Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Sep 6 21:20:19 PDT 2022

Volume XXIX, Issue 53


Table of Contents

1. NASA Input to the Decadal Survey Committee, Publication

2. Clarification on the Publication of White Papers: Frontiers and BAAS

3. Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Geomagnetic Hazard Science for Modern Society

4. Post Doctoral Scholarship in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


NASA Input to the Decadal Survey Committee, Publication

From: Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner at nasa.gov)

NASA has updated its decadal survey website, including posting supplemental information relevant to the 2024 Decadal Survey.

Heliophysics Division has delivered this supplemental information as input to the 2024 Solar and Space Physics Decadal Survey Committee. The purpose of the deliveries is to provide the Decadal Survey Committee and its panels with programmatic context to inform their discussions and eventual recommendations. These documents contain high-level, non-exhaustive descriptions, and identify where NASA could provide additional information upon request.

The deliveries describe the current state of NASA Heliophysics’ programs, on-going work, and future plans. Some of the documents were promised by the Statement of Task package, some respond to findings and recommendations in the Decadal Survey Mid-term Assessment, and others contain programmatic information that recent decadal surveys suggest that the Committee may request or require.

Interested individuals can find the current and future deliveries posted under “Supplemental Information” at: https://go.nasa.gov/HelioDecadal

Any questions on these supplements should be directed to Jared Leisner (jared.s.leisner at nasa.gov).


Clarification on the Publication of White Papers: Frontiers and BAAS

From: Joe Borovsky (jborovsky at spacescience.org)

When submitting white papers to the U.S. Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) Decadal Survey, there are two options for the publication of the white paper. You may choose both options.

1. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are collaborating with the Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (BAAS) to publish all of the white papers in one collection, and this is automatic when you submit your white paper unless you choose to opt out. This BAAS publication will be citable, open access, not refereed, and with no publication fee. https://nas.edu/ssphdecadal and https://baas.aas.org/. As a reminder, submission deadline is midnight, Eastern time, September 7.

2. Publication of the material in the white paper (formatted into a scientific paper) in the special issue of Frontiers “The Future of Space Physics 2022”
This Frontiers publication will be citable, open access, refereed, and with a publication fee.
Frontiers paper formats include Perspectives, Original Research, Opinions, Methods, and Reviews. If the white paper is submitted to BAAS, the BAAS publication must be cited in the Frontiers paper. The nominal submission deadline for Frontiers is October 7, 2022, but there is certain to be an extension.

Note that the Frontiers special issue (international) is also open to articles that were not submitted as a white paper to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.


Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Geomagnetic Hazard Science for Modern Society

From: Jeffrey J. Love (jlove at usgs.gov)

Applications are invited for a Mendenhall post-doctoral fellowship involving topics summarized in the US Geological Survey (USGS) Geomagnetism Program's research plan (Love et al., 2020). Specific research topics might address one or more of the following subjects: (1) analysis of a combination of existing geomagnetic monitoring data and long-period magnetotelluric survey data to evaluate hazardous geoelectric fields induced in the solid Earth during individual magnetic storms, (2) the collection of new broad-band magnetotelluric survey data in the Eastern United States and the analysis of those data, in combination with magnetic observatory data, to evaluate and map regional magnetic-storm-geoelectric hazards, (3) the collection of new broad-band magnetotelluric survey data in the Eastern United States and the analysis of those data, in combination with simple models of late-phase E3 nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) variation, to evaluate regional nuclear-explosion hazards, (4) modeling and analysis of storm-induced geoelectric hazards for sub-oceanic telecommunication cables, (5) risk-related studies of storm-induced geoelectric hazards, impacts to electricity-transmission systems, and regional concentrations of transmission infrastructure and population density, (6) development of real-time and/or retrospective geomagnetic or geoelectric hazard assessment tools. Other relevant research topics can also be considered.
Proposals should be accompanied by a work plan, a general work schedule, and a budget covering needed travel (included to conferences), equipment, computers, deployment and operation of instruments, and/or field work. Proposed magnetotelluric survey work would be done in collaboration with the USGS Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center in Denver.

Applications must be received by November 1, 2022.
Latest starting date: March 2024.

Love, J. J., Kelbert, A., Murphy, B. S., Rigler, E. J. &  Lewis, K. A., 2020. Geomagnetism Program Research Plan, 2020–2024, USGS Circular 1469, 19 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/cir1469

Additional information


Post Doctoral Scholarship in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies

From: Shahab Fatemi (shahab.fatemi at umu.se)

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Physics at Umeå University in Sweden is offering a postdoctoral scholarship in modeling plasma interaction with planetary bodies. The scholarship is full-time for two years and the start date will be 15 February, 2023 or by agreement. The aim of our project is to advance our current understanding on the kinetic interaction between the solar wind and planetary bodies of different sizes and characteristics with the main focus on atmospheric evolution using a hybrid model of plasma. Application deadline is 1 December 2022.

For more information, please see the job advertisement in the link below:

We look forward to receiving your application! 


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:

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NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Sharon Uy, Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison

AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home

SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com

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