Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Apr 2 05:29:03 PDT 2021
Volume XXVIII, Issue 18
SPECIAL ISSUE: IAGA-IASPEI 2021 Joint Scientific Assembly
(Abstracts Due April 15)
Table of Contents
1. MEETING: IAGA-IASPEI, August 21-27, 2021, Virtual Conference
2. List of IAGA Division II (Aeronomic Phenomena) Symposia
3. List of IAGA Division III (Magnetospheric Phenomena) Symposia
4. List of IAGA Division IV (Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field) Symposia
5. List of Other SPA-related Symposia
Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g
MEETING: IAGA-IASPEI, August 21-27, 2021, Virtual Conference
International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) - International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) Joint Scientific Assembly
August 21-27, 2021, Virtual Conference
Meeting website: https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/
Online abstract submission website: https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/abstract.html
Upcoming deadlines:
April 15: Abstract submissions
June 30: Early-bird registration
List of IAGA Division II (Aeronomic Phenomena) Symposia
(See https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/symposia-details.html for detailed descriptions of these symposia.)
2.1 Electrodynamics of the ionosphere-atmosphere system and its coupling to the space environment
Convener: Irina Mironova (i.a.mironova at spbu.ru)
Co-Conveners: Martin Fullekrug (M.Fullekrug at bath.ac.uk) | Andrei Demekhov (andrei at ipfran.ru)
2.2 Solar Influence on the Atmosphere and Climate
Convener: Christoph Jacobi (jacobi at uni-leipzig.de)
Co-Conveners: Nicholas Pedatella (nickp at ucar.edu) | Luc Damé (luc.dame at latmos.ipsl.fr)
2.3 Stratosphere-Mesosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere System – Long-Term Changes
Convener: Liying Qian (lqian at ucar.edu)
Co-Conveners: Jan Lastovicka (jla at ufa.cas.cz)
List of IAGA Division III (Magnetospheric Phenomena) Symposia
(See https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/symposia-details.html for detailed descriptions of these symposia.)
3.2 The expanding regimes of ULF wave research
Convener: Jayashree Bulusu (bulusujayashree at gmail.com)
Co-Conveners: Kazue Takahashi (Kazue.Takahashi at jhuapl.edu) | Masahito Nose (nose.masahito at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
3.3 Recent advances in the system level understanding of solar wind – magnetopshere – ionosphere – thermosphere coupling
Convener: Jone Peter Reistad (jone.reistad at uib.no)
Co-Conveners: Kazuo Shiokawa (shiokawa at nagoya-u.jp) | Geeta Vichare (geeta.vichare at iigm.res.in)
3.4 Magnetic reconnection and its impact on geospace
Convener: Matthew Argall (Matthew.Argall at unh.edu)
Co-Convener: Kevin Genestreti (Kevin.genestreti at swri.org)
3.5 Magnetospheric Boundary Layers
Convener: Steve Petrinec (steven.m.petrinec at lmco.com)
Co-Convener: Karlheinz J. Trattner (karlheinz.trattner at lasp.colorado.edu)
3.6 Magnetotail dynamic processes
Convener: Jay Johnson (jrj at andrews.edu)
Co-Conveners: Xuzhi Zhou(xzhou at igpp.ucla.edu) | Meng Zhou (monmentum82 at gmail.com)
3.7 Current challenges and future directions of magnetospheric research
Convener: Larry Kepko (larry.kepko at nasa.gov)
Co-Convener: Rumi Nakamura (Rumi.Nakamura at oeaw.ac.at)
3.8 Recent Advances in Observations and Modeling of the Ring Current System
Convener: Vania Jordanova (vania at lanl.gov)
Co-Conveners: Ioannis Daglis (iadaglis at phys.uoa.gr) | Yoshizumi Miyoshi (miyoshi at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp) | Yiqun Yu (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com)
3.9 Understanding the Causes and Consequences of Space Weather Phenomena in the Earth Magnetosphere
Convener: Suiyan Fu (suiyanfu at pku.edu.cn)
Co-Conveners: Drew Turner (drew.turner at jhuapl.edu) | Qiugang Zong (qgzong at pku.edu.cn) | Yoshizumi Miyoshi (miyoshi at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp)
3.10 Machine learning in space physics
Convener: Peter Wintoft (peter at lund.irf.se)
Co-Convener: Irina Zhelavskaya (irina.zhelavskaya at gfz-potsdam.de)
3.11 Magnetospheric processes
Convener: Simon Wing (simon.wing at jhuapl.edu)
Co-Convener: George Balasis (gbalasis at noa.gr)
List of IAGA Division IV (Solar Wind and Interplanetary Field) Symposia
(See https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/symposia-details.html for detailed descriptions of these symposia.)
4.1 Advances and Upcoming Developments in Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Convener: Mari Paz Miralles (mmiralles at cfa.harvard.edu)
Co-Conveners: Spiros Patsourakos (spatsour at uoi.gr) | Jin-YI Lee (jlee at khu.ac.kr) | Xochitl Blanco-Cano (xbc at geofisica.unam.mx) | John Richardson (jdr at space.mit.edu) | Cynthia Lopez Portela (cynthialp at igeofisica.unam.mx) | Stefano Livi (slivi at swri.edu)
4.2 Magnetic Ejecta and Flux Ropes from the Sun to Geospace
Convener: Noé Lugaz (noe.lugaz at unh.edu)
Co-Conveners: Anna Malanushenko (anny at ucar.edu) | Emilia Kilpua (emilia.kilpua at helsinki.fi) | Dibyendu Nandi (dnandi at iiserkol.ac.in)
4.3 Space Weather and Climate Throughout the Solar System: Bringing Data and Models Together
Convener: Laure Lefevre (laure.lefevre at oma.be)
Co-Conveners: Baptiste Cecconi (baptiste.cecconi at obspm.fr) | Mateja Dumbovic (mateja.dumbovic at geof.unizg.hr) | Phillip Hess (phillip.hess at nrl.navy.mil)
4.4 Waves and Turbulence in the Solar Corona and Wind
Convener: Valery M Nakariakov (V.Nakariakov at warwick.ac.uk)
Co-Conveners: Bo Li (bbl at sdu.edu.cn) | Raffaella D'Amicis (raffaella.damicis at inaf.it)
List of Other SPA-related Symposia
(See https://www.iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/symposia-details.html for detailed descriptions of these symposia.)
J3 Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Seismo Ionospheric and Electromagnetic anomalies
Convener: Mala S. Bagiya (bagiyamala at gmail.com, mala.bagiya at iigm.res.in)
Co-Conveners: Elvira Astafyeva (e.astafyeva at gmail.com, astafyeva at ipgp.fr) | Yasuhide Hobara (hobara at ee.uec.ac.jp)
J10 Innovation in Geoscience Education and Outreach
Convener: Manoj Nair (manoj.c.nair at noaa.gov)
Co-Conveners: Edgar Bering (spacephy at Central.UH.EDU) | Raju Sakar (rajusarkar.cst at rub.edu.bt) | Hannah Rogers (h.f.rogers at sms.ed.ac.uk) | Tereza Kameníková (kamenitka at gmail.com)
D1 Exploring Earth's magnetic field from space
Convener: Ciaran Beggan (ciar at bgs.ac.uk)
Co-Conveners:Gauthier Hulot (gh at ipgp.fr) | Patrick Alken (patrick.alken at noaa.gov) | Yanyan Yang (youngyany at 163.com)
D2 Planetary magnetic fields and geomagnetic secular variation
Convener: William Brown (wb at bgs.ac.uk)
Co-Conveners: Ingo Wardinski (wardinski at unistra.fr) | Christopher Finlay (cfinlay at space.dtu.dk) | Swarandeep Sahoo (swarandeep.iitk at gmail.com)| Katia Pinheiro (kpinheirogeomag at gmail.com) | Sanja Panovska (panovska at gfz-potsdam.de)
D3 Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System
Convener: Christina Arras (arras at gfz-potsdam.de)
Co-Conveners: Subramanian Gurubaran (gurubara at iigm.res.in) | Loren Chang (loren at jupiter.ss.ncu.edu.tw) | Petra Koucka Knizova (pkn at ufa.cas.cz)
D4 Advances in Mid, Low Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy
Convener: Paulo Roberto Fagundes (fagundes at univap.br)
Co-Conveners: Geeta Vichare (geeta.vichare at iigm.res.in) | Venkatesh Kavutarapu (venkatkau at gmail.com) | Michael Pezzopane (michael.pezzopane at ingv.it) | Yosuke Yamazaki (yamazaki at gfz-potsdam.de))
D5 Relativistic electrons: Their emergence and loss in geospace, their impact on the upper atmosphere and the role of the cold plasma background
Convener: Ioannis A. Daglis (iadaglis at phys.uoa.gr)
Co-Conveners: János Lichtenberger (lityi at sas.elte.hu) | Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik at atmos.ucla.edu) | Yoshizumi Miyoshi (miyoshi at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp) | Gurbax Lakhina (gslakhina at gmail.com) | Rajesh Singh (rajesh.singh at iigm.res.in)
D6 Geomagnetic observations for space science, space weather and space climate applications
Convener: Pierdavide Coïsson (coisson at ipgp.fr)
Co-Conveners: Miquel Torta (jmtorta at obsebre.es) | Ellen Clarke (ecla at bgs.ac.uk)
D7 Remarkable geomagnetic events and indices: Derivation, history, and applications for space weather
Convener: Juan José Curto (jjcurto at obsebre.es)
Co-Conveners: Anna Naemi Willer (anna at space.dtu.dk) | Hisashi Hayakawa (hisashi at nagoya-u.jp)
D8 Space weather services: New scientific research to address future needs
Convener: Terry Onsager (terry.onsager at noaa.gov)
Co-Convener: Heikki Vanhamäki (heikki.vanhamaki at oulu.fi)
D9 Geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) benchmarks, case studies and new results in geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) and hazard assessments
Convener: Stefan Lotz (slotz at sansa.org.za)
Co-Convener: Antti Pulkkinen (antti.a.pulkkinen at nasa.gov)
5.1 Current developments of Geomagnetic observatories and integration of ground and space- based measurements
Convener: Achim Morschhauser (mors at gfz-potsdam.de)
Co-Conveners: Kusumita Arora (kusumita.arora at gmail.com) | Katia Pinheiro (kpinheirogeomag at gmail.com) | Roman Krasnoperov (r.krasnoperov at gcras.ru)
The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:
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(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)
NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.
SPA Web Site: http://spa.agu.org/
SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison
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