[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 25, Number 52
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon Dec 7 17:35:24 PST 2015
Volume 25, Number 52
December 7, 2015
Table of Contents
1. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Ultra-Large International Terrestrial Magnetometer Array (ULTIMA)
2. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Metrics and Validation (M&V) Focus Group
3. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions Focus Group
4. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions (TIMI) Focus Group
5. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Geospace Systems Science Focus Group
6. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: GEM-CEDAR Joint Session
1. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Ultra-Large International Terrestrial Magnetometer Array (ULTIMA)
From: Ian Mann (imann at ualberta.ca) and Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu)
The Ultra-Large International Terrestrial Magnetometer Array (ULTIMA) is a consortium of magnetometer arrays promoting the community-wide exploitation of data from multiple international networks of ground-based magnetometers. In particular ULTIMA promotes the coordinated operation of the arrays and promotes data use from multiple arrays in support of solar-terrestrial physics and space weather science and applications, especially in combination with data from satellite missions.
We invite everyone who is interested in the use of magnetometer data, especially in support of mission such as THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, Cluster, e-POP, Swarm, MMS and others to join us for two sessions focussing on science as well as operations.
This year the ULTIMA session will focus partly on the scientific exploitation of ground-based magnetometer data in especially combination with such missions and hence is relevant to GEM-wide activity relevant for all GEM FGs.
Note the ULTIMA Meeting will take place from 9am-12 noon on Sunday 13th December, and hence will not clash with any GEM FG meetings since these all take place later in the day starting at noon.
The ULTIMA session will be held in the Gold Rush A room at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway (1500 Van Ness) and will include science and array update talks as well as discussion on mechanisms for enhancing collaboration and on data and data analysis tool sharing.
If you would like to make a science or data presentation please let us know with a title and authors to Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu) and Ian Mann (imann at ualberta.ca) ideally by 5pm MST on Thursday 10th December and we will add it to the schedule.
Current list of invited science speakers/topics (more welcome):
• Kyle Murphy/NASA GSFC: FAC and Substorm Dynamics with Global Magnetometer Arrays and AMPERE
• David Murr/Augsburg: ULF waves in GPS and magnetometer data
• Jesper Gjerloev/Shin Othani/APL: ULTIMA Data Access and Science with SuperMAG: Current operations and future plans
• Eija Tanskanen/FMI: Substorm Zoo for science and social data analysis
As usual there will also be updates on the latest scientific activities in the magnetometer array members of ULTIMA from science and operations talks and updates from ULTIMA Member teams.
2. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Metrics and Validation (M&V) Focus Group
From: Lutz Rastaetter (lutz.rastaetter at nasa.gov)
The Metrics and Validation Focus group is ending in 2015 and is organizing its last meeting at the 2015 GEM mini workshop.
Time: 12:00 noon - 1:30 PM, December 13, 2015
Location: Nevada Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel (1500 Van Ness Avenue)
This session will provide continuity as new focus groups are being proposed that will continue efforts started in the M&V focus group:
• ULF Wave modeling – Kazue Takahashi, Michael Hartinger, Brian Kress
• Modeling Methods and Validation – Mike Liemohn, Rob Redmon, Lutz Rastaetter, Katie Garcia-Sage
During this session we provide updates on ongoing challenges:
• ULF wave modeling challenge; runs performed at the CCMC – Lutz Rastaetter
• Magnetopause standoff modeling – Yaireska Collado-Vega
We also invite workshop style contributions on modeling and validation.
3. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions Focus Group
From: Yiqun Yu (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com), Colby Lemon, Mike Lemon, Jichun Zhang
We would like to solicit short presentations relevant to mini-GEM session "The Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)" to be held on Sunday Dec 13, 2015 in San Francisco.
Time and Location:
15:30-17:00, Gold Rush B Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel, San Francisco.
We will focus on three challenge events to understand the coupling mechanisms in various regions,including wave-particle interactions in the inner magnetosphere, coupling between mid-tail and inner regions, as well as coupling between inner region and the ionosphere.
-- Feb 18-22, 2014: CME impact, prolonged storm main phase
-- March 17, 2013: Small storm, isolated clean substorm injections
-- Jan 25-26, 2013: Large storm, substantial substorm injections
We also welcome studies on other events/statistical results. If you are interested in presenting, please email Yiqun Yu with the title. We look forward to seeing your participation!
4. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions (TIMI) Focus Group
From: Vassilis Angelopoulos (toffo at rice.edu), John Lyon, Pontus Brandt and Frank Toffoletto
On behalf of the GEM Tail-Inner Magnetosphere Interactions (TIMI) focus group, we would like to invite you to make a brief, informal presentation at this year’s GEM mini workshop on a topic related to this focus group. Part of the session will be for the purposes of planning the 2016 summer workshop, which will be the last year for this focus group.
The session will be held in the California room at Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco on December 13, 2015 from 12-1:30 PM and your participation would be most welcome.
If you would to make presentation, please email Frank Toffoletto (toffo at rice.edu).
We look forward to seeing you all in San Francisco.
Focus group information: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Tail-Inner_Magnetosphere_Interactions
5. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Geospace Systems Science Focus Group
From: Joe Borovsky (jborovsky at spacescience.org)
The Geospace Systems Science Focus Group is holding a planning session at Mini-GEM at 1:50 in the Washington room. We would like feedback and suggestions for the 2016 Summer GEM planning. Two potential sessions for Summer GEM to be discussed at Mini-GEM are:
1. Driver Geoeffectiveness and Geospace System Response
2. System-Level Data Analysis Tools and Techniques.
Brief presentations have been arranged to prime the pump of discussion on these two topics. Opinions welcome.
Focus Group Coordinators:
Joe Borovsky jborovsky at spacescience.org
Bill Lotko William.Lotko at dartmouth.edu
Vadim Uritsky vadim.uritsky at nasa.gov
Juan Valdivia alejo at macul.ciencias.uchile.cl
6. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: GEM-CEDAR Joint Session
From: Masha Kuznetsova, Naomi Maruyama, Ja Soon Shim (jasoon.shim at nasa.gov)
We would like to invite you to two GEM-CEDAR sessions, (1) GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge and (2) GEM-CEDAR Grand Challenges, which will be held during 2015 GEM Mini-Workshop:
date: Sunday, December 13th, 2015,
time: 01:50-05:00 pm,
location: Nevada Room of the Holiday Inn San Francisco-Golden Gateway, 1500 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
In the first session (01:50-03:20 pm), we will review ongoing project of the GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge and discuss the action plans in preparation for upcoming Joint GEM-CEDAR 2016 summer workshop.
Topics to be discussed and tentative speakers are:
• Metrics and validation of TEC in large geographical areas
o Validation of Ionospheric Models using COSMIC TEC Measurements: Kenneth Dymond (NRL)
• Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
o Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for IT models: Ludger Scherliess (USU)
• Modeling Challenges in auroral region
o Ryan McGranaghan (Univ. of Colorado)
o Joseph Minow (NASA)
o Natasha Ganushkina (Univ. of Michigan)
• Discussion
During the second session (03:30-05:00 pm), we will discuss on how CCMC can better support ongoing GEM-CEDAR focus groups, campaigns, and initiatives.
• GEM-CEDAR Grand Challenges: Storms and Substorms without boarders
o CCMC Tools to support community: Ja Soon Shim (CCMC)
o Event 1, 2, and 3: Tony Mannucci (JPL)
o Event 4: Mike Ruohoniemi (Virginia Tech)
• World Day 2016
• Discussion
If you would like to give a presenation, please let us know. We look forward seeing you at the workshop.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>
URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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