[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 1
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Jan 9 18:32:53 PST 2018
Volume 28, Number 1
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. Open Code White Paper E-flyer
2. Graduate Student Openings at West Virginia University (Deadline approaching)
3. Joint UTSA/SwRI Graduate Physics Program in San Antonio, TX
4. SESSION: Call for Abstracts EGU 2018 - Earth Observation with Swarm: Results from Four Years in Orbit
5. SESSION: 2018 TESS Meeting Session: Geospace coupling session
6. JGR Special Section on Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions
1. Open Code White Paper E-flyer
From: Masha Kuznetsova (Maria.M.Kuznetsova at nasa.gov)
*Call for White Papers: Best Practices for a Future Open Code Policy for NASA Space Science*
NASA has requested the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to investigate and recommend best practices as the Science Mission Directorate considers whether to establish an open code policy, complementary to its current open data policy. The committee appointed by the Academies to carry out this study is now soliciting community input in the form of white papers. Full details of the committee’s membership and schedule of activities, as well as the statement of task for this study and detailed instruction for drafting and submitting a white paper, are available on the study webpage <http://sites.nationalacademies.org/SSB/CurrentProjects/SSB_178892>.
The specific goal of this call for white papers is to hear broadly from the community on any issues, situations, or points of view relevant to the topic, to ensure consideration of the full set of possible consequences of any new NASA open source policy. For the purpose of this call, “open code” and “open source” refer to computer program source codes released publicly under an open source license, as defined by the Open Source Initiative <https://opensource.org/licenses>.
To be considered at the committee’s next meeting, white paper submissions are due *no later than January 12, 2018*. The committee strongly encourages authors to submit white papers by this deadline, but papers will continue to be received until midnight on January 31, 2018.
Questions about the project or white paper submissions may be directed to the project staff at: asheffer at nas.edu <mailto:asheffer at nas.edu>.
2. Graduate Student Openings at West Virginia University (Deadline approaching)
From: Paul Cassak (Paul.Cassak at mail.wvu.edu)
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at West Virginia University is seeking graduate student applications from enthusiastic students to start their graduate career in space physics in Fall of 2018. The department has active researchers in numerical and observational magnetospheric, solar, and space-relevant laboratory plasma physics. The WVU plasma group (https://ulysses.phys.wvu.edu/plasma/) is sizable and diverse; there are seven faculty doing space physics including three females. Particular research areas include radiation belt simulations and observations; ion heating in the magnetosphere using observations, experiments and simulations; magnetic reconnection simulations and experiment; solar flare simulations and observations; waves and aurora; high-energy-density laboratory astrophysics; and cubesat development. Admitted students get tuition waivers and a competitive stipend. There are numerous internal fellowships for increased stipends. The program includes a wide array of classes in plasma physics. The WVU Physics and Astronomy department (http://physics.wvu.edu/) is young and vibrant. The university is centrally located; it is a short trip to the many research labs in the Maryland/Virginia/DC area (NASA, APL, NRL, Wallops, etc.). Surrounded by natural beauty and outdoor activities, it is a great place to earn a Ph.D. Past students in the plasma group have been very successful in their careers. Please encourage your undergraduates to apply; the deadline is January 15, 2018. The department and plasma group is proud to put a high value on diversity and inclusivity.
3. Joint UTSA/SwRI Graduate Physics Program in San Antonio, TX
From: Heather Elliott, Mihir Desai (helliott at swri.edu)
Since 2004, a physics graduate program has been offered in partnership between the University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). UTSA is the second largest component university of The University of Texas System, with an enrollment of more than 28,000 students. SwRI's Space Science and Engineering Division is a leader in space physics and planetary science research with major involvement in numerous NASA missions. The participation by SwRI offers students a chance to be involved in many of the most exciting ongoing NASA missions (Juno, MMS, LRO, Van Allen Probes, New Horizons, TWINS, IBEX) and future missions (e.g., Europa Clipper, JUICE, Bepi Columbo, Solar Probe).
UTSA/SwRI graduate students can engage in data analysis and instrument design & calibration, and even lead their own projects. Some past or current projects include (for example): analysis of Cassini observations of Enceladus’ water vapor plume, design of a new ion mass spectrometer, interpretation of the first New Horizons measurements from Pluto, and investigation of reconnection in Earth’s magnetosphere. During one year, the students in our laboratory class got to perform the calibration on one of the IBEX instruments now flying and obtaining phenomenal new observations of the interstellar boundary.
Our areas of space physics include:
Solar & Heliospheric physics
Planetary Science
Magnetospheric physics
Space Science instrumentation
Our website is http://www.utsa.edu/physics/, with the joint program details at http://grad.space.swri.edu.
The deadlines for application:
1 February 2018 for entry in Fall 2018.
1 October 2018 for entry in Spring 2019.
Application procedures and additional information:
- Visit http://graduateschool.utsa.edu/admissions/graduate-application/ and http://grad.space.swri.edu/application/how_to_apply.html
- Or contact Professor Mihir Desai at mdesai at swri.edu or +1 210 522 6754.
You are welcome to talk directly to current graduate students at utsaphysicsstudents at listsrv-svr.itc.swri.org.
Financial support is available to students through Research Assistantships while conducting research for SwRI's Space Science and Engineering Division (http://www.swri.edu).
4. SESSION: Call for Abstracts EGU 2018 - Earth Observation with Swarm: Results from Four Years in Orbit
From: Georgios Balasis (gbalasis at noa.gr)
Dear Colleagues,
We kindly invite you to submit an abstract to the following session of the next EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria (8-13 April 2018):
Earth Observation with Swarm: Results from Four Years in Orbit
Swarm is the fourth Earth Explorer mission of European Space Agency (ESA) launched on 23 November 2013. The final constellation of the three-satellite mission with two spacecraft (Swarm A and C) flying side by side at low altitude (~ 460 km) and one (Swarm B) flying at a slightly higher altitude (~510 km) was achieved on 17 April 2014. The mission measures the geomagnetic field by identifying and measuring magnetic signals from Earth’s core, mantle, lithosphere, oceans, ionosphere and magnetosphere. Additionally, Swarm data are used to study the Sun’s influence on Earth system by analysing electric currents in magnetosphere and ionosphere and understanding the impact of solar wind on dynamics of the upper atmosphere. Swarm currently offers one of the best-ever surveys of the Earth’s main and crustal magnetic field as well as the near-Earth electromagnetic environment. This session solicits contributions about recent scientific results from the mission in terms of internal and external magnetic field studies and in combination with other satellite missions or ground observations.
Confirmed invited speakers: Gauthier Hulot (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris), David Knudsen (University of Calgary), Claudia Stolle (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences), Andrew Yau (University of Calgary)
*Please note that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is: Wednesday 10 January 2018, 13:00 CET.
* Abstract submission link: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/session/26476
* How to submit an abstract?: https://egu2018.eu/abstract_management/how_to_submit_an_abstract.html
The conveners:
Georgios Balasis, National Observatory of Athens
Ian R. Mann, University of Alberta
Diana Saturnino, National Space Institute - DTU
Rune Floberghagen, European Space Agency
5. SESSION: 2018 TESS Meeting Session: Geospace coupling session
From: Toshi Nishimura, Christine Gabrielse, Ying Zou (toshi16 at bu.edu)
In the Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) meeting (20-24 May 2018, Leesburg, Virginia), we will hold a session entitled "Coupling processes in Geospace during enhanced solar wind driving". This session covers a broad range of topics in magnetosphere as well as their coupling to the ionosphere-thermosphere. The session theme includes a variety of coupling processes across regions and scales as listed below.
The abstract submission deadline is 20 February 2018.
Coupling processes in Geospace during enhanced solar wind driving
Geospace is a highly coupled system that involves inter-regional and cross-scale interaction processes. Those processes are particularly evident during disturbed conditions driven by enhanced solar wind driving and explosive release of magnetotail energy, which results in storms and substorms. To achieve system-level understanding of the terrestrial space environment, it is essential to understand plasma and energy transport by particles and fields to/from neighboring domains in the magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere system. Examples of those can be found in magnetopause processes, plasma circulation (plume, patches and outflow), particle injection/energization/precipitation, fast flow channels, wave-particle interaction, and field-aligned currents. It is critical to utilize growing capability of observations by multi-satellites and ground-based network such as the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory, as well as global/multi-scale simulations, for advancing community's understanding of Geospace dynamics.
This session solicits presentations on a wide range of coupling processes in the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere and thermosphere system; including solar wind-magnetosphere interaction, tail-inner magnetosphere interaction, magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling, and global magnetospheric processes. Observations in space and ground, simulations and theory are invited. Recent progresses, future planning and discussion on open questions are welcome.
Toshi Nishimura, Christine Gabrielse, and Ying Zou
6. JGR Special Section on Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions
From: Qiugang Zong, Philippe Escoubet, David Sibeck, Guan Le, Hui Zhang (qgzong at pku.edu.cn)
Submission deadline: February 2, 2018
Special collection title: Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions
Special section organizers: Qiugang Zong, Philippe Escoubet, David Sibeck, Guan Le, Hui Zhang
Manuscripts are invited for a special section that focuses on Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions. This special collection will address the processes by which solar wind mass, momentum, and energy enter the magnetosphere. Regions of interest include the foreshock, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, and cusps, the dayside magnetosphere, and both the dayside polar and equatorial ionosphere. Results from spacecraft observations (e.g., MMS, Cluster, Geotail, THEMIS, and Van Allen Probes), ground-based observations (all-sky camera, radar, and magnetometer), MHD, hybrid and PIC simulations are all welcome. Parallel processes occur at other planets are also solicited. Many of the collected papers will be based on presentations at a recent AGU Chapman conference held in Chengdu, China, in July 2017. Papers relevant to the scope but not presented at the conference are also solicited.
Manuscripts are to be submitted through the AGU's submission system (GEMS) for JGR: Space Physics (https://jgr-spacephysics-submit.agu.org). The manuscript type will be a Research Article. When authors submit a manuscript, they must select the correct special collection designation. If authors do not see the correct special collection in the list, please contact journal staff.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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