[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 51
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Dec 21 16:42:56 PST 2016
Volume 26, Number 51
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. CISM Space Weather Summer School
2. ROSES-16 Amendment: Data requirements and due date change for MMS GI
3. 2017 Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowships
4. Call for Abstracts EGU 2017 ST2.8 Validation and Verification of Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Models
1. CISM Space Weather Summer School
From: Michael Wiltberger (wiltbemj at ucar.edu)
CISM Space Weather Summer School
July 17-28 2017
NCAR Boulder, CO
Application Deadline: March 1 2017
The CISM Space Weather Summer School is intended to give students a comprehensive immersion in the subject of space weather: what it is, what it does, and what can be done about it. Space weather is many things: beautiful when seen through the eyes of a sun-viewing telescope, fascinating when studied for its alien worlds of magnetic structures and phenomena, awesome when witnessed as a solar eruption or auroral storm, and devastating to the users of services it disrupts. Space weather links the Sun, the Earth, and the space in between in a branching chain of consequences. Weather systems on the Sun can spawn interplanetary storms of colossal size and energy that envelop the whole planet in electrical hurricanes. Such storms attack high-tech, complex, and expensive technological systems that provide much of the infrastructure that allows modern society to function.
Applications are welcome from upper level undergraduates and beginning graduate students interested in pursuing a career in solar and space physics, as well as professionals interested in broadening their understanding of the space environment. The school will provide support for travel and housing expenses for all US student participants.
Course Overview
SW 101: Solar activity, solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere
SW 102: Effects on astronauts and spacecraft, radiation hazards, communication disruptions
SW 103: Assumptions and drivers of models, results and limitations
SW 104: Hands on activities exploring model results and data to understand the space environment.
For additional information on this program and instructions on how to apply http://www2.hao.ucar.edu/CISM-Summer-School/
2. ROSES-16 Amendment: Data requirements and due date change for MMS GI
From: Errol Summerlin (errol.summerlin at nasa.gov)
ROSES-16 Amendment: This amendment changes the Data requirements and resets the due date for program element B.8 Magnetospheric Multiscale Guest Investigators (MMS GI).
The Heliophysics Guest Investigators (H-GI) program is a component of the Heliophysics Research Program. This particular element of the Guest Investigator program is offered only for investigations that primarily use data from the recently launched Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission.
This particular ROSES element supports investigations whose primary focus is the analysis of MMS data. Proposals should use primarily MMS data to address (1) the goals of the MMS mission (found at http://mms.gsfc.nasa.gov/about_mms.html) or (2) any of the relevant goals of the Heliophysics Decadal survey (Solar and Space Physics: A Science for a Technological Society http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13060):
1. Determine the origins of the Sun’s activity and predict the variations in the space environment;
2. Determine the dynamics and coupling of Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere and their response to solar and terrestrial inputs;
3. Determine the interaction of the Sun with the solar system and the interstellar medium;
4. Discover and characterize fundamental processes that occur both within the heliosphere and throughout the universe.
This program is intended to maximize the scientific return from this recently launched mission by providing support for research of a breadth and complexity beyond presently funded investigations. As for any H-GI proposal, investigations may employ theory, models, and data from other sources, as needed, to interpret and analyze NASA’s MMS data, but only as a secondary emphasis.
This amendment changes Section 1.3 on Data Availability. Whereas previously one could propose to use MMS data that had not yet been collected if the data product was in place, the new language requires that all data must be archived 30 days prior to the Step-2 deadline. Because of this change this call for proposals has been reopened, and the Step-1 and Step-2 due dates have been reset to January 9, 2017 and March 6, 2017, respectively. Proposers who want or need to change their proposed project as a result of this amendment may withdraw their previously submitted Step-1 proposal and submit a new one by January 9, 2017. Proposals unaffected by the change to Section 1.3 need not be resubmitted, no action is needed.
The NASA point of contact for this program element is Errol J. Summerlin who may be reached at errol.summerlin at nasa.gov.
3. 2017 Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowships
From: Susanne Demaree (vspapply at ucar.edu)
2017 Jack Eddy
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Application deadline: 13 January 2017
UCAR Visiting Scientist Programs announces the 2017 call for applications to the Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowships, sponsored by the NASA Living With a Star (LWS) program. The fellowships are designed to train the next generation of researchers in the emerging field of Heliophysics.
Heliophysics embraces all science aspects of the Sun-Solar System, and includes many of the basic physical processes found in our solar system, the laboratory, and throughout the universe. These processes generally involve the interactions of ionized gases (plasmas) with gravitational and electromagnetic (both radiation and DC) fields, and with neutral matter. The physical domain of interest ranges from deep inside the Sun to the Earth’s upper atmosphere.
Two major topics of focus for LWS are the science of space weather and of the Sun-climate connection. Preference will be given to applicants whose proposed research addresses one of these two foci; but any research program relevant to LWS is considered.
Since the goal of this postdoctoral program is to train Sun-Earth system researchers, preference is also given to research projects that cross the traditional Heliophysics subdomains of the Sun, heliosphere, magnetosphere, and ionosphere/upper atmosphere, as well as Sun-climate investigations.
In order to succeed at such cross-disciplinary research, the host mentoring scientist plays a critical role. Consequently, applicants must select a host scientist, who is different from the candidate’s PhD advisor (preferably at a different institution), and coordinate a joint application with the potential host scientist and institution.
Potential host scientists are required to submit a letter of intent and vita as part of the selection process. Hosts are expected to mentor the fellow, provide a reasonable office environment, which may include a workstation, and any other unique research costs.
Applicants to this postdoctoral program are expected to have had a PhD for no more than three years at the start of tenure. A UCAR steering committee selects the fellows.
For additional information on this program and instructions on how to apply, please see the Jack Eddy Recruitment Announcement at heliophysics.ucar.edu.
For further information, call (303) 497-1605 or email vspapply at ucar.edu.
4. Call for Abstracts EGU 2017 ST2.8 Validation and Verification of Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Models
From: Gabor Facsko, Andrey Samsonov, Ilja Honkonen, Katherine Garcia-Sage (facsko.gabor at csfk.mta.hu)
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2017
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 11 January 2017, 13:00 CET
ST2.8 Validation and verification of magnetospheric and ionospheric models
Numerous empirical and physics-based models are used to study the ionosphere and the magnetosphere; they also play a fundamental role in space weather forecasting. However the accuracy of these models is limited and depends on both the physics relevant to a particular region as well as the model implementation. Two approaches can help to better understand model constraints: comparison between physics-based and empirical models, and comparison between numerical models and ground-based and spacecraft observations.
This session will provide a forum to present and discuss the latest results of model validation and verification. All types of models are welcome, e.g. empirical, fluid, hybrid kinetic, and fully kinetic models. The purpose of this session is to collect various models from Europe and other countries and to give an overview of their capabilities and accuracy.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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