[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 25, Number 56
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Sat Dec 12 10:05:31 PST 2015
Volume 25, Number 56
December 12, 2015
1. 2015 Mini-GEM Session: Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection (SIMIC)
From: Stan Sazykin (sazykin at rice.edu)
The Storm-Time Inner Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Convection (SIMIC) GEM Focus Group will have a session at the upcoming mini-GEM workshop on Sunday December 13, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. We are inviting short informal presentations that fit into the scope of the focus group.
This year, we plan to combine this session with the GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge: Storms and Substorms without borders session that is scheduled concurrently with SIMIC at 3:30 p.m (the announcement for that session went out a few days ago in the GEM newsletter). The two sessions have substantial overlap, and we are planning to have a joint discussion taking advantage of the opportunity to have GEM and CEDAR scientists together and to focus on leveraging the support of CCMC. Therefore, if you would like to present in this session, email the organizers of both sessions.
As a reminder, the goal of the SIMIC focus group is to use ground- and space-based observations in conjunction with numerical simulation results to synthesize a new understanding of how plasma distributions, convection electric fields, and current systems emerge and evolve in the inner magnetosphere and conjugate ionosphere during geomagnetic storms.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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