[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 26, Number 48
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Mon Nov 28 17:48:11 PST 2016
Volume 26, Number 48
Table of Contents
1. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: Testing proposed links between mesoscale auroral and polar cap dynamics and substorms Focus Group
2. 2016 Mini-GEM Sessions: Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling Focus Group
December 11, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco
3. 2016 Mini GEM Session: Ionospheric Conductance Challenge
4. 2016 mini-GEM Session: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)
1. 2016 Mini-GEM Session: Testing proposed links between mesoscale auroral and polar cap dynamics and substorms Focus Group
From: Toshi Nishimura, Kyle Murphy, Jian Yang and Emma Spanswick (toshi at atmos.ucla.edu)
The Substorm-Aurora-Polar Cap Focus Group discusses substorm onset sequences and related M-I coupling physics for bringing a potential closure to substorm onset problems. At the upcoming mini-GEM, we will discuss a recent substorm event (2016-2-10 at ~6:30 UT) detected by University of Calgary’s red-line all-sky imagers (REGO). Four groups of tail scientists are analyzing the event and will present their interpretations:
Robert McPherron & Xiangning Chu
Jonathan Rae & Nadine Kalmoni
Jun Liang & Eric Donovan & Emma Spanswick
Christine Gabrielse & Vassilis Angelopoulos
Their presentations will be followed by discussions with audience about the physics behind and future planning to improve our understanding of substorms. The session will be held at 13:50-15:20 on Dec 11, 2016 at the Washington room at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway in San Francisco.
2. 2016 Mini-GEM Sessions: Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling Focus Group
December 11, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway, San Francisco
From: Weichao Tu, Wen Li, Jay Albert, and Steve Morley (wetu at mail.wvu.edu)
The Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling Focus Group will hold two sessions at the Mini-GEM workshop in San Francisco on December 11, immediately before the Fall AGU Meeting.
Session 1: General Session for Radiation Belt Modeling and Quantitative Assessment
Time: 13:50-15:20 PM, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Gold Rush A Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
In this session, we solicit short presentations on radiation belt modeling and its quantitative assessment, as well as physical processes potentially important in radiation belt modeling (such as various magnetospheric waves, seed electron population, plasma density, magnetic field configuration etc.).
Session 2: 'RB dropout' and 'RB buildup' Challenge
Time: 15:30-17:00 PM, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Gold Rush A Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway
This session will focus on the four "challenge" events that have been selected by the community:
#1. Stormtime Enhancement: 2013-03-17/00 UT to 2013-03-19/00 UT
#2. Stormtime Dropout: 2013-05-31/00 UT to 2013-06-03/00 UT
#3. Non-storm Enhancement: 2013-09-19/00 UT to 2013-09-21/00 UT
#4. Non-storm Dropout: 2013-09-23/00 UT to 2013-09-26/00 UT
We encourage presentations on the radiation belt modeling results of these events as well as studies providing the required inputs for modeling the radiation belt dynamics during these events (e.g., various magnetospheric waves, plasmapause and density models, electron PSD data). The latest available resources during these GEM challenge events (e.g., DLL, event-specific chorus wave distribution, plasmapause location, electron PSD etc.) are provided in this link (http://bit.ly/28UnLpw).
If you'd like to speak in our sessions, please send your talk title and the session number to Weichao Tu (wetu at mail.wvu.edu) by Wednesday, Dec 7th 2016. We also encourage you to attend and participate in the discussions. Hope you will join us! More information on the focus group can be found at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Quantitative_Assessment_of_Radiation_Belt_Modeling.
3. 2016 Mini GEM Session: Ionospheric Conductance Challenge
From: Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Mike Liemohn, Rob Redmon (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov)
The Modeling, Methods and Validation Focus Group (FG12) will hold a session at the mini GEM in San Francisco, and we invite all who are interested to participate.
Time: 13:50-15:20, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: California Room, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel (1500 Van Ness Avenue)
The agenda for the 90 minute session is as follows:
Review the outcome of the GEM-CEDAR joint session on the new Ionospheric Conductance Challenge
3 short invited talks followed by discussions
Select ionospheric conductance challenge events
To inquire about contributing a short presentation, please contact Katie Garcia-Sage (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov).
A summary of the objectives of the MM&V Focus Group can be found here:
4. 2016 mini-GEM Session: Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)
From: Yiqun Yu, Colby Lemon, Jichun Zhang, Mike Liemohn (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com)
We invite you to participate in the Focus Group of “Inner magnetosphere cross-energy/population interactions (IMCEPI)” during the upcoming mini-GEM at San Francisco.
Time: 12:00 -13:30pm, Sunday, December 11, 2016
Location: Room GoldRushB, Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel (1500 Van Ness Avenue)
The 90-minute session will have two parts:
(1) General contribution: we solicit short presentations focusing on the cross-energy/population interactions in the inner magnetosphere regime.
(2) We will also discuss the Challenge Topic on “Spacecraft charging associated with the ring current electrons”. The March 17, 2013 event is selected for such a challenge study. A preliminary plan of this Challenge Topic can be found here:
We encourage participants to bring suggestions/comments or show their results relevant to spacecraft charging.
If you would like to present, please contact Yiqun Yu (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com). More information of this FG can found at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Inner_Magnetosphere_Cross-Energy/Population_Interactions
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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<gemeditor at igpp.ucla.edu>
URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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