[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 4
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Feb 17 11:48:54 PST 2016
Volume 26, Number 4
February 17, 2016
Table of Contents
1. GEM Student Tutorials - Calling for Student Volunteers!
2. Presentations at 2015 GEM-ULTIMA Forum of Ground-based Magnetometers Available Online
3. MEETING: Exploring the Geospace Frontier: New Directions (Quo Vadis), Boulder, CO, May 25-27, 2016
4. MEETING: SuperDARN Workshop 2016 - First Circular, 29 May - 3 June 2016, Fairbanks, Alaska, US
1. GEM Student Tutorials - Calling for Student Volunteers!
From: Lois Smith (lois.smith317 at gmail.com)
Hello GEM students! We are now requesting tutorial speakers for the 2016 GEM-CEDAR meeting in Santa Fe. This year with the combined meeting however, we only have 4 available tutorial spots. Each talk will be 10 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. These are meant to be general overviews of the subject manner. The tutorial topics will be:
(1) CCMC Models and Other Student Tools (4-D orbit viewer, autoplot, etc.)
(2) Magnetospheric Geography (explanation of different regions and physics)
(3) Storms and Substorms
(4) MI coupling
Once again, with this reduced number, student funding for GEM will primarily depend on the quality of the research statement you submit.
Please email your student reps Robert (robert.allen at swri.org) and Lois (loisks at umich.edu) with the following information if you would like to apply:
(1) Your Name
(2) Your institution
(3) Topic(s) you would like, with preference clearly stated. The more topics you are willing and able to give, the more of a chance you will have of giving a tutorial.
(4) Year in graduate school
(5) Motivation for giving a talk
Applications are due by March 1st!
2. Presentations at 2015 GEM-ULTIMA Forum of Ground-based Magnetometers Available Online
From: Peter Chi (pchi at igpp.ucla.edu) and Ian Mann
The Ultra-Large International Terrestrial Magnetometer Array (ULTIMA) consortium and GEM jointly held a Forum on the operation and science results of ground-based magnetometer arrays at the GEM mini-workshop on December 13, 2015. All the presenters at the Forum have kindly agreed to share their presentations online at the GemWiki website (http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/GEM-ULTIMA_Forum). The presentations include:
Array updates:
• AUTUMNX - Ian Schofield
• EMMA/SEGMA - Massimo Vellante (by Alfredo Del Corpo)
• GFZ and partners - Jurgen Matzka and Claudia Stolle
• GIMA - Donald Hampton
• IMAGE+ - Eija Tanskanen
Science presentations:
• FACs and substorm dynamics with global magnetometer arrays and AMPERE - Kyle Murphy
• ULF waves observed ground-based magnetometers and GPS TEC - David Murr (by Mark Engebretson)
• SuperMAG - Jesper Gjerloev (by Shin Ohtani)
• Substorm Zoo - Eija Tanskanen
• Equivalent and physical currents from magnetometer meridian chains - Martin Connors
3. MEETING: Exploring the Geospace Frontier: New Directions (Quo Vadis), Boulder, CO, May 25-27, 2016
From: David Hysell (dlh37 at cornell.edu)
A workshop is being organized to help shape the direction of research in geospace system science. The workshop will focus on the experimental infrastructure required for discovery research in the 21st century, with consideration for both basic and applied research driven by cutting edge observations of the system. We will develop strategies that can integrate geospace research across outmoded disciplinary boundaries and better align with activities carried out by different federal and international agencies.
Initiatives to be considered during the workshop will span the Sun-Earth connection. Examples of unique geospace capabilities for the future to be discussed at the workshop would include the construction of a low-frequency, multi-static radar system capable of receiving echoes from the middle atmosphere through the ionosphere, plasmasphere, magnetosphere, and the Sun. This facility would also include advanced, high-power lidar systems as described by the "OASIS - Exploring the Interaction of the Earth's Atmosphere with Space" document. Another research-driving facility could be the COSMO suite of instrumentation to describe the multidimensional magneto-thermal environment of the solar atmosphere at the heart of the space weather enterprise.
The workshop will take place in the context of contemporary community strategic documents and also other major experimental initiatives in geospace including EISCAT_3D and current and planned NASA missions, and natural synergies and overlaps will be considered. We expect the workshop to culminate in an action plan for pursuing an NSF MREFC (Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction) project to enable discovery science across the Geospace community.
The workshop will be sponsored by NSF and HAO/NCAR and is tentatively scheduled to take place in Boulder from May 25--27, 2016. A website for the workshop is available at
People interested in participating and/or contributing a presentation should contact one of the co-organizers listed below for more information.
David Hysell, Cornell University, david.hysell at cornell.edu
Scott McIntosh, High Altitude Observatory, mscott at uar.edu
Jeff Thayer, University of Colorado at Boulder, jeffrey.thayer at colorado.edu
4. MEETING: SuperDARN Workshop 2016 - First Circular, 29 May - 3 June 2016, Fairbanks, Alaska, US
From: Roman Makarevich (rmakarevich at alaska.edu)
The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) Workshop 2016 will be held May 29 - June 3, 2016, in Fairbanks, Alaska, US. The annual SuperDARN Workshop brings together a broad spectrum of scientists, students, and engineers from over 10 countries to discuss new research results in magnetospheric, ionospheric, and upper atmospheric physics, review technical and data analysis developments, and coordinate the network operations and sharing of the data. Contributions are welcome on any subject of interest to the community, not necessarily limited to research undertaken with SuperDARN. In 2016, the SuperDARN Workshop will be hosted by the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The webpage for the Workshop, located at http://superdarn2016.gi.alaska.edu contains important information on travel, accommodations, and a provisional program. For any other queries, contact Roman Makarevich <rmakarevich at alaska.edu>.
Abstract submission deadline: 11 April 2016
Accommodation reservation deadline: 27 April 2016
Registration deadline: 27 April 2016
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>
URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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