[SPA] Research scientist position

Burrell, Angeline angeline.burrell at nrl.navy.mil
Wed May 15 06:53:53 PDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) has just opened an associate research position  (permanent) in Space Sciences.

The original job advertisement (in Spanish) is available from the following link.  An English translation is provided below.


Best wishes,
Primoz Kajdic (primoz at igeofisica.unam.mx<mailto:primoz at igeofisica.unam.mx>), Beatriz Sanches-Cano, and Angeline Burrell

------- English Translation --------

Space Physics Department
Geophysics Institute
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Topic: Solar Physics, Magnetospheric Physics, Physics of Cosmic Rays, Planetary Physics and Instrumentation and Development of Infrastructure for Space Science Studies.
Title: Plaza de Investigador Asociado “C”
Number: 78712-47

Salary: The basic monthly salary is 19,014.60 MXN, but the stimuli (grants) provided by different institutions augment this sum initially by roughly 100% and potentially much more afterwards.
Geophysics Institute at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City is announcing a full time job as a scientists in the fields of: Solar Physics, Magnetospheric Physics, Physics of Cosmic Rays, Planetary Physics and Instrumentation and Development of Infrastructure for Space Science Studies.


- PhD in the field of Space Sciences obtained maximum seven years before the publication of this announcement.
- Experience in at least one of the following fields: Solar Physics, Magnetospheric Physics, Physics of Cosmic Rays, Planetary Physics and Instrumentation and Development of Infrastructure for Space Science Studies.
- Substantial scientific production in high impact journals.
- At least one postdoctoral position at internationally renowned institutions.
To apply for this job, the candidates will need to:
- Propose a science project to be carried out in one of the fields stated in this announcement.
- Present the project to the scientific community of the Geophysics Institute in the form of a seminar.
- Be interviewed by the Ad Hoc Selection Committee.

The candidates need to present the following documents by no later than June 14, 2019:
- A letter addressed to the Director of the Geophysics Institute asking to be considered for the job
and explaining their motives.
- Research project proposal.
- Curriculum vitae with the copies of all the documents that prove its validity (e.g., academic transcripts).
- A copy of their PhD diploma.
- Two reference letters, which should not be from the candidate’s PhD advisor(s).

The documents (Research project proposal and CV) must be written in Spanish and either delivered to the Secretaría Académica del Instituto de Geofísica located in the Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City or emailed to: plazas at geofisica.unam.mx.

The candidates will be notified about the date and place of the interview and the seminar.

All the documents will be analyzed by Cuerpos Colegiados of the Geophysics Institute. The documents of the selected candidate will be sent to the Consejo Técnico de la Investigación Científica for analysis and final approval. The decision will be final and indisputable.
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