Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun Oct 15 05:44:01 PDT 2023

Volume XXX, Issue 55


Table of Contents

1. Apply Now for TESS 2024 Student & Early Career Travel Grants

2. Did You Receive Your Abstract Notification Email from AGU?

3. OH-VLISM Online Seminar Series (October 18, 2023 at 11 am ET): Suprathermal Ions in the Magnetosphere and Outer Heliosphere

4. Cold Plasma Seminar Series

5. SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar, October 26, 2023

6. JOB OPENING: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Solar Physics and Astro-informatics at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

7. JOB OPENING: Research Fellow in Planetary Atmospheres at the University of Leeds

8. JOB OPENING: Nordic Postdoctoral Plasma Physics Fellowship (NORPPA) in Space Physics and Astrophysics

9. Space Physics PhD on Svalbard

10. PhD Student in Space Physics 


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Apply Now for TESS 2024 Student & Early Career Travel Grants

From: Geoff Reeves, Craig Deforest, & the TESS24 SOC (geoff at reevesresearch.org)

The 2024 Triennial Earth Sun Summit (TESS) meeting will take place in Dallas, TX April 7-12 to coincide with the total solar eclipse.

TESS is now accepting applications for student and early career travel grants. You can find the application form at:


Did You Receive Your Abstract Notification Email from AGU?

From: Amy Keesee (amy.keesee at unh.edu)

I have heard of numerous people (including myself) that did not receive (one of) their abstract notification email(s) with details about their presentation for Fall Meeting. If this happened to you, please email abstracts at agu.org to let them know and they will resend it. Even if you already found your presentation in the program, it would be helpful for them to know how widespread this problem is and ensure that you have all the necessary presentation details. They have found that all emails were sent out but somehow they aren’t all getting received, even by people that successfully received other emails from the same email address. 

Amy Keesee, Secretary SPA-SM


OH-VLISM Online Seminar Series (October 18, 2023 at 11 am ET): Suprathermal Ions in the Magnetosphere and Outer Heliosphere

From: Marc Kornbleuth, Justyna Sokol, Elena Provornikova, Lennart Baalmann (kmarc at bu.edu)

Please join us for our next OH-VLISM online seminar on Wednesday, 10/18/2023 at 11 am ET, where we will be having a topic-focused seminar on suprathermal ions throughout the heliosphere, focusing on the regions of the magnetosphere and outer heliosphere. We will have Adam Michael (JHU/APL) giving a talk on his research related to suprathermals in the magnetosphere and Masaru Nakanotani (UAH/CSPAR) giving a talk on his research related to suprathermals in the outer heliosphere. 

The link to the seminar can be found here: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/99696885649?pwd=K1l5ZEtLUTNyR09CbGJhSzR1NnlDUT09 
(passcode if prompted: 730382)

For questions, inquiries, or requests to join the OH-VLISM mailing list please contact Marc Kornbleuth (kmarc at bu.edu), Justyna Sokol (justyna.sokol at swri.org), Elena Provornikova (elena.provornikova at jhuapl.edu), or Lennart Baalmann (lbaalmann at phys.ethz.ch). For more information, please visit our website at www.heliosphere.community 


Cold Plasma Seminar Series

From: Pedro Resendiz (resendiz at lanl.gov)

Dear colleagues,

Please join us for our Cold-Plasma Seminar series taking place on October 18th, 2023. The seminar will be held at the Moon Conference Room located at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA. 

If attending the seminar in person is not feasible, virtual attendance is also available. The Webex link will be made available prior each seminar on our website at:

You can also join the distribution mailing list by contacting Gian Luca Delzanno (delzanno at lanl.gov).

The speaker is David Hartley from University of Iowa:

Speaker: David Harley, University of Iowa.
Title: Observations and Modeling of Cold Plasma Density, and How it Impacts Wave Dynamics and Measurements
Date: October 18th, 2023
Time: 12 PM - 1 PM Eastern Time, 4-5 PM Universal Time Coordinated, 6-7 PM Central European Time.
Recorded Seminar: Yes.

Pedro Resendiz
Los Alamos National Laboratory


SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar, October 26, 2023

From: Ramon Lopez (relopez at uta.edu)

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar by Dr. Sergio Dasso will be held via online on October 26, 2023, as below. To join the seminar, please register via the following zoom address.

Best wishes,
Ramon Lopez, PRESTO chair

18th SCOSTEP/PRESTO Online Seminar

Title: Geo-effectiveness of interplanetary coronal mass ejections: How much can be affected due to their evolution in the heliosphere?
Speaker: Dr. Sergio Dasso
Affiliation: LAMP at the Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Date/time: October 26, 2023, 12:00-13:00 UT (09:00-10:00 ART, 07:00-08:00 CDT, 21:00-22:00 JST) 
Zoom Registration URL (Register in advance for this webinar):
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) are the solar wind transients producing the major perturbations to the geo-space. Generally larger ICMEs travel faster, has more intense magnetic field, and produce stronger perturbations to the geospace and thus, they can produce the most extreme Space Weather events. However, different dynamical processes occurring in the interplanetary medium from their solar launching to their arrival to Earth, can change these properties, and consequently can change their geoeffectiveness. In this seminar I will present the main properties of ICMEs, and those physical processes that produce significant changes on their level of impact. Finally, I will briefly present the effect of ICMEs on ground level flux of galactic cosmic rays, and a new Space Weather laboratory in an Argentine base at the Antarctic peninsula (Marambio), from where the variability of GCRs at ground level can be observed in real time.


JOB OPENING: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Solar Physics and Astro-informatics at Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

From: Petrus C Martens (martens at astro.gsu.edu)

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Georgia State University (GSU) is seeking to fill a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level to begin Fall 2024. 

We are looking for a solar physicist with significant expertise in the MHD of the solar corona and flares and/or in Big Data and Machine Learning, along with a desire to enhance GSU's solar physics and big data curriculum. GSU tenure-track faculty divide their efforts between research (40%), teaching (40%, including student mentoring), and service (20%, institutional and professional). The new hire will join our Astro-informatics Cluster, a close collaboration between the solar/stellar physics groups in the department of Physics and Astronomy, and the Computer Science department at GSU. We work closely with the remote sensing for space sciences group and the global muon detector initiative in our department. 

Our ideal candidate will have a strong background in solar and stellar physics and demonstrated expertise in relevant fields in AI and Data Science. 

Applicants should have the following basic qualifications: 1) Ph.D. in astronomy, physics, or closely related field, 2) postdoctoral research experience, 3) evidence of the ability to establish and maintain a successful research program, 4) evidence of the ability to teach GSU's undergraduate and graduate students, 5) evidence of the ability and desire to work in a large, collaborative environment. 

GSU enrolls and graduates one of the most diverse student bodies in the nation and advances innovative research. GSU therefore strongly encourages applications from candidates who will enrich the research, teaching, and service missions of the university. 
Applications should include 1) a CV, including a detailed publication list, 2) a statement of the candidate’s research interests describing how the proposed research will be synergistic with and complement existing research of the cluster, 3) a statement of teaching experience and philosophy, 4) a statement of how the candidate’s professional and academic experiences have prepared them to support and apply GSU’s mission and core values (https://strategic.gsu.edu/), and 5) contact information for at least three references. All materials should be sent via email to AstroSearch at astro.gsu.edu. Questions regarding the position can be addressed to Dr. Piet Martens at pmartens at gsu.edu. Applications received by November 15, 2023, will receive full consideration.


JOB OPENING: Research Fellow in Planetary Atmospheres at the University of Leeds

From: John Plane (j.m.c.plane at leeds.ac.uk)

You will become a key team member of the Ice Nucleation Group and the Atmospheric and Planetary Chemistry group in Leeds. You will be responsible for exploring the mechanisms of ice clouds in the atmospheres of Venus and Mars through novel experiments.  

Recent missions reveal conditions where CO2 and H2O ice clouds can exist in the mesosphere of both Mars and Venus. Comparable ice clouds in Earth’s atmosphere are important for the redistribution of condensable materials, atmospheric chemistry and, in the case of denser ice clouds, radiative transfer. These cloud-atmosphere interactions depend critically on ice particle size and number, which is determined by the nucleation mechanism. However, our understanding of how ice particles in these clouds form in the mesospheres of Mars and Venus is in its infancy. 

As an international research-intensive university, we welcome students and staff from all walks of life and from across the world. We foster an inclusive environment where all can flourish and prosper, and we are proud of our strong commitment to student education.  Within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences we are dedicated to diversifying our community and we welcome the unique contributions that individuals can bring, and particularly encourage applications from, but not limited to Black, Asian and ethnically diverse people; people who identify as LGBT+; and people with disabilities. Candidates will always be selected based on merit and ability.

To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact: 
Ben Murray, Professor of Atmospheric Science, Email: B.J.Murray at leeds.ac.uk  or John Plane, Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry, Email: J.M.C.Plane at leeds.ac.uk 

How to apply: https://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=EPSCH1091


JOB OPENING: Nordic Postdoctoral Plasma Physics Fellowship (NORPPA) in Space Physics and Astrophysics

From: Minna Palmroth (minna.palmroth at helsinki.fi)

Nordic Postdoctoral Plasma Physics Fellowship (NORPPA) in Space Physics and Astrophysics

Applications are invited for postdoctoral research positions as Nordic Postdoctoral Plasma Fellows (NORPPA Fellows) at the University of Helsinki, Finland. The selected fellows will lead an independent research program on a topic that has strong synergy with space physics research and/or plasma astrophysics conducted in Helsinki. We anticipate being able to offer multiple positions.

A successful applicant will work in a vibrant research environment with theoretical, observational, and computational research on space and astrophysical plasmas. The research of plasmas at the University of Helsinki is supported by numerous grants, including 3 ERC grants and the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence. The fellow will conduct research under the mentorship of professors in space physics (Minna Palmroth; https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/vlasiator) and astrophysics (Joonas Nättilä; http://natj.github.io/group/).

Application process: The initial appointment will be for 2 years, with an anticipated renewal for a total of 4 years. The start date is flexible. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in space physics, computational physics, plasma physics, astrophysics, or a related field (by the appointment date).  Applicants should submit a CV with the list of publications, a research statement (max. 3 pages), and arrange for three reference letters to be sent directly by the referees. The research statement should summarize past research achievements and describe the planned research program. All application material should be sent to hewan.zewde(at)helsinki.fi with the subject title "NORPPA Fellowship Application 2023" by November 15, 2023. The University of Helsinki fosters equality, diversity, inclusion, and workplace well-being. 

Helsinki: Finland has been selected as the happiest country six times and is one of the safest locations worldwide. We enjoy beautiful nature and the cleanest air in the world. Helsinki is an international city with many cultural and recreational activities and outstanding services for families and children. 

Salary & Benefits:
The annual salary will be according to the University of Helsinki salary rules, including comprehensive occupational health care access. The fellows will also have ample travel funds and access to exceptional computing resources, including the pre-exascale supercomputer LUMI and a new, dedicated local computing cluster. In addition, the position includes a paid five weeks of vacation per year, paid sick leave, and an option for a paid 6-month parental leave (per parent).



Space Physics PhD on Svalbard

From: Katie Herlingshaw (katieh at unis.no)

Interested in Space Physics and adventure?

We are employing a PhD student at the University Centre in Svalbard to research exciting new aurora-like features called 'fragments'. If you - or anyone you know - would like to live in the world's northernmost town and use world-class auroral observatories and radars then please check out the job advert:


Please spread the word to anyone you think might be interested and get in touch (katieh at unis.no) if you have any questions.

Warm regards,
Katie Herlingshaw


PhD Student in Space Physics 

From: Prof. Yuri Khotyaintsev, Dr. Daniel B. Graham (yuri at irfu.se)

Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden is looking for a highly motivated individual to join the Extreme Plasma Flares project, a collaboration between Chalmers, Gothenburg, IRF, Uppsala, and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm.

Plasma flares – explosive releases of magnetic energy – play a central role in such diverse phenomena as solar flares, aurora, and fusion plasmas. One of the outstanding questions is what conditions lead to the most extreme electron acceleration events.

The PhD project will focus on the analysis of extreme acceleration events associated with magnetic reconnection. The PhD student will work with state-of-the-art experimental data from the NASA multi-spacecraft Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission.

Our team performs observations, data analysis, and modeling of space plasma processes (https://www.irf.se/en/research/space-plasma-physics/).

For further information:
Prof. Yuri Khotyaintsev, yuri at irfu.se
Dr. Daniel B. Graham, dgraham at irfu.se

Applications should be sent to: registrator at irf.se

The closing date for applications is 30 October 2023.

Please quote reference number: 2.2.1-318/23

Click on the link for full description: 

The Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) is a governmental research institute that conducts postgraduate education and research in space physics, atmospheric physics, and space technology. Many of IRF’s projects are run as large international projects in collaboration with other research institutes and space agencies. IRF has about one hundred employees and offices in Kiruna (headquarters), Umeå, Uppsala, and Lund. www.irf.se


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:

To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison

AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home

SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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