the mission. Instrumental contributions are welcome as well. This Topical Collection is not a conference proceedings and all submissions must be completed original papers that meet the regular quality of the journal. The Topical Collection will start off with several invited reviews to summarize the mission's scientific achievements and frame the work in the research articles which follow. Please consult Solar Physics 291, 2016 for a recent Topical Collection. Topics to be included in the Topical Collection include:
- Flares, Eruptions, and their related phenomena
- Studies of solar irradiance and its influence on Earth
- Studies of the middle corona
- Data calibration and degradation of the PROBA2 instruments
- Studies of the global structure of the EUV corona and/or large-scale features within it
- Studies of the long-term evolution of the corona and solar irradiance over the course of the solar cycle
For further information, and submission of statements of intent, please contact proba2at10 at gmail.com
Elke D'Huys (Guest editor), Marie Dominique (Guest editor), Matthew West (Guest editor), John Leibacher (Solar Physics Editor-in-Chief)
JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position in Atmospheric and Space Physics at Clemson University
From: Stephen Kaeppler (skaeppl at clemson.edu)
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Clemson University invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position in atmospheric and space physics under the mentorship of Professor Stephen Kaeppler. A successful applicant will pursue research focused on analysis of high latitude incoherent scatter radar data with an emphasis on understanding E-region neutral winds, Joule heating, and auroral electrodynamics. The position is suitable for applicants with a background in data analysis, incoherent scatter radar, and a strong publication record.
The anticipated start date is early Fall 2019; some flexibility is possible on the specific time of arrival. The initial appointment will be for one year with the option for a renewal into the second year.
Experience programming in Python and/or Matlab is preferred.
Preference will be given to applicants who have held a PhD in physics or another relevant field for no more than three years or expect to graduate in Fall 2019.
Application Instructions
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, a clearly articulated research proposal of no more than 5 pages excluding references, and the names and contact data of three references at http://apply.interfolio.com/64918. Reference letters will only be sought for short-listed candidates.
All applications received by August 15th, 2019 are guaranteed full consideration; however, applications will continue to be reviewed until the position is filled.
For further information, contact Professor Kaeppler skaeppl at clemson.edu.
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:
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(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison
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