[W6YRA] Club Meeting Tuesday, 7 April at 6pm

Kyle Colton kycolton at ucla.edu
Mon Apr 6 21:39:31 PDT 2015

We'll have our first meeting of the quarter Tuesday 7 April at 6pm.

Based on the responses to the poll, it looks like Tuesdays at 6pm will
be best for everyone. This week will probably mostly an organizational
meeting to talk about what we want to do this quarter.

Also remember that if you have any friends interested in Amateur Radio,
now's the time to get them to email me.

If anyone wants to give contesting a shot, the Rookie Roundup is on 19
April. Unfortunately, I just looked up the SSTV broadcast times, and all
LA gets is a 3 degree max elevation pass at about 0300 PDT. At the end
of the quarter, there's also Field Day (June 27-28), one of the most
popular annual Amateur Radio events.


Kyle Colton

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