Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun Jan 28 06:31:32 PST 2024

Volume XXXI, Issue 7


Table of Contents

1. Congratulations to SPA's 2023 Award Winners

2. Honors Nominations Now Open

3. Volunteer to be on the SPA Student Leadership Advisory Committee

4. SESSION: URSI AT-RASC 2024 Session GH02 "The High Latitude Atmosphere"

5. GeoDAWG Seminar Series

6. CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Topic "Dynamic Exospheres Of Terrestrial Bodies Through The Solar System": Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

7. JOB OPENING: Asst. Research Position, UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab.

8. JOB OPENING: Solar Orbiter SPICE Postdoctoral Position at Southwest Research Institute - Boulder, Colorado

9. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Researcher - MSL Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD), Boulder, Colorado

10. JOB OPENING: Call for Associate Professor, ISEE Nagoya University

11. Solar Orbiter Science Nuggets (January Releases)


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


Congratulations to SPA's 2023 Award Winners

From: From Therese Moretto Jorgensen & the SPA Leadership Team (Therese.moretto at gmail.com)

The following individuals were recognized at the SPA Section Reception and Union Awards Ceremony at the fall meeting. Whether you were able to attend in person or not, please join us in congratulating our new Fellows and Section and Union Award winners.

Umran Inan of Koç University, Istanbul and Stanford University was awarded AGU’s John Adam Fleming Medal, which recognizes original research and technical leadership in geomagnetism, atmospheric electricity, aeronomy, space physics, and/or related sciences.

Alison Jaynes of University of Iowa was awarded the James B. Macelwane Medal, which recognizes significant contributions to Earth and space science by an early-career scientist.

New AGU Fellows:
Christina Cohen, California Institute of Technology
Joe Giacalone, University of Arizona
Michael Shay, University of Delaware
Ruth Skoug, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Qiugang Zong, Peking University

SPA’s Basu Innovation Scholar Grant
: Lucas Rovige, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

The Scarf Award(Recent PhD): 
Pratik Joshi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The SPARC Award for impact on students’ and/or public understanding of space physics:  Thamita Mulligan Skov (“Space Weather Woman”), Millersville University of Pennsylvania 

The Marcel Nicolet Lecture (Aeronomy): John Plane, University of Leeds, UK

The James Van Allen lecture (Magnetospheric Physics): Lynn Kistler, University of New Hampshire


Honors Nominations Now Open

From: Therese Moretto Jorgensen and the SPA Leadership Team (Therese.moretto at gmail.com)

It’s the time of year again when we all have an opportunity to recognize our friends and colleagues who have made outstanding contributions to our science and community.  

Please note that AGU has made some significant changes to the Union Medals, Awards, and Prizes for the AGU Honors program in 2024:   https://www.agu.org/honors/umap-updates

Also note that the deadlines for nominations are quite a bit earlier than in previous years: 

1 March at 11:59 PM ET is the deadline to submit nominations for the Union Medals, Awards, and Prizes Program. 

27 March at 11:59 PM ET is the deadline to submit for the Union Fellows Program, Section Awards and Lecturers, and Scholarships and Grants. 

To start a nomination go to https://aguhonors.secure-platform.com/a/organizations/main/home 
>From there choose Union Medals, Awards, and Prizes; Section Awards; or Union Fellows Program and log in using your AGU credentials.

The Edmond M. Dewan Graduate Student Scholarship is also open for applications now and is accepting applications until mid-April at:  https://www.agu.org/Learn-and-Develop/Learn/Travel-Research-Grants/Edmond-M-Dewan-young-scientist-scholarship

Applications for travel grants including the Basu Innovation Scholar, Max Hammond, and Frank McDonald awards will be open in July and August.

We also strongly encourage you to take advantage of the great resource we have in the form of SPA’s Nomination Task Force. The NTF was developed to increase the diversity of nominees for AGU Fellow but has expanded its scope and stands ready to help with any Union or Section award. If you’re new to leading a nomination and want some guidance, the NTF and/or SPA Leadership Team can help with that too. (https://connect.agu.org/spa/committees/ntf)

If you have specific questions about any of the programs, the AGU Honors Team can also be reached at: 
Section Awards: agu_honors at agu.org 
Fellows Program: unionfellows at agu.org 
Union Medals, Awards, and Prizes: honors at agu.org 
Scholarships/Grants: researchgrants at agu.org  

Thank you,
Your SPA Leadership
Geoff, Kathy, & Therese


Volunteer to be on the SPA Student Leadership Advisory Committee

From: Therese Moretto Jorgensen & the SPA Leadership Team (Therese.moretto at gmail.com)

The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy section has created several new committees to help advise the SPA Leadership Team on ways to better serve our community. Chairs of these committees will be part of the leadership team.

We are currently looking for student volunteers to serve on the Student Leadership Advisory Committee. We are also looking for volunteers who are willing to chair the committee or would consider it pending further discussions.

The form for volunteering is at https://forms.gle/bhcHkugfQETD6F1u5 


SESSION: URSI AT-RASC 2024 Session GH02 "The High Latitude Atmosphere"

From: Liliana Macotela (elmc23 at bath.ac.uk)

Dear Colleagues, the FINAL deadline for abstract submission to the URSI AT-RASC 2024 is 1 February 2024: https://www.eventure-online.com/eventure/login.form?A366e99a4-33f8-4841-9ec7-6fb8257a111f

I would like to encourage you to submit an abstract to the session GH02 : The high latitude atmosphere (session description below)

Convenors: Liliana Macotela, Lucilla Alfonsi, Jyrki Manninen, and Wojciech J. Miloch

Session GH02 : The high latitude atmosphere

The use of a multi-disciplinary and multi-instruments approach, with the aid of modelling efforts, is imperative to advance the current knowledge of the high-latitude atmosphere, including the ionosphere, and geospace. Some of the outstanding scientific questions within atmospheric and space physics, are:

1. How are different atmospheric layers coupled in the polar regions?
2. How does the upper polar atmosphere, i.e., mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, respond to increased geomagnetic activity, including energy transfer from space?
3. How does the whole polar atmosphere impact short- and long-term climate variations?

Answering these questions will not only have implications on the understanding of processes in the polar atmosphere, but it will also greatly improve our understanding of the global atmospheric dynamics. We welcome contributions that help to answer the outstanding scientific questions related to the whole-atmosphere coupling, space weather influences and whole atmosphere response to climate change. We also welcome presentation and discussion of existing and planned instrumentation at high-latitudes and space-borne sensors.


GeoDAWG Seminar Series

From: Tomoko Matsuo, David Themens, Anthony Sciola, Adam Michael (adam.michael at jhuapl.edu)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the monthly seminar series of the IAGA “Geospace Data Assimilation Working Group” (GeoDAWG). GeoDAWG’s purpose is to provide a forum to aid in the discussion of data assimilative modeling methods across the geospace sciences. More information can be found on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/geodawg/home

Seminars are held virtually at 11 am Eastern Time on the first Tuesday of every month. 

The next seminar will be on February 6th by Angélica Castillo titled “Data Assimilation Applications for the Radiation Belts.”

A link to join the seminar via Zoom can be found on the GeoDAWG website: https://sites.google.com/view/geodawg/seminars, along with the current GeoDAWG seminar schedule.

You can request to join our mailing list, https://sites.google.com/view/geodawg/mailing-list, if you would like to receive our regular newsletter where we share research highlights and information relevant to the community.

Speaker suggestions or questions can be also submitted online: https://sites.google.com/view/geodawg/contact-us, or you can email us directly at iaga.geodawg at gmail.com


CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Topic "Dynamic Exospheres Of Terrestrial Bodies Through The Solar System": Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

From: Gonzalo Cucho-Padin (gonzaloaugusto.cuchopadin at nasa.gov) (gonzaloaugusto.cuchopadin at nasa.gov)

We invite you to submit your original research and review papers to the Research Topic "Dynamic Exospheres Of Terrestrial Bodies Through The Solar System" of the journal "Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences."

We welcome papers on exospheric studies, including but not limited to: (1) physics- and data-based models of the terrestrial exosphere, (2) remote sensing techniques to observe and analyze exospheric UV/visible emissions, (3) studies of the interaction of the exosphere with local plasma populations (e.g., solar wind, ring current, plasmasphere) , (4) new instrument designs focused on exospheric measurements. 

For a detailed description of the Research Topic, please visit the website: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/62450/dynamic-exospheres-of-terrestrial-bodies-through-the-solar-system or contact the editors Dolon Bhattacharyya (dolon.bhattacharyya at lasp.colorado.edu), Jean-Yves Chaufray (Jean-Yves.Chaufray at latmos.ipsl.fr), Orenthal Tucker (orenthal.j.tucker at nasa.gov), Shingo Kameda (kameda at rikkyo.ac.jp), or the topic coordinator Gonzalo Cucho-Padin (gonzaloaugusto.cuchopadin at nasa.gov)


JOB OPENING: Asst. Research Position, UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab.

From: Andrew Poppe (poppe at berkeley.edu)

The Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley seeks applications for an Assistant Researcher position in the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Group. The Assistant Researcher will work in the moon-plasma interaction group led by Dr. Andrew Poppe and will broadly focus on investigating space plasma interactions with the Moon, Mercury, asteroids, moons of Mars, and outer planet satellites. Research is to be conducted via a combination of data analysis from past and current in-situ plasma observations and numerical modeling across a wide range of scales. Additional duties include presentation and publication of scientific results and the submission of extramural grant proposals.

Application information can be found here: https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/JPF04301

More information about the UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab can be found here: https://www.ssl.berkeley.edu/

Questions can be directed to poppe at berkeley.edu 


JOB OPENING: Solar Orbiter SPICE Postdoctoral Position at Southwest Research Institute - Boulder, Colorado

From: Don Hassler (hassler at boulder.swri.edu)

Postdoctoral Researcher - Work with other researchers at SwRI on the SPICE team to analyze and interpret SPICE data in combination with data from other Solar Orbiter instruments and Heliophysics missions to study the complex dynamic connection between the Sun and inner heliosphere. This includes participation in SPICE Consortium meetings and other international scientific meetings, and the development of joint observing campaigns, planning & observation parameter trades, as appropriate. The successful candidate is also encouraged to develop his/her own research program and participate in proposals for future projects.



JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Researcher - MSL Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD), Boulder, Colorado

From: Don Hassler (hassler at boulder.swri.edu)

Work on data analysis, modeling, and other scientific activities associated with the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD), a heliophysics energetic particle analyzer on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), and has been operating on the surface of Mars since August 2012. Participate in operations, data reduction, analysis, modeling and publication of scientific results from RAD. The successful candidate is also encouraged to develop his/her own research program and participate in proposals for future projects.



JOB OPENING: Call for Associate Professor, ISEE Nagoya University

From: Yoshi Miyoshi (miyoshi at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp), Director, Center for Integrated Data Science, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University

Dear Colleagues,

ISEE, Nagoya University is presently seeking an associate professor(tenured position)
to work in both the Center for Integrated Data Science and the Division of Integrated Studies. This position requires well-established expertise and ability for promoting integrated study of heliospheric system science, in particular, the terrestrial and planetary magnetosphere-ionosphere as well as interplanetary space phenomena, based on high-level data analysis and advanced computer simulations. 

The deadline for the application is March 31, 2024.

The detail information is found at


Solar Orbiter Science Nuggets (January Releases)

From: Chris Nelson (chris.nelson at esa.int)

It is our pleasure to share the release of new Solar Orbiter science nuggets (January releases): https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/solar-orbiter/science-nuggets

SO Nugget #25 "Modelling Two Consecutive Energetic Storm Particle Events observed by Solar Orbiter" (Z. Ding, G. Li, G. Mason, et al.)

SO Nugget #26 "Deformations in the velocity distribution functions of protons and alpha particles observed by Solar Orbiter in the inner heliosphere" (D. Perrone, A. Settino, R. De Marco, et al.)

As a reminder, new nuggets will be added on a regular basis, based on input from the entire solar physics community. If you are working on Solar Orbiter data and would like your results to be featured, please contact Yannis Zouganelis (ioannis.zouganelis at esa.int), Miho Janvier (miho.janvier at esa.int), and Chris Nelson (chris.nelson at esa.int)

— The ESA Solar Orbiter team


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:

To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison

AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home

SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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