[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 50

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Dec 7 10:44:31 PST 2016


Volume 26, Number 50

Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/

Table of Contents

1. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: Geospace Systems Science

2. SPEDAS Session at mini-GEM, December 11

3. MEETING: First International Workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather Research & Forecasting,  Washington, DC, August 1 - 4, 2017

4. Call for abstracts EGU 2017 ST2.4 Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Phenomena


1. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: Geospace Systems Science
From: Joe Borovsky and Bill Lotko (jborovsky at spacescience.org)

At the Geospace Systems Science (GSS) focus group session at 3:30-5:00 in the Gold Rush Room at Mini-GEM in San Francisco a planning session for GSS at the 2017 Summer GEM Meeting will be held.

Much of the discussion in this 3:30 Mini-GEM session will focus on selecting a type of magnetospheric event that should be studied as a system. Please bring suggestions and opinions for such event types to this session in the Gold Rush Room. Also, contact Joe Borovsky (jborovsky at spacescience.org) or Bill Lotko (William.Lotko at dartmouth.edu) prior to Mini-GEM to ensure your idea has prominence.

Some suggestions we have heard are:
1. The behavior of the solar-wind-driven system late in storms when the radiation-belt fluxes peak and begin to decline.
2. The formation, transport, and evolution of polar-cap flow channels and their interaction with the nightside auroral oval.
3. What determines the location of the nightside X-line.
4. Enhanced Joule heating at low altitudes in the dayside cusp region.

2. SPEDAS Session at mini-GEM, December 11
From: Jim Lewis (jwl at ssl.berkeley.edu)

Dear GEM community,

The Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software, a grass roots multi-mission analysis effort for Heliophysics, will be having a session at the mini-GEM meeting in the afternoon of December 11, 2016 (Holiday Inn Golden Gateway in San Francisco) in the Nevada room from 1:50 to 3:20 PM.

This will include the MMS, THEMIS, ERG and other Heliophysics/Geospace stakeholders. Our tentative agenda:

First 30-45 minutes: Tutorial of SPEDAS and recap of recent plugin developments, including the MMS plugin.

15-30 minutes:  Presentations and status updates from other plugin developers and SPEDAS users

Remaining time:  Open discussion of future development roadmap, feature and enhancement requests, Q and A with SPEDAS and plugin users and developers.

 We're looking forward to seeing you there!

 Jim Lewis, Eric Grimes and Vassilis Angelopoulos

(on behalf of the SPEDAS team).

3. MEETING: First International Workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather Research & Forecasting,  Washington, DC, August 1 - 4, 2017
From: Vadim Uritsky (vadim.uritsky at nasa.gov)

The Small Satellites for Space Weather Research and Forecasting workshop is the first dedicated scientific meeting focusing on specific needs of space weather studies using smallsat platforms. 

We invite a broad scope of contributions related to the applications of small satellites to space weather observations, research, analyses, forecasting, and operations, including those utilizing the CubeSat reference design.

The overarching goal of the workshop is to identify target scientific questions, geospace domains, and space weather conditions for which small satellites have a decisive advantage over traditional space weather monitoring platforms. 
We will also seek to determine major scientific, engineering, and programmatic challenges in developing dedicated small satellite space weather missions of the future, and to explore the unique training opportunities smallsat-based 
space weather research & forecasting can offer to academic institutions. 

More details soon.

For additional information contact Vadim Uritsky, vadim.uritsky at nasa.gov .

4. Call for abstracts EGU 2017 ST2.4 Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Phenomena
From: Hui Zhang, Qiugang Zong, Gabor Facsko, Arpad Kis  (hzhang14 at alaska.edu)

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 Vienna, Austria, 23 – 28 April 2017

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 11 January 2017, 13:00 CET

ST2.4 Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Phenomena

Convener: Hui Zhang, Qiugang Zong, Gabor Facsko, Arpad Kis 

The Earth's magnetosphere can be significantly affected by transient solar wind features (both intrinsic features such as structures in the solar wind and locally generated phenomena such as hot flow anomalies near the bow shock). Important energy transfer and transport will occur during the interaction of transient solar wind features with the Geospace system. Solar energy in various forms can propagate into the magnetosphere and ionosphere. Charged particle energy can be transformed to electromagnetic energy and vice versa. In-depth understanding of how the magnetosphere respond to transient solar wind features will enhance our knowledge on the solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere coupling.

This special session will provide a forum to present the latest results from in-situ spacecraft observations (e.g., NASA MMS, Van Ellen Probes, THEMIS, ESA Cluster, etc), ground-based observations (all-sky camera, radar, magnetometer), and global simulations. Coordinated multi-point observations are especially encouraged.

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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