[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 6
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Fri Feb 16 16:44:23 PST 2018
Volume 28, Number 6
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. TESS Session: Leveraging the New Space Revolution for Heliophysics Science
2. Several M.S/Ph.D Student Positions available at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, in the Areas of Space and Upper-Atmospheric Physics and Space Technology
1. TESS Session: Leveraging the New Space Revolution for Heliophysics Science
From: Larry Kepko and Larry Paxton (larry.kepko at nasa.gov)
Small Satellites are becoming increasingly important as a platform to achieve heliophysics science objectives. We invite contributions to the upcoming Triennial Earth-Sun Summit meeting (https://connect.agu.org/tess2018/home) on ideas for SmallSat science missions, instrumentation, capabilities, etc., in order to broaden community knowledge about SmallSat capabilities. The deadline for abstract submissions is Tuesday, 20 February 23:59 ET.
Session description:
Leveraging the New Space revolution for Heliophysics science
SmallSat capability and reliability continue to increase at remarkable speed and, combined with advancements in instrument miniaturization and new avenues of access to space, is ushering in a new era of space exploration. SmallSats enable both small, focused science missions at affordable cost, and also large constellations of spacecraft that previously have been unachievable. Heliophysics is particularly well positioned to take advantage of the SmallSat revolution, since much of the field’s in situ and remote sensing instrumentation have achieved levels of miniaturization and performance that now enables their accommodation on such platforms. This session is devoted to bringing together scientists, instrumentalists, principal investigators, and members of New Space industry, to share SmallSat capabilities, ideas, and opportunities.
2. Several M.S/Ph.D Student Positions available at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, in the Areas of Space and Upper-Atmospheric Physics and Space Technology
From: Katariina Nykyri (nykyrik at erau.edu)
The Center for Space and Atmospheric Research (CSAR) and Department of Physical Sciences at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is seeking students for the Engineering Physics M.S and Ph.D programs for Fall 2018 admission in the following broad research areas:
1. Heliospheric Physics and Space Weather
2. Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Physics
3. Dynamics and Aeronomy of the Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Thermosphere
4. Planetary Science
5. Space Robotics and Autonomous Systems
6. Spacecraft Instrumentation and Remote Sensing
7. CubeSat Development and Space Mission Design
8. Space and Laboratory Plasma Physics
These assistantships covers stipend and tuition waivers. For detailed admission requirements, please see:
For further information, contact
Dr. Aroh Barjatya, barjatya at erau.edu for spacecraft instrumentation, CubeSat development, laboratory plasma physics
Dr. Kshitija Deshpande, deshpank at erau.edu for ionospheric physics, space weather and remote sensing
Dr. Sergey Drakunov, drakunov at erau.edu for space robotics and autonomous systems
Dr. Michael Hickey, hicke0b5 at erau.edu for upper atmospheric physics and dynamics
Dr. Ashley Kehoe, kehoea at erau.edu for asteroid research, tracking and remote sensing
Dr. Alan Liu, liuz2 at erau.edu upper atmospheric physics and remote sensing and instrumentation
Dr. William MacKunis, mackuniw at erau.edu for control engineering and autonomous systems
Dr. Ed Mierkiewicz, mierkiee at erau.edu for spectroscopy, optical instrumentation design, terrestrial aeronomy, observations of solar system objects including the moon, comets, and the Jovian system
Dr. Katariina Nykyri, nykyrik at erau.edu for space plasma physics, space weather, and space mission design
Dr. Jonathan Snively, snivelyj at erau.edu for upper atmospheric physics and numerical modeling
Dr. Anatoly Streltsov, streltsa at erau.edu for magnetosphere-ionosphere physics, space plasma physics and space weather
** Dr. Matthew Zettergren (Graduate Coordinator), zettergm at erau.edu for ionospheric and space plasma physics
The Center for Space and Atmospheric Research (CSAR) studies the fundamental physics of Planetary Atmospheres and Space Environments. These systems include the complex and highly-coupled Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and Magnetosphere (AIM) systems of Earth and other planets. The members of CSAR will bring scientific competencies spanning the realms of theory, modeling, observation, and experiment, as they apply to each region of the AIM system. For further information on CSAR laboratories and facilities please see http://csar.erau.edu/. CSAR faculty collaborate across ERAU’s College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Engineering, and also utilize facilities in ERAU’s Engineering and Aerospace Innovation Complex (Micaplex) at Embry-Riddle Research Park, which provide state-of-the-art facilities for platform and instrument development, as well as incubator space and facilities for startup companies (https://erau.edu/micaplex/). Recently, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has installed a Cray® CS™ cluster supercomputer – Vega — into the Lehman Engineering and Technology Center on the Daytona Beach, Fla., campus. Vega is currently being used by CSAR faculty for numerical simulations of processes in the Heliosphere and Earth's AIM systems. CSAR's SAIL lab also house a plasma chamber used for characterization of plasma diagnostic instruments that are flown on rockets and satellites.
Embry-Riddle is the world’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious university specializing in aviation and aerospace. It is recognized as a premier educational institution and a global leader in teaching the science, practice and business of aviation, aerospace and engineering. Embry-Riddle is committed to being a global leader in diversity and inclusion in higher education. We continually strive to recognize, respect and celebrate the differences and cultural identities among individuals as we recruit, support, and embrace our diverse community. We work to provide a safe environment where self-expression is welcome. We strive to create a campus climate free of discrimination so that networks, partnerships and cultural competency continue to be fostered through leadership, integrity, care and respect.
Embry-Riddle is committed to providing equal employment opportunity and affirmative action for qualified individuals. The university does not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by federal, state or local law.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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