[IGPP Everyone] [EPSS Everyone] New ordering procedures - please read

Brown, Carlene cbrown at epss.ucla.edu
Wed Sep 6 16:12:10 PDT 2017

Dear Everyone,

We are implementing new procedures for placing orders to help streamline the process.  Effective immediately, please note:

*         All orders must be submitted electronically via this email address: orders at epss.ucla.edu<mailto:orders at epss.ucla.edu>. Our purchasing staff (Rick, Frankie, and Mike as backup) will divide up the requests to process the orders, and will follow up with the requester for any questions ;

*         Include the following information with all order requests:

o   Item details - provide specific ordering information, e.g. part number, etc. or a link to item(s);

o   Date item needed by - regular orders will be processed within two business days; rush orders will include priority shipping charges. NOTE: please reserve rush order requests for true emergencies;

o   Recharge ID or FAU to be charged (not just the account nickname);

o   Preferred vendor (if any) - note that Amazon requests may be placed from a different vendor if we can get a better discount elsewhere;

o   Special ordering notes

*         We need to have on file order approval guidelines for each PI (i.e., who is authorized to place orders, for what, max dollar amount, etc.). Frankie will contact all the PIs within the next week or two to confirm the information needed.

*         Package delivery

o   Most packages will be delivered to 3845 Slichter Hall; some may be delivered to 3806 Geology.  We will alert the recipient via email when a package is delivered;

o   Please turn in all packing slips to the purchasing staff as they may be needed for returns or audits

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns (or suggestions for improvements!).



Carlene Brown
CAO, Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences
Phone: 310-825-9784
Fax: 310-825-2779

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