[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 27, Number 21
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Wed May 31 20:56:41 PDT 2017
Volume 27, Number 21
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. MEETING: International Conference on Substorms (ICS13)
2. GEM Workshop 2017: “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” Focus Group -- Call for Participation
3. GEM Workshop 2017: Dayside Kinetics FG Challenge and Contributed Science Sessions
4. GEM Workshop 2017: "The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group" Focus Group Sessions
1. MEETING: International Conference on Substorms (ICS13)
From: Jimmy Raeder (J.Raeder at unh.edu)
The 13th International Conference on Substorms (ICS13) will be held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA, September 25-29, 2017. The meeting venue will be the Portsmouth Sheraton hotel. Portsmouth is located on the New Hampshire seacoast about one hour north of Boston. The meeting web site (http://ics13.unh.edu/) provides further information.
Abstract submissions: June 15, 2017
Early registration: August 15, 2017
We are looking forward to welcome the substorm community in New Hampshire this Fall!
2. GEM Workshop 2017: “Quantitative Assessment of Radiation Belt Modeling” Focus Group -- Call for Participation
From: Weichao Tu, Wen Li, Jay Albert, and Steve Morley (wetu at mail.wvu.edu)
We would like to solicit short presentations relevant to the following four sessions, including three independent sessions and one joint session with the “Modeling Methods and Validation” FG.
Session 1 (Wed, 10:30-12:15 PM): “Observations of radiation belt processes”. We solicit short presentations on observational studies of the dynamical processes in the radiation belts. Possible topics include the generation and dynamics of various magnetospheric waves, wave-particle interactions in the radiation belts, and the dynamics of radiation belt particles. This session mainly focuses on observational studies and results.
Session 2 (Wed, 01:30-03:00 PM): “Modeling of local processes and transport”. We solicit short presentations focusing on modeling the local wave-particle interactions and transport processes in the radiation belts. This first modeling session focuses on waves and structures that can have local interactions with radiation belt particles (e.g., chorus, hiss, EMIC, magnetosonic waves, nonlinear structures, etc.), and their effects on radiation belt particles. Presentations on the modeling of radiation belt transport driven by ULF waves are also invited here or in Session 3.
Session 3 (Wed, 03:30-05:00 PM): “Global modeling, metrics and validation”. This is the joint session with “Modeling Methods and Validation” FG, since the two FGs have common interest in the global modeling of radiation belt (RB) dynamics and the metrics and validation methods that can be used to quantitatively assess the modeling. We call for short presentations that perform global modeling of the acceleration, transport, and loss of RB particles, test current metrics and validation for RB modeling and inputs, and/or develop new validation methods.
Session 4 (Thu, 10:30-12:15 PM): “New challenge results and plans”. This session will focus on the following four "challenge" events:
#1. Stormtime Enhancement: 2013-03-17/00 UT to 2013-03-19/00 UT
#2. Stormtime Dropout: 2013-05-31/00 UT to 2013-06-03/00 UT
#3. Non-storm Enhancement: 2013-09-19/00 UT to 2013-09-21/00 UT
#4. Non-storm Dropout: 2013-09-23/00 UT to 2013-09-26/00 UT
We encourage presentations on the new RB modeling results of these events as well as quantitative assessment of the established modeling results from previous meetings. More information on these events and the available resources can be found at our GEM wiki page (http://www-ssc.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Quantitative_Assessment_of_Radiation_Belt_Modeling). At last, we will wrap up and plan for future FG activities.
If you would like to present in any of these sessions, please send your talk title and the relevant session number to Weichao Tu (wetu at mail.wvu.edu) by June 11th, 2017. Our FG activities and announcements will be updated in the GEM wiki page.
Thank you very much in advance for your contributions!
Weichao Tu, Wen Li, Jay Albert, and Steve Morley
3. GEM Workshop 2017: Dayside Kinetics FG Challenge and Contributed Science Sessions
From: Heli Hietala, Gabor Toth, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, and Andrew Dimmock (heli at igpp.ucla.edu)
We invite you to participate in the GEM Focus Group on “Dayside Kinetic Processes in Global Solar Wind – Magnetosphere Interaction” at the 2017 Workshop in Portsmouth, Virginia. Our aim is to provide a venue for joint modeling and observational efforts to understand kinetic processes in a global context. We will have 2 main sessions:
Tuesday 10:30-12:15 AM - Dayside Kinetics Challenge session
(joint with Modeling FG)
The southward IMF event on 2015-11-18 01:50-03:00 UT, featuring an MMS-Geotail magnetopause conjunction with SuperDARN radar observations has been set as the challenge event. During this challenge we analyze the various dayside phenomena (magnetic reconnection, FTEs, magnetosheath waves, etc.). We aim to conduct comparisons between (i) observations and models with different levels of kinetic physics; (ii) different models; (iii) in situ and remote observations. You can find more information at: https://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/support/GEM/Dayside_Kinetic_Processes/Dayside_Kinetic_Challenge/Introduction.php
In this session, we will have several presentations of the observations made throughout the magnetosphere during this event, as well as on the preliminary simulations. We encourage both modelers and data analysts to attend and participate in the discussions and decisions on next steps of the challenge.
Thursday 01:30-03:00 PM - Dayside Kinetics Contributed Science session
We solicit short presentations on dayside kinetic phenomena and their role in global magnetospheric dynamics. Speakers are encouraged to discuss what kind of joint efforts (with other observers, modelers, FGs, ...) are required to make further progress. We will also review the goals of the FG and discuss plans for future activities.
Please email heli at igpp.ucla.edu by June 12 if you would like to contribute to these sessions.
In addition, we will have 2 joint-sessions, please see the announcements of the respective FGs:
Tuesday 03:30-05:00 PM - Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling processes associated with localized disturbances caused by dayside kinetic phenomena
(joint with ULF waves & Proposed links FGs)
Thursday 03:30-05:00 PM - Magnetopause phenomena
(joint with Reconnection FG)
4. GEM Workshop 2017: "The Tail Environment and Dynamics at Lunar Distances Focus Group" Focus Group Sessions
From: Chih-Ping Wang, Andrei Runov, David Sibeck, Slava Merkin, Yu Lin (cat at atmos.ucla.edu)
The Tail Environment and Dynamics Focus Group welcomes all presentations for the whole magnetotail from near-Earth to distant tail. We will hold three sessions at 2017 summer GEM workshop
(1) Session 1: Monday morning, 10:30 AM-12:15 PM, June 19, 2017
The session is open to any topics on magnetotail, such as plasma entry and transport, tail structures, instabilities and waves, solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, interaction with Moon, etc.. We would like to solicit short (< 5 min) GEM-style presentations on observations or modelings.
(2) Session 2: Monday afternoon, 1:30-3:00 and 3:30-5:00 PM, June 19, 2017
This session is a joint session with “Magnetotail Dipolarization and its Effect on the Inner Magnetosphere” and “Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetosphere” FGs. This is to address sciences questions including onset of tail reconnection, effect of tail instability, formation and transport of dipolarization fronts and bursty bulk flows, observations in mid-tail and near-Earth tail.
(3) Session 3: Tuesday afternoon, 3:30-5:00 PM, June 20, 2017
This is a joint session with “Modeling Methods and Validation” FG on mid-tail modeling challenge. This challenge is to better understand mid-tail response to a prolonged N IMF interval and to improve global models. We will address three science questions: (i) How does the mid-tail configuration response to changes in IMF By and solar wind dynamic pressure (ii) What processes cause the 10 to 30 min perturbations in the mid-tail plasma sheet (iii) How is the coupling between the ionosphere and mid-tail?
Detailed information for ARTEMIS observations of this modeling challenge event and results from global simulations can be found at http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/challenges/MidTail/
ARTEMIS observations and simulation results from different global MHD models (LFM, OpenGGCM, BATS-R-US, and GUMICS) and global hybrid model for this event will be presented. We welcome your participation in the discussion.
If you would like to present, please contact Chih-Ping Wang (cat at atmos.ucla.edu)
More information on this FG can be found at http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki/index.php/FG:_Tail_Environment_and_Dynamics_at_Lunar_Distances
Chih-Ping Wang, Andrei Runov, David Sibeck, Slava Merkin, and Yu Lin
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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