[IGPP Everyone] [EPSS Everyone] Geocheminar, Monday noon in Slichter 3853

T. Mark Harrison tmark.harrison at gmail.com
Fri May 12 14:05:54 PDT 2017

*High-Silica Hadean Crust*

Patrick Boehnke (University of Chicago)

Understanding Hadean (>4 Ga) Earth requires knowledge of its crust. The
composition of the crust and volatiles migrating through it directly
influence the makeup of the atmosphere, the composition of seawater, and
nutrient availability. Despite its importance, there is little known and
less agreed upon regarding the nature of the Hadean crust. Analyzing the
87Sr/86Sr ratio of apatite inclusions in Archean zircons from Nuvvuagittuq,
Canada, using the unique CHILI instrument shows that its protolith had
formed a high (>1) Rb/Sr ratio reservoir by ~4.4 Ga. This result implies
that the early crust had a broad range of igneous rocks, extending from
mafic to highly silicic compositions.

Mark Harrison
Distinguished Professor
Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
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