[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 3
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Feb 5 18:07:10 PST 2016
Volume 26, Number 3
February 5, 2016
Table of Contents
1. Applications for Student Support to GEM Summer Workshop 2016 are OPEN NOW!
2. Sample GPS Energetic Particle Data Now Available
3. New Website for Polar Cap (PC) Magnetic Activity Index
4. JOB OPENING: Faculty Position at Solar and Space Weather Group, KASI
1. Applications for Student Support to GEM Summer Workshop 2016 are OPEN NOW!
From: Zhonghua Xu (ZXU77 at VT.EDU)
The GEM Summer Workshop 2016 will be held at the Santa Fe Convention Center during June 19-24, 2016 (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html). Now the applications for GEM Student Support are open. (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/students.html). The deadline for student applications and advisor recommendations is Monday, March 14, 2016.
We urge the applicants to contact with Zhonghua Xu (zxu77 at vt.edu) ASAP with the following information:
------Required information------
1 Name:
2 Email:
3 Advisor's name and email:
4 School:
5 Graduate or undergraduate student:
6 Year in school:
7 Previous GEM support received (list number of years):
8 Are you signed up to give a student tutorial (yes/no)?
9 Are you signed up to be a volunteer (taking pictures, recording tutorials, light control during plenary sessions...) (yes/no)?
10 Tentative title and abstract for your oral/poster presentation
11 Write a brief statement of purpose (500 words) about why you should come to GEM. The statement should include what your research goals are, how GEM could help in pursuing those goals, and how you can contribute to GEM.
12 advisor's email to Zhonghua Xu at (zxu77 at vt.edu) including the following information:
12-1 Is the student ready for GEM? For GEM workshop, we believe, it is most appropriate for students engaged in research. If the student is an undergraduate, please justify why he/she should be considered.
12-2 Is there a specific benefit for the student that you can identify?
12-3 If you have several students applying for support, please submit one email containing your assessment for all of the students. Please also prioritize the students to receive GEM support.
------Required information------
Due to the high demands for student financial assistance, we prioritize student support based on criteria developed by the steering committee. A high priority will be given to the students who have/are:
• a clear and well defined research statement,
• engaged in their thesis or dissertation research,
• first time attendees and students from small institutions,
• specific GEM-related duties.
We will require all the students supported by GEM 2016 to submit a follow-up report (500 words) within 2 weeks of workshop completion. In the report, please briefly summarize what you have learned or accomplished at GEM. Failure to complete this report could lower your priority in the next year for funding.
- See more at: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/students.html
- Also the GEM Community on Facebook.
2. Sample GPS Energetic Particle Data Now Available
From: William Denig (william.denig at noaa.gov)
Today, NOAA is announcing the release of energetic particle data from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The sample dataset is from 05-January to 01-February 2014 which includes a period of heightened space weather (including two solar proton events). The processed GPS data have been provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and made available through the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Access to the data is provided via Data.gov (search: “Global Positioning System (GPS) Energetic Particle Data”) or directly at “http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/stp/space-weather/satellite-data/satellite-systems/gps/”. Questions regarding the use and format of the data can be addressed to John Sullivan (Sullivan at lanl.gov). Feedback on the data can be addressed to Matt Heavner (Matthew_J_Heavner at ostp.eop.gov).
3. New Website for Polar Cap (PC) Magnetic Activity Index
From: Oleg Troshichev (olegtro at aari.ru)
A new website at http://pcindex.org is built to provide the polar cap (PC) magnetic activity index. This website contains on-line data on the PCN and PCS indices (for the northern and southern hemispheres, correspondingly) and archive data for 1992-2015.
4. JOB OPENING: Faculty Position at Solar and Space Weather Group, KASI
From: Junga Hwang (jahwang at kasi.re.kr)
The Solar and Space weather group at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon, Korea (hereafter SOS group) is now seeking applicants for a faculty position in Space Physics. Candidates with research interests in mangetospherc physics are encouraged to apply. Backgrounds in theory, modeling, laboratory and/or observational analysis will be considered. The candidate is expected to establish a broad, internationally competitive, and well-recognized research program and contribute to graduate school students’ education.
SOS group (http://www.kasi.re.kr/english/Research/SolarAndSpaceWeatherGroup.aspx) constructed the Korean Space Weather Prediction Center (KSWPC). The scope of the KSWC included the extension of the ground observation system, the construction of the space weather database, and the development of prediction models for predict the space weather. KASI utilizes the Van Allan Probes’ real time data to forecast space weather, protecting national space assets from severe space environment. SOS group has been working on various and wide fields’ studies, from the solar activity, magnetosphere, ionosphere to the upper atmosphere of the Earth. The group studies solar activities and the Sun-Earth connection using a combination of observations, advanced analysis techniques and numerical models for space weather forecasting.
For magnetospheric physics, our targets are as following: (1) Study on the structure and dynamics of the Earth’s radiation belts and their relationship to substorm, ring current, and plasmasphere by satellite data analysis and numerical simulations, (2) Development of numerical and statistical forecast model aimed at prevention of harzardous effects on Korean satellites, the stability of wireless telecommunications, and the safety of polar route aviation, (3) Design and development of space plasma payloads.
In order to receive full consideration, applicants should submit their CV, a list of publications, recommendation letters, and a statement of research interests to jjlee at kasi.re.kr no later than March 14 of 2016. More detailed announcement will be released in KASI webpage (http://www.kasi.re.kr/english/) around 15 February.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>
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Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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