Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sun May 19 07:15:59 PDT 2024

Volume XXXI, Issue 30


Table of Contents

1. NAIRR Pilot Resource Requests to Advance AI Research

2. MEETING: Upcoming International Polar Year Planning Meetings on 4-5 June 2024 and 20-28 March 2025

3. MEETING: PUNCH 5 Final Announcement

4. MEETING: Mark Your Calendars for the 5th CGS Community Workshop on November 18-20, 2024

5. MEETING: Geospace Student Workshop-Save the Date!

6. MEETING: UK Space Weather & Space Environment 2024 -- Abstract Call [7 June Deadline]

7. MEETING: Announcement on Call for ESWW 2024 Presentation Abstracts

8. SESSION: ESWW Session "Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics and Coupling Processes" — First Announcement

9. OH-VLISM Online Seminar on "Heliosphere Applications: Atmospheres and Astrospheres" - May 22, 2024 at 11 am ET

10. RBSP Online Seminar 24 May 12:00 ET US

11. JOB OPENING: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasmas at UMD

12. JOB OPENING: Two Postdoctoral Positions in Global Space Weather Modeling for BepiColombo at FMI, Finland


Announcement Submission Website: http://goo.gl/forms/qjcm4dDr4g


NAIRR Pilot Resource Requests to Advance AI Research

From: Tai-Yin Huang (thuang at nsf.gov)

The US National Science Foundation (NSF), the US Department of Energy (DOE), and numerous private and non-profit sector partners are providing an opportunity for the research community to request access to a set of computing, model, platform and educational resources for projects related to advancing AI research. This call for proposals will be open from May 6, 2024, until the end of the NAIRR Pilot program or until all resources have been committed to projects.

Resources include:
• advanced computing systems
• cloud computing platforms
• access to models, software and privacy enhancing technology tools and collaborations to train models
• and education platforms. 

Proposals will be reviewed on an ongoing monthly cycle. Requests submitted by the 15th of the month will be reviewed and have their outcome decided by the end of the month. Projects will be awarded for twelve (12) months duration.  For more information, please visit the webpage, https://nairrpilot.org/opportunities/allocations. 


MEETING: Upcoming International Polar Year Planning Meetings on 4-5 June 2024 and 20-28 March 2025

From: Michael Hartinger (mhartinger at spacescience.org)

The NASEM Polar Research Board will have its Spring Meeting on 4-5 June 2024 to discuss U.S. leadership and involvement in the fifth International Polar Year (IPY5) in 2032-2033. Read more and register to attend virtually here: https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/42789_06-2024_polar-research-board-spring-meeting-2024

More IPY5 planning will take place at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2025 in beautiful Boulder, Colorado from 20–28 March 2025 (session proposals due June 14): https://icarp.iasc.info/news/assw-2025-first-circular-invitation-to-boulder-colorado-usa-for-assw-2025

The theme of ASSW 2025 is "Arctic Research Planning for the Next Decade" as it will include the Fourth International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP IV) (https://icarp.iasc.info/) Summit, providing a unique opportunity for participants to contribute toward planning the next decade of Arctic research. The ICARP IV Summit will engage Arctic researchers, Indigenous Peoples, policymakers, and other interested parties from around the world, serving as a crucial milestone for shaping the Fifth International Polar Year (IPY5) in 2032–33 (https://iasc.info/cooperations/international-polar-year-2032-33). It's particularly important for SPA community science to be represented at this meeting as it will set the tone for future research directions and international planning related to IPY5. Please consider submitting a session proposal by the deadline of 14 June 2024: https://forms.gle/CCdFkFvRAx9F8Bva6 

There are many connections between SPA science and the ICARP IV Research Priority Teams (https://icarp.iasc.info/engagement/research-priority-teams), though sessions and IPY discussions need not be limited to the topics represented by these teams.

Please consider attending these meetings and help make IPY5 a success! 


MEETING: PUNCH 5 Final Announcement

From: Sarah Gibson (sgibson at ucar.edu)

We invite the community to the fifth PUNCH (Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere) Science Meeting June 20-21, 2024 in Boulder, Colorado. Major science topics include the origin and evolution of the ambient solar wind and turbulence within it and the physics, tracking, and predictability of transient events including CMEs, CIRs, and shocks.


Important Dates:

Hotel reservations must be made by May 21, 2024

Register by May 31, 2024


MEETING: Mark Your Calendars for the 5th CGS Community Workshop on November 18-20, 2024

From: Slava Merkin (Slava.Merkin at JHUAPL.EDU)

The NASA DRIVE Science Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) is continuing the series of successful community workshops that we started in 2019. The details of the previous four workshops, including recorded presentations, can be found at cgs.jhuapl.edu/News-and-Events.  The overall CGS science themes and other details of the project can be found at cgs.jhuapl.edu. With this message, we would like to announce that the 5th CGS Workshop will be held on November 18-20, 2024 at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD and virtually on Zoom. The purpose of these workshops is to bring together experts, early career scientists and students in the fields of space and atmospheric sciences, for an open-forum discussion of outstanding issues in the physics of geospace storms as well as ways to broaden participation in our field. November 18-19 will be full workshop days with November 20 reserved for overflow discussion. This year we are also adding a new component to these workshops which is a dedicated Geospace Student Workshop — watch out for a separate announcement of that exciting opportunity. We will be working out the logistical details of the workshop in the next few months and will keep the community apprised of the details. Participation in the workshop will require registration but it will be free.

Slava Merkin, CGS Director on behalf of the CGS team


MEETING: Geospace Student Workshop-Save the Date!

From: Amy Keesee (amy.keesee at unh.edu)

The NASA DRIVE Center for Geospace Storms (CGS) will be hosting a Geospace Student Workshop that will be held Nov 17-20 at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD in concert with the CGS Community Workshop. The goal is to invite graduate students that have a foundation in their area of research, usually by having attended GEM or CEDAR, and this workshop would give them an opportunity for knowledge integration across all of geospace. We will have tutorial talks similar to student day at GEM and CEDAR, networking events, and a tutorial on using simulation and analysis tools developed by the CGS team, including the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace Environment (MAGE) model. Student-focused activities will primarily be the 17th and 20th, and students will attend the Community Workshop on the 18-19th. The Community Workshop will include talks from leading experts across the range of geospace regions and analysis techniques. There will be a limited number of travel grants to support student attendance, and self-funded students are also welcome. This cohort of graduate students will become the MAGIC (Mastering Analyses for Geospace, the Innovation Cohort). More info about CGS is available at https://cgs.jhuapl.edu/ and questions can be directed to amy.keesee at unh.edu. A website with more information about the workshop will be forthcoming.

Amy Keesee, CGS Broadening Impacts Lead on behalf of the CGS team


MEETING: UK Space Weather & Space Environment 2024 -- Abstract Call [7 June Deadline]

From: Oliver Allanson, Francois-Xavier Bocquet, Claire Foullon, Ishita Gulati, Sophie Murray, Jonathan Rae, Jasmine Kaur Sandhu, Maria Walach (o.d.allanson at bham.ac.uk)

Dear Colleagues,

Abstracts are warmly invited from all national and international colleagues for the

UK Space Weather & Space Environment Meeting II: 
Celebrating 10-years of 24/7 space-weather operational forecasting in the UK

https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2024 , 9-12 September 2024, Sandy Park, Exeter, UK

Abstracts can be submitted here https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2024/abstract-submission . It is possible to submit more than one abstract.

Abstract deadline and other key dates are currently as follows:
Abstract submission deadline: 7 June 2024
Programme release: 3 July 2024
Early registration deadline: 21 July 2024
Standard registration deadline: 13 August 2024
Final registration deadline: 25 August 2024   
Accommodation deadline: TBC

For questions regarding the running of the conference (logistics etc) please get in touch with contacts as described according to this page https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2024/contacts

For questions regarding the scientific programme please contact the Science Organising Committee (https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2024/committee , o.d.allanson at bham.ac.uk)

We look forward to the conference!

Oliver Allanson
On behalf of SOC:
Oliver Allanson, University of Birmingham and University of Exeter, UK
Francois-Xavier Bocquet, Met Office, UK
Claire Foullon, University of Exeter, UK
Ishita Gulati, Met Office, UK
Sophie Murray, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland
Jonathan Rae, Northumbria University, UK
Jasmine Kaur Sandhu, University of Leicester, UK 
Maria Walach, Lancaster University, UK


MEETING: Announcement on Call for ESWW 2024 Presentation Abstracts

From: Piers Jiggens (piers.jiggens at esa.int)

The 20th European Space Weather Week (ESWW) conference will be held in Coimbra, Portugal with the theme of “20 years of expanding horizons, from fundamental science to protecting society”:

ESWW2024 will again adopt the central aim of bringing together the diverse groups in Europe working on different aspects of Space Weather and Space Climate: such as scientists, engineers, satellite operators, power grid technicians, communication and navigation specialists, people working in aviation, space weather service providers, STEM practitioners. The conference will have a hybrid format to allow online participation in addition to those attending in-person.

The submission system for abstracts to one of the proposed sessions is now open:

The titles, conveners and abstracts for the sessions can be found via the following two links:
Plenary sessions - https://esww2024.org/programme/plenary-sessions/
Parallel sessions - https://esww2024.org/programme/parallel-sessions/
The deadline for oral abstract submissions is 6th June 2024.
The late poster abstract submissions will close in September 2024 (exact date TBA - to be announced).

Registration to European Space Weather Week (ESWW) 2024 will be open soon. Registration instructions, which should be read carefully before starting registration as they provide important information, will shortly be available at:

Information on the venue and travel is also available on the website. This will be updated in the coming months with more information for attendees.
A timeline with key dates is available here:
The TBA dates will be updated shortly.

Those planning to attend are encouraged to check the website frequently for more information.
ESWW 2024 is devoted to universal values of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), as well as sustainability regarding the environmental impact of the conference, and we expect all participants to adhere to the same principles. More details on these principles with directive and recommendations can be found here:

The names of those on the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and Programme Committee (PC) can be found here:

For any queries on the conference emails can be sent to:
loc at esww2024.org


SESSION: ESWW Session "Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics and Coupling Processes" — First Announcement

From: Ravindra Desai, Sarah Glauert, Adnane Osmane, Alex Lozinski (ravindra.desai at warwick.ac.uk)

We welcome abstract submissions to ESWW session: Inner Magnetospheric Dynamics and Coupling Processes

The inner magnetosphere is host to a range of dynamically varying plasma populations including cold plasmaspheric ions, the ring current and relativistic radiation belts. These populations are tightly coupled by a range of micro-scale wave-particle interactions, meso-scale and macro-scale dynamics, which lead to a complex interplay of acceleration, transport and loss. For example, chorus waves are generated by injected plasma sheet electrons and then accelerate 100s keV electrons to relativistic energies, forming the radiation belts, with this acceleration being most efficient in regions of low plasma density. In turn, precipitation of radiation belt particles into the atmosphere balances ionospheric outflows of cold plasma into the inner magnetosphere. Further research into these cross-scale couplings is essential to improve our understanding and ability to predict inner magnetospheric dynamics and the associated space weather impacts.

This session calls for observational, modeling and theoretical studies focusing on all topics related to inner magnetospheres, as well as review papers and mission concepts to help define the future direction of inner magnetospheric research within the space weather forecasting era. We invite observational contributions from current missions such as Arase, Themis, MMS and GPS, from ground-based facilities such as EISCAT, SuperDARN and VLF receivers, and from historical datasets such as from the Van Allen Probes, Cluster and earlier solar cycles. We invite numerical modeling contributions spanning Fokker Planck simulations, kinetic simulations of wave-particle interactions, and global modeling of the magnetosphere and its couplings to the ionosphere and solar wind, as well as novel machine learning approaches and solutions.

ESWW Abstract Deadline: 06 June: https://esww2024.org/programme/parallel-sessions  


OH-VLISM Online Seminar on "Heliosphere Applications: Atmospheres and Astrospheres" - May 22, 2024 at 11 am ET

From: Marc Kornbleuth, Justyna Sokol, Elena Provornikova, Lennart Baalmann (kmarc at bu.edu)

We are thrilled to announce that our next Outer Heliosphere-Very Local Interstellar Medium (OH-VLISM) seminar will be on Wednesday, May 22 at 11 am ET.  We will be having a topic-driven seminar on "Heliosphere Applications: Atmospheres and Astrospheres". Our speakers will be Jesse Miller (Boston University) and Dominique Meyer (ICE/CSIC) giving talks on atmospheric effects caused by a cold cloud compressing the heliosphere and astrospheric bow shocks, respectively. 

The zoom link to the seminar can be found here: 
(password if needed: ohvlism)


RBSP Online Seminar 24 May 12:00 ET US

From: Sasha Ukhorskiy (ukhorskiy at jhuapl.edu)

Next RBSP online seminar will be held on 24 May 2024, 12:00 ET US. The seminar will be dedicated to advances in numerical simulations in space plasma turbulence and boundary effects. Matteo Faganello will discuss advantages and limitations of fluid simulations at the magnetopause and Renaud Ferrand will talk about integration of iinetic approaches in fluid models for astrophysical turbulent plasmas.  

For Zoom and YouTube streaming details please goto: https://sites.google.com/view/rbsp/home


JOB OPENING: Two Postdoc Positions in Space Plasmas at UMD

From: Christine Hartzell (hartzell at umd.edu)

The Planetary Surfaces and Spacecraft Lab at the University of Maryland (UMD) is seeking postdocs with experience in computational and/or experimental plasma physics, and/or incoherent scatter radar data processing. Postdocs will work on one or more projects to develop new methods to detect sub-cm orbital debris via debris-generated ion acoustic solitary waves in the ionosphere. Additional opportunities exist to investigate plasma-related dust mitigation technologies for crewed exploration of the Moon. Past experience in plasma modeling for other applications (e.g., heliophysics or plasma propulsion) is welcome.

Preferred start date is Aug 2024. Postdocs will work directly with Dr. Christine Hartzell at UMD, and interface with other grad students, postdocs and research scientists. Please email a cover letter and CV to hartzell at umd.edu. UMD-College Park is connected via metro to Washington, DC and has easy access to three major airports. 


JOB OPENING: Two Postdoctoral Positions in Global Space Weather Modeling for BepiColombo at FMI, Finland

From: Riku Jarvinen (riku.jarvinen at fmi.fi)

We seek two postdoctoral researchers to join the new European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant) funded "Mercury in the solar wind" (MEOW) project at Finnish Meteorological Institute in which we develop and apply global kinetic, particle-based simulations to study Hermean space plasma physics and BepiColombo observations.

More information and apply here:


The AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. Back issues are available at:

To request announcements for distribution by the newsletter, please use the online submission form at:

To subscribe to the newsletter, please go to the web page at:
(Do not use this web page to post announcements.)

NOTE: Due to the large number of SPA-related sessions at major conferences, the SPA Newsletter can no longer accept announcement requests for individual sessions at AGU, AOGS, COSPAR, EGU, or IAGA Meetings. Titles and web links (if available) of these sessions will be distributed in a special issue of the Newsletter before the abstract deadline.

SPA Newsletter Editorial Team: Peter Chi (Editor), Guan Le (Co-Editor), Marjorie Sowmendran, and Kevin Addison

AGU SPA Web Site: https://connect.agu.org/spa/home

SPA Leadership Team E-mail: spa.leadership.team at gmail.com

*************** END OF NEWSLETTER ****************

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