Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Mar 14 16:41:14 PDT 2019
Volume XXVI, Issue 18
Table of Contents
1. 2019 AGU Fall Meeting - Invitation to Propose a Session
2. MEETING: Partially Ionised Plasmas in Astrophysics PIPA2019 (Mallorca, Spain) -- 2nd Announcement: Deadline April 1st
3. MEETING: “Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” Workshop - First Announcement
4. Monday Science Telecon, March 18
5. QSAS Science Analysis System 3.3 Released
6. Multiple Graduate Student Positions in Space Science Instrumentation
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
2019 AGU Fall Meeting - Invitation to Propose a Session
From: Christina Lee, Elizabeth MacDonald, and Romina Nikoukar (clee at ssl.berkeley.edu)
As AGU celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019, the Fall AGU meeting moves back to the new renovated Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. Although December 9 - 13 seems a long way off, now is the time to submit proposals for scientific sessions. This is your opportunity to bring together a group of your colleagues to present the latest results in an area of interest to you. Since this is the AGU centennial, we especially encourage proposals for sessions that focus on what we’ve learned over the past 100 years and what may we expect in the next 100 years.
The 2019 AGU Fall Meeting Session Proposal submission deadline is Wednesday, 17 April. To submit a proposal, go to https://meetings.agu.org/fall-meeting-2019/#session-proposal .
Before submitting your proposal, please check to see if a session on a similar theme has already been submitted. If so, please consider contacting the other proposers to discuss a merger, or rework your session proposal to focus on a unique topic. Proposals with significant overlap may be merged or rejected, so please make sure your proposal is focused and unique. You can view existing SPA session submissions here (on the left select the Program of interest, e.g., SPA-Solar and Heliospheric Physics): https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm19/prelim.cgi/Search/0?sort=Relevance&size=10&page=1 .
Session proposals from first-time session planners, early career researchers (including students!) and those under-represented in our field are especially welcome. Conveners who are well-established in the field should consider helping students and/or early career scientists to gain more experience in this role by inviting them to be your co-conveners. Note that to be a primary convener of a session, you must be a current member of the American Geophysical Union (https://membership.agu.org/join-renew/).
In additional to the traditional oral- and poster-session formats, we encourage proposal sessions that use alternate session formats such as panels, short talks, and eLightning sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact one of your SPA secretaries (SH: Christina Lee, SM: Elizabeth MacDonald, SA: Romina Nikoukar).
MEETING: Partially Ionised Plasmas in Astrophysics PIPA2019 (Mallorca, Spain) -- 2nd Announcement: Deadline April 1st
From: Istvan Ballai (i.ballai at sheffield.ac.uk)
It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the Partially Ionised Plasmas in Astrophysics (PIPA2019) conference, to be held in Mallorca in June 3-7, 2019. The meeting will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between participants from all areas of Astrophysics in which partially ionised plasmas play a capital role, from the Earth's atmosphere to partially ionised regions in galaxies, which also includes solar chromosphere, interstellar medium, stellar formation, protostellar discs, planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, etc.
Information about the venue, accommodation, preliminary invited speakers and talks, etc. is available at:
Registration and Abstract submission deadline -- April 1, 2019
Hotel reservation deadline -- April 1, 2019
The LOC of the PIPA2019 meeting is looking forward to welcome you to Mallorca,
Ramón Oliver, Elena Khomenko, Istvan Ballai
MEETING: “Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” Workshop - First Announcement
From: Dr Mario M. Bisi (Mario.Bisi at stfc.ac.uk)
Following our save-the-date announcement a few months ago, we would like to provide you with the official first announcement for our upcoming “Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” focussed/specialist workshop which will be held in Hermanus (near Cape Town), South Africa, the week of 15th July 2019.
The workshop will cover all aspects of scintillation from the science (including all the domains in which it can be applied, e.g. ionosphere, heliosphere, interstellar) through to engineering concepts/requirements including all aspects of its theory/modelling. We are in the process of putting together more-detailed themes and these will appear on the workshop website before the end of March 2019. In addition, we are in the process of setting out invited speakers and scene-setting speakers.
Early registration and abstract submission opens very soon on 25th March 2019. The full list of deadlines can be found on the workshop website here: https://www.ukssdc.ac.uk/meetings/SSCESATORS/ along with further information about the scope of the workshop and local information.
On behalf of the workshop SOC and LOC,
Mario M. Bisi (UKRI STFC RAL Space – SOC Co-Chair)
Mike Kosch (SANSA/Lancaster University – SOC Co-Chair/LOC Chair)
Science Organising Committee (SOC):
Mario M. Bisi (UKRI STFC RAL Space, UK) (Co-Chair)
Michael Kosch (SANSA, South Africa/Lancaster University, UK) (Co-Chair)
Richard A. Fallows (ASTRON, NL)
Daniel Stinebring (Oberlin College and Conservatory, OH, USA)
Anna Bilous (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Ue-Li Pen (University of Toronto, ON, Canada)
Lucilla Alfonsi (INGV, Italy)
Joseph Olwendo (Pwani University, Kenya)
Biagio Forte (University of Bath, UK)
Tshimangadzo Matamba (SANSA, South Africa)
Oyuki Chang (UKRI STFC RAL Space, UK)
Local Organising Committee (LOC):
Michael Kosch (SANSA, South Africa/Lancaster University, UK)
Lee-Anne McKinnell (SANSA, South Africa)
Tshimangadzo Matamba (SANSA, South Africa)
Monday Science Telecon, March 18
From: David Sibeck (david.g.sibeck at nasa.gov)
At 12:00 noon EST on Monday (March 18), we plan to hold the next in our ongoing series of science telecons. The speaker this Monday will be Eric Lund from the University of New Hampshire. The topic will be "On the Role of Heavy Ions in Sawtooth Events: Superposed Epoch Analysis of In Situ Data".
The telecom will be broadcast live via webex. If you would like to join, please go to http://uclaigpp.webex.com/, search for the ‘Dayside Science' meeting (Meeting number: 280 328 066), enter your name and contact information, and then the meeting password, which is Substorm1!
To hear the audio, do not dial the number that pops up on the webex website. Instead, please dial the following toll-free (in the United States) number:
with passcode 901533#
Please remember to mute your telephone if you are not speaking.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
QSAS Science Analysis System 3.3 Released
From: Steve Schwartz and Tony Allen (steven.schwartz at lasp.colorado.edu)
QSAS is an interactive GUI-driven approach to space data manipulation and display. Version 3.3 is now available in binary for MacOS and Windows, and is easily built on Linux platforms. QSAS is an open source project originally funded as part of the UK involvement in the Cluster mission, but is generic in its ability to ingest data from most data sources. It is primarily an interactive tool with some scripting capabilities.
QSAS works with locally held data files, exploiting the metadata supplied in ISTP-compliant cdf files to deal automatically with time cadences, coordinate frames, unit conversion, and plot labelling. User-written ascii header or helper files enable a user to add or correct the necessary metadata for both cdf and ascii files. QSAS pays particular attention to the proper handling of data with differing sampling frequencies or otherwise non-synchronous temporal dependencies.
QSAS contains an extensive set of mathematical and space physics-based analysis tools, from basic arithmetic and vector operators to multi-spacecraft gradient, divergence and curl operators, Tsyganenko field models, minimum variance, shock/boundary normal calculations, slicing and integrating 3D particle distributions, and others. An interactive Calculator enables users to construct and save chains of operations, the results of which are held on the QSAS Working List for subsequent calculations or plotting. A plug-in API in C++ enables advanced users to implement more complex algorithms or interface to external libraries.
Plotting capabilities include flexible stacked time series, or X-Y, panel plots of lines or spectrograms, plus 2D and 3D tools to visualize and interactive with higher dimensional data. Cursor control enables selecting and/or zooming times of interest, which can be held on the Working List for use elsewhere.
For more information, see the QSAS_Intro_June2018.pptx available on the download site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qsas/. Please register for the email list when you download so we can keep you informed.
Funded support for QSAS will cease at the end of March 2019, and subsequent maintenance will be entirely from within the user community. We are looking for developers to join this community. QSAS is written in C++. It uses Qt for GUI implementation and plplot as its graphics engine.
Steve Schwartz (steven.schwartz at lasp.colorado.edu)
Tony Allen (a.allen at imperial.ac.uk)
Both: csc-support-dl at imperial.ac.uk or via the SourceForge project Support tab.
Multiple Graduate Student Positions in Space Science Instrumentation
From: Aroh Barjatya (barjatya at erau.edu)
Engineering Physics program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL and Space and Atmospheric Instrumentation Lab (erausail.weebly.com) are looking for multiple PhD/MS students in Space Science Instrumentation and Space Physics.
The students are expected to be involved in the design, fabrication, flight, and data analysis of various in-situ plasma instruments slated to be launched on multiple funded sounding rockets and CubeSat missions to study the mesosphere-lower-thermosphere and ionosphere phenomenon, such as
1. Electrodynamics of Sporadic-E layers
2. Earth’s ambipolar electric potential and its contribution to ionospheric outflow
3. Equatorial Temperature and Wind Anomaly
The Physical Sciences Department at ERAU has a large group of faculty members actively engaged in space and atmospheric research with continued growth. Students will have opportunities to learn a broad range of research topics while in the program. All past graduates have successfully found jobs in academia, industry and national labs.
Daytona Beach has a pleasant climate year round, with opportunities for plenty of extra curricular activities on the beach, in nearby Orlando, and at Cape Canaveral.
Application deadline is 15 May 2019 for entry in Fall 2019. For further information about the positions, please contact Dr. Aroh Barjatya at barjatya at erau.edu. Application procedures and additional information can be found at https://daytonabeach.erau.edu/admissions/graduate
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:
To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, Todd King, and Kevin Addison
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