[W6YRA] 448.540 antenna replaced

Spencer Berger bergerspencer at ucla.edu
Sat Jan 21 17:19:46 PST 2017

Here's a signal report:

I made two contacts with Ryan over the repeater. Both were with a Yaesu 
FT-60R at 5 watts with a Maldol MH-209 0dBi stub. I am very close to the 
repeater so it may be more useful to hear some reports from people 
farther away.

The first was on the Hill on the walkway between Hedrick and Reiber. My 
S-meter was full and your voice sounded perfect.

The second was in my room in Hedrick Summit. The repeater is South-East 
of me but I have a north-facing window. My S-meter was about 4, your 
voice sounded a bit staticky but was easily understandable; you also 
reported that I sounded a bit staticky.

(Looks like my last email didn't make it through since Thunderbird 
replied using the g.ucla.edu subdomain)

-Spencer Berger, NN5W

On 1/21/17 4:02 PM, Ryan Caron wrote:
> Bruin Hams,
> I have replaced the antenna so our UHF repeater is back on the air.
> Please try it out! I would appreciate signal reports (location,
> indoors/outdoors, power/radio/antenna)
> 448.540 MHz PL 82.5Hz (standard -5.000MHz offset)

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