[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 2
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Tue Jan 16 20:55:32 PST 2018
Volume 28, Number 2
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. HamSCI Workshop 2018 (February 23-24, 2018 at NJIT)
2. COSPAR 2018 Session "D3.5: Particle Acceleration and Loss in the Earth and Planetary Magnetospheres": Call for Abstracts
3. JOB OPENING: Tenure-track Professor in Space Physics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland
1. HamSCI Workshop 2018 (February 23-24, 2018 at NJIT)
From: Nathaniel Frissell (nathaniel.a.frissell at njit.edu)
Dear Colleagues,
Over the past couple of years, I have been working to foster collaborations between the professional space science research communities and the amateur radio communities through the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (hamsci.org). I am pleased to announce that we will be continuing this collaboration with the first HamSCI Workshop that will be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology February 23-24, 2018. This year, the workshop will focus on results of the 2017 Great American Eclipse ham radio ionospheric experiments and the development of a personal space weather station. A keynote address will be given by Dr. Philip Erickson, W1PJE, of the MIT Haystack Observatory. We invite presentations that are related to these topics (even if they do not directly use amateur radio data), as well as presentations that will further space physics-amateur radio citizen science efforts. For more information and to register, please visit http://hamsci.org/hamsci-workshop-2018. Abstract submissions and questions may be sent to Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF at hamsci at hamsci.org.
Cheers and 73 (Best wishes),
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF
2. COSPAR 2018 Session "D3.5: Particle Acceleration and Loss in the Earth and Planetary Magnetospheres": Call for Abstracts
From: Maria Usanova, Yuri Shprits (maria.usanova at lasp.colorado.edu)
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to our session “D3.5: Particle Acceleration and Loss in the Earth and Planetary Magnetospheres” at COSPAR 2018, 14-22 July, Pasadena, CA, USA.
Please see the session details below.
Since the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts, understanding of the acceleration and loss processes in the Earth's magnetosphere and magnetospheres of the outer planets has been a central topic of research in the space physics community. Observations from the Van Allen Probes, MMS, Cluster, Double Star, THEMIS, NOAA POES and GOES, Lomonosov, and a number of cubesat missions provided a vast amount of data. New planetary missions such as Juno and JUICE will provide additional information of the radiation environments of the outer planets that would allow quantitative comparative studies. In this session, we invite modeling and observational contributions considering physics of acceleration and loss of particles in the Earth and planetary magnetospheres.
Organizers: Yuri Shprits and Maria Usanova
Abstract deadline: February 9, 2018. Early registration deadline: Apr 27, 2018.
Kind regards,
Maria Usanova
3. JOB OPENING: Tenure-track Professor in Space Physics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland
From: Minna Palmroth (minna.palmroth at helsinki.fi)
The University of Helsinki is among the leading multidisciplinary research universities in the world. As part of the Faculty of Science, the Department of Physics is responsible for high-end research into physics and astronomy on an international level, and academic education in physics based on that research. For more details, please see http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/.
The Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki invites applications for a PROFESSOR OR ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
The field of the position is space physics. The successful applicant may be appointed to a permanent professorship or a fixed-term associate/assistant professorship (tenure track system consisting of two stages, each 3 – 5 years), depending on her or his qualifications and career stage.
The position belongs to the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Science, and is tied to the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space. This Centre of Excellence gathers together the space science and technology research carried out within the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Turku, and Finnish Meteorological Institute, and aims at revolutionising space research by utilising small spacecraft. The scientific research within the Centre of Excellence focuses on investigating the physical conditions within the near-Earth space to understand causal relationships of events and estimate their effects especially in light of small spacecraft. The University of Helsinki Space Physics group aims at reaching a breakthrough understanding of inner magnetospheric processes as a response to driving from the solar wind and outer magnetosphere, and with this to achieve a deep insight of the small satellite environment as a function of time and space.
The selected person will teach in the field of physics, especially in space physics. She/he will perform scientific investigations related to Earth’s magnetospheric physics, especially focusing onto inner magnetospheric dynamics. She/he will utilise the latest inner and outer magnetospheric modelling tools and small spacecraft data in order to achieve the goals of the Centre of Excellence. The background of the successful applicant will at best cover phenomenological, theoretical and computational space plasma physics.
Call information: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-space-physics
The deadline for applications is 15 February 2018.
More information of the position will be provided by the Director of the Centre of Excellence, professor Minna Palmroth, minna.palmroth(at)helsinki.fi, +358 2941 51020
More about the Centre of Excellence:
Space Physics Group home page:
Apply link
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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