[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 27, Number 20
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue May 30 16:46:08 PDT 2017
Volume 27, Number 20
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. GEM Workshop 2017: MM&V FG Ionospheric Conductance Challenge and General Validation Session -- Call for Participation
2. GEM Workshop 2017: "Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)" Focus Group Sessions
3. Postdoctoral Research Position - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado / LASP)
1. GEM Workshop 2017: MM&V FG Ionospheric Conductance Challenge and General Validation Session -- Call for Participation
From: Katherine Garcia-Sage, Lutz Rastaetter, Rob Redmon, and Mike Liemohn (katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov)
Plans for an Ionospheric Conductance Challenge are moving forward and will be solidified at this summer's GEM Workshop. Please join the discussion and decisions about this effort, to be held on Tues afternoon 1:30-3pm.
The initial event selected is the 2016 Oct 13-15 ICME event. The concept for the challenge is that modelers would run at least two versions of their code, one with an "old" conductance specification and another with a "new" specification. At this session, we will decide on common settings between model runs and specific data-model comparisons that all teams should conduct.
There will only be a few formal speakers in this session, but we welcome short presentations on data and initial model runs from this event. Most of the time will be open discussion towards consensus on the challenge particulars. We encourage both modelers as well as data providers and analysts to attend to help with the crafting of the details.
Our General Validation Session will be Thursday afternoon 1:30-3pm. We are soliciting short presentations on validation efforts and resources in our community. We especially welcome talks on the following topics:
- model verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- data verification and validation studies that are not part of a particular GEM challenge
- resources for model-data comparison and validation
- discussion of best practices for model-data comparison and validation
Email katherine.garcia-sage at nasa.gov if you would like to contribute to either of these sessions.
2. GEM Workshop 2017: "Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)" Focus Group Sessions
From: Colby Lemon, Mike Leimohn, Yiqun Yu, Jichun Zhang (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com)
Dear Colleagues,
We invite you to participate in the GEM Focus Group “Inner Magnetosphere Cross-Energy/Population Interactions (IMCEPI)” at the 2017 GEM Workshop at Portsmouth, Virginia. We would like to solicit short talks focused on the inner magnetosphere coupling physics, as well as the coupling to the ionosphere system. Our three sessions will take place on Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Session 1 (10:30-12:15, Tuesday, 6/20, Room Amphitheater): Inner magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
A thorough understanding of the inner magnetosphere dynamics requires an integrated investigation of the magnetosphere ionosphere system, as the ionosphere provides the inner magnetosphere with an energy reservoir through particle precipitation as well as feedbacks with convectional/pulsing electric field that changes the transport of energetic particles in plasmasphere/ring current. In this session, we would like to solicit studies on the interactions between ring current/ radiation belt/ plasmasphere and the ionosphere.
Session 2 (13:30-15:00, Tuesday 6/20, Room Amphitheater): plasma wave dynamics and coupling with inner magnetosphere populations.
In this session, we will focus on magnetospheric particle dynamics and their role in the generation of plasma waves, and the feedback effect of plasma wave dynamics on the dynamics of plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts.
Session 3 (15:30-17:00, Tuesday 6/20, Room Amphitheater): coupling between fields and plasma, and discussion on Spacecraft Charging Challenge.
We will focus on the interactions between plasma and electric/magnetic fields in the mid-tail to inner magnetosphere/ionosphere region, and the role of mid-tail dynamics on the inner magnetosphere dynamics.
In the second half in this session, we solicit presentations on the spacecraft charging challenge. The event currently selected is March 17, 2013. Details of this challenge topic can be found in the following website. We encourage modelers to bring simulation results and compare.
Please let us know if you are interested in presenting your research!
Best regards,
IMCEPI co-chairs:
Colby Lemon (Colby at aerospace.org)
Mike Liemohn (liemohn at umich.edu)
Yiqun Yu (yiqunyu17 at gmail.com)
Jichun Zhang (jichun.zhang at unh.edu)
3. Postdoctoral Research Position - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado / LASP)
From: David Malaspina (David.Malaspina at lasp.colorado.edu)
The Space Plasma Group at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), University of Colorado, Boulder (CU), is seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to conduct scientific research on Earth’s magnetotail and inner magnetosphere plasma dynamics in support of existing grants. This position is focused primarily on analyzing and interpreting in-situ particle and fields data from spacecraft including the Van Allen Probes and THEMIS.
The CU/LASP Space Plasma Group conducts a diverse research program encompassing data analysis, simulation, and theoretical studies of space plasma physics in a variety of environments, including planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres as well as the solar wind. The group maintains a robust space instrumentation program.
Application Materials Required: Cover Letter, Resume/CV, Reference Letters, Unofficial transcript(s)
For more information, please contact: David.Malaspina at lasp.colorado.edu
Detailed instructions for submitting an application are here: https://cu.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?job=09672&lang=en&sns_id=mailto#.WSWcQMwZr-4.mailto
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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