[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 25, Number 53

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Dec 9 17:06:23 PST 2015


Volume 25, Number 53
December 9, 2015

Table of Contents

1. SPEDAS (MMS, THEMIS, ERG ...) Tutorials and User/Programmer Coordination Session at mini-GEM

2. 2015 GEM Tutorials Are Available at GemWiki


1. SPEDAS (MMS, THEMIS, ERG ...) Tutorials and User/Programmer Coordination Session at mini-GEM
From: Jim Lewis, Vassilis Angelopoulos (vassilis at ucla.edu), Eric Grimes, Barbara Giles, Jim Burch

Space Physics Environment Data Analysis System tutorials and user/programmer coordination at mini-GEM: 15:30 - 17:00, Sunday Dec 13, 2015, at Oregon Rm, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, SF, CA

The SPEDAS community, including the MMS, THEMIS, ERG and other Heliophysics/Geospace teams are planning a joint software tutorial and users/programmers forum to be held at the mini-GEM Dec 2015.  This session is to introduce the multi-mission analysis software SPEDAS to a wider community, coordinate SPEDAS users/programmers on how make the software more effective, provide tutorials on the basic software functionality for THEMIS, ERG and MMS data analysis, discuss software updates to various mission plug-ins, and plan for the upcoming GEM meeting. This end-of-day session will spill-over to an on-site session for people with their own laptops with IDL, assuming internet connection is available. The session's agenda is at: http://spedas.org/blog/2015/12/07/spedas-at-the-december-2015-mini-gem/ 

The MMS demo will include real time on-line data loading and use of the analysis software by the community. Users can download the MMS plug-in together with SPEDAS from http://spedas.org/downloads/spdsw_latest.zip and the MMS data for the demo from: http://spedas.org/downloads/mms_demo_data.zip starting a few days prior to the conference. Please note MMS rules of the road at: https://lasp.colorado.edu/galaxy/display/mms/MMS+Data+Rights+and+Rules+for+Data+Use 

SPEDAS speaker requests should be addressed to: Jim Lewis: jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu 

Best regards, Vassilis Angelopoulos/Jim Lewis/Eric Grimes (SPEDAS/THEMIS) + Barbara Giles/Thomas Moore (MMS)

2. 2015 GEM Tutorials Are Available at GemWiki
From: Peter Chi <gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>

The following tutorial talks presented at the 2013 Summer Workshop are now available online at 

1. Toshi Nishimura: Fast flow channels in the magnetotail and auroral oval: Reconnection, substorm and beyond (MPS tutorial]

2. Alex Glocer: Global modeling of the space environment system (GSM tutorial)

3. Weichao Tu: Quantitative Modeling of Radiation Belt Dynamics: Overview and Challenges (IMAG tutorial)

4. Seth Claudepierre -- Van Allen Probes: Where We've Been and Where We're Going (IMAG tutorial)

5. Robert Fear: Flux transfer events: Looking ahead to MMS (SWMI tutorial)

6. Barbara Giles: Engage in NASA's newest flagship to understand the fundamental process of magnetic reconnection -- Magnetospheric Multiscale (Student-invited tutorial)

7. Stein Haaland: Cold ion outflow from the polar cap (MIC tutorial)

We are grateful to the tutorial speakers for providing their presentation materials. If you use the content in any of these presentations, please do cite the original source.

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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Workshop Information:  http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

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