[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 47

Newsletter Editor editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed Nov 23 07:59:11 PST 2016


Volume 26, Number 47

Table of Contents

1. IMPORTANT GEM Deadlines Approaching

2. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group


1. IMPORTANT GEM Deadlines Approaching
From: Michael Wiltberger, Jacob Bortnik (wiltbemj at ucar.edu)

Since GEM thrives on the active involvement of its community members we wanted to remind you of two very important deadlines that are rapidly approaching.  

Meeting Coordinator submissions due on Nov 28th
New Focus Group submissions due on Dec 5th.

Since the GEM chair will be out of email contact prior to these deadlines all submissions must be sent directly GEM Steering Committee Chair-elect Jacob Bortnik (jbortnik at atmos.ucla.edu) 

Full details on the both calls are available in Volume 26 Number 45 of the GEM Messenger sent on November 4th.  In order to remind you of the basics of each call a brief summary is provided here.

Meeting Coordinator:
Anyone interested in serving, as the meeting coordinator should prepare a short, 1 page maximum, statement of his or her qualifications and interest in the position. It should include their plan for managing the key responsibilities, vision for working with the steering committee and a rough estimate of costs. Based on these statements of interest, the GEM Steering Committee will select and appoint the meeting coordinator for the next 5-year period. Final instatement of the meeting coordinator rests with the NSF, and is accomplished through an award from the GEM program for managing the annual meeting. 

Focus Groups:
FG proposals are 4 pages in length and provide a summary of topic, fit, team and research area.  See the  by-laws (http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/GEM_Bylaws) for full details. The FG proposals will be posted on the GEM Wiki website before the GEM Mini-Workshop. There will be a late-afternoon session at the Mini- Workshop at which the FG proposals will be presented and discussed in a forum open to the entire GEM community. The SC will then meet after the mini-workshop sessions to decide which proposals will be selected to become new GEM Focus Groups. If you are proposing a FG, then please plan to give a 5-minute presentation in this session. 

2. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group
From: Chih-Ping Wang, Andrei Runov, David Sibeck, Slava Merkin, Yu Lin (cat at atmos.ucla.edu)

The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group will hold a session at the Mini-GEM workshop in San Francisco.

Time: 12:00-1:30 PM, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Nevada Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel (1500 Van Ness Avenue)

The 90 minute session will include two parts: 
(1) Progress on the topics of this FG: We would like to solicit short (< 5 min) GEM-style presentations of your current work on observations and modeling of structure, dynamics, and boundary processes in the mid-tail magnetosphere and magnetosheath. 

(2) Modeling challenge: We will initiate a modeling challenge for understanding the connection between the mid-tail and near-Earth tail. We would like to solicit suggestions on potentially interesting events for the model challenge. As an initiation, we will present potential events from ARTEMIS-THEMIS and ARTEMIS-Geotail conjunctions.

If you would like to present, please contact Chih-Ping Wang (cat at atmos.ucla.edu) 

More information on this FG can be found at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Tail_Environment_and_Dynamics_at_Lunar_Distances

The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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To subscribe or opt out of the GEM mailing list, or to make any other requests, please contact Peter Chi, the GEM Communications Coordinator, by e-mail at

<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>

URL of GEM Home Page:  http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information:  http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html

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