[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 52

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Dec 23 14:04:43 PST 2016


Volume 26, Number 52

Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/

Table of Contents

1. Message from the Chair: Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year!


1. Message from the Chair: Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year!
From: Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik at gmail.com)

Dear GEM members,

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a restful and restorative holiday season, and a wonderful new year ahead!  As many of you know, Mike Wiltberger announced that he is stepping down from his role as the GEM chair at the most recent AGU meeting, in order to assume his new role at the NSF, taking over from Janet Kozyra as the Magnetospheric Physics Program director.  Mike has done an outstanding job as GEM chair, I was fortunate to work with him as chair-elect, and I applaud his service and dedication to our community. 

As I assume the GEM chairmanship, I feel humbled and privileged to lead such a phenomenal organization.  I first started attending the GEM summer workshops as a graduate student, I was a GEM postdoc (over a solar cycle ago!) and have been involved with GEM in one way or another throughout my whole career.  My priority is the health and vitality of the GEM community so if you have ideas or suggestions on how to make things better, please do let me know, my (virtual) door is always open.  Better yet, get involved, propose a focus group, or serve in some capacity.

Best wishes for the New Year, and looking forward to seeing you at the next GEM summer workshop (Portsmouth, VA. June 18-23, 2017)
Jacob Bortnik

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>

URL of GEM Home Page:  http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information:  http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

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