[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 17
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu May 3 11:00:57 PDT 2018
Volume 28, Number 17
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. Special Issue of JGR: Particle Dynamics in the Earth's Radiation Belts
2. Third MMS Community Workshop – third announcement, early registration deadline May 10, 2018
3. Abstracts and contributions invited for exciting session at European Space Weather Week
4. 2018 SHINE Workshop Session "How do small-scale effects feedback on reconnection global dynamics, and vice versa?"
5. JOB OPENING: Ionospheric Scientist at The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA
6. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position (f/m) in Space Plasma Physics
1. Special Issue of JGR: Particle Dynamics in the Earth's Radiation Belts
From: Seth Claudepierre (seth at aero.org)
Special Issue of Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
“Particle Dynamics in the Earth's Radiation Belts”
Special Issue Organizers: S. Claudepierre, C. Colpitts, J. Fennell, X. Li, J.-F. Ripoll, and S. Ukhorskiy.
We are pleased to announce a Special Issue of JGR: Space Physics, highlighting results from the recent AGU Chapman Conference: Particle Dynamics in the Earth’s Radiation Belts, held 4-9 March 2018 in Cascais, Portugal. All members of the scientific community are welcome and encouraged to submit their relevant research articles to this Special Issue. Participation in the conference is NOT required to submit an article to the Special Issue.
Submissions accepted*: May 1 - November 30, 2018
The Conference Conveners
Seth Claudepierre, Chris Colpitts, Joe Fennell, Xinlin Li, Jean-Francois Ripoll, Sasha Ukhorskiy
*When submitting a manuscript, please select the correct special collection designation in GEMS. The special collection designation will not be visible until the submission period begins on May 1st. Manuscripts must be submitted before the submission period closes. Once the special collection submission period ends, a resubmission can be included pending editor and proposer approval. If the original submission was submitted during the open to submission period, revised versions can be submitted after the special collection has closed in GEMS.
2. Third MMS Community Workshop – third announcement, early registration deadline May 10, 2018
From: Michael Hesse (michael.hesse at uib.no)
Third MMS Community Workshop
University of Bergen
Bergen, Norway
11-14 June 2018
The third MMS community workshop will be held on 11-14 June, 2018, in Bergen, Norway. This workshop is open to the broad scientific community with interest in magnetic reconnection and other, MMS-related, science topics. Breakout sessions will be held on June 11 at the University of Bergen, and the science workshop will be on June 12-14 at the Scandic Ørnen hotel in the center of town.
MMS community workshops invite the broad space research community engaged in MMS-related science topics. The main workshop will feature scientific presentations addressing topics ranging from magnetic reconnection to the bow shock, particle acceleration, and turbulence. Mission-related breakout sessions will focus on mission operations, instrument-related issues, and special science topics. Further meeting information, including registration, abstract submission and lodging information, can be found on the web site:
Early registration deadline May 10, 2018, final registration deadline May 31, 2018
Local organizing committee:
Paul Tenfjord
Kavitha Ostgaard
Cecilia Norgren
Katarzyna Kosela-Dordevic
Therese Moretto
Michael Hesse
3. Abstracts and contributions invited for exciting session at European Space Weather Week
From: Ryan McGranaghan, Anastasios Anastasiadis, Enrico Camporeale, Manolis K. Georgoulis (ryan.mcgranaghan at colorado.edu)
Dear colleagues,
We warmly invite abstract submissions to an exciting session at this year’s European Space Weather Week entitled: “Unveiling Current Challenges in Space Weather Forecasting”. (http://www.stce.be/esww15/program/session_details.php?nr=6). A brief description is provided below for your consideration.
The European Space Weather Week (ESWW15 http://www.stce.be/esww15/) will take place between 5 – 9 November in Leuven, Belgium and the deadline for abstract submission is May 18, 2018.
Kind regards,
Ryan McGranaghan
On behalf of
Anastasios Anastasiadis, Enrico Camporeale, and Manolis K. Georgoulis
Anastasios Anastasiadis (National Observatory of Athens, IAASARS)
Enrico Camporeale (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, CWI)
Manolis K. Georgoulis (Academy of Athens, RCAAM)
Ryan McGranaghan (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Session Abstract:
Predicting the conditions of our space environment is a true challenge, due to the large size of the system and the complex interplay of physical mechanisms. Nowadays, forecasting techniques range from physics-based to data driven statistical models. Massively expanded data availability and sophisticated means to analyze voluminous and complex information open new possibilities to innovative methodologies. This session is devoted to the broad spectrum of advanced forecasting techniques, including physical models, statistical methods, data assimilation, information theory, and machine learning. The goal of this session is to provide a forum for new and ongoing efforts that connect the dots between space weather research and future operational forecasting applications. We invite abstracts covering observations, models, and their combinations. Methods that use innovative and multidisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome.
4. 2018 SHINE Workshop Session "How do small-scale effects feedback on reconnection global dynamics, and vice versa?"
From: Kathy Reeves (CfA), María Kazachenko (SSL), Lucas Tarr (George Mason University), Silvina Guidoni (American University/GSFC) (kazachenko at berkeley.edu)
Please join us at this year's SHINE Workshop (shinecon.org/CurrentMeeting.php) for a session dedicated to the interplay between small and large scales in magnetic reconnection. This session aims to bring the solar, in situ, and laboratory heliophysics communities together to discuss this topic.
Workshop dates: July 30 - August 3, 2018.
Location: Cocoa Beach, FL.
Session link: http://shinecon.org/shine2018/session2018.php#session25
Invited speakers: Sabrina Savage (MSFC) and Bill Daughton (LANL)
Questions of particular interest include:
How do small-scale effects feedback on reconnection global dynamics, and vice versa? For example, what triggers fast reconnection in the solar atmosphere: a global MHD instability or microscopic instabilities?
Do kinetic effects associated with reconnection have observational consequences on large scales?
How do large-scale advections affect the conditions for reconnection?
We welcome poster presentations as well as participation in the discussion (Friday morning, August 3). Our invited scene-setting speakers will provide reviews on observations and theory and also guide the open discussion, which is expected (and indeed hoped) to be the central part of the session. Those who wish to make (or refute) a particular point may bring one slide that can be quickly put up on the main projector, if relevant to the ongoing discussion.
5. JOB OPENING: Ionospheric Scientist at The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA
From: Margaret Chen, James Roeder (Margaret.W.Chen at aero.org)
An ionospheric scientist position is available at the Space Sciences Department of The Aerospace Corporation. We are seeking a creative and motivated researcher with expertise on the ionosphere to conduct scientific research, disseminate results through conferences and peer-reviewed publication, participate in the analysis and interpretation of space-science data sets, write proposals to NASA and NSF for research funding, and support National Space Security program offices through the application of the results of space science research and the resulting knowledge base.
The applicant must have a Ph.D. in Space Science or closely related field with two or more years of experience in conducting ionospheric research, experience writing peer-reviewed publications and giving technical conference presentations, and the ability to obtain and maintain a security clearance, which is issued by the U.S. government. U.S. citizenship is required to obtain a security clearance. Preference is given to applicants who have experience with designing, building and testing space science instrumentation and working with contractors and/or program offices. A current and active SCI clearance is also desirable.
A full description of this position (requisition #40885) can be found at https://careers.aerospace.org/job/El-Segundo-Ionospheric-Scientist-CA-90245/474777400/ where there is a link to apply to the job online.
6. JOB OPENING: Postdoctoral Position (f/m) in Space Plasma Physics
From: Rumi Nakamura (rumi.nakamura at oeaw.ac.at)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher position in the area of space plasma physics focusing on the physical interpretation of in-situ plasma measurements.
The space plasma physics group at the Space Research Institute (IWF) Graz, a research insti-tute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), is involved in a number of space plasma missions, for which IWF’s hardware contribution enables in-depth analysis and interpretation of the data, e.g., Geotail, Cluster, THEMIS, MMS, Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, JUICE. The successful candidate is expected to work on research topics in space plasma physics and to play an active role in the scientific activities of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission.
The applicant must hold a PhD in physics, geophysics, astrophysics, or a related field. Experience in analysis/interpretation of spacecraft data such as plasma, electric and magnetic field is a prerequisite. The appointment begins as early as September 1, 2018 and will be initially for two years (Extension may be possible, depending on performance and funding situation). Gross salary will be Grade IV/2 according to the scale of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which is 42.551,60 Euro per year or higher, depending on previous records.
Applications include 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) list of publications, 3) statement of the applicant's past and current research experience (up to 2 pages), 4) certificates for full academic record, and 5) up to three names of references with the full contact information. Please send the application in PDF format to <rumi.nakamura at oeaw.ac.at> by 18 June 2018.
Inquiries about the positions should be directed to Dr. Rumi Nakamura (+43-316-4120573) or Dr. Yasuhito Narita (+43-316-4120574).
Find more information at http://www.iwf.oeaw.ac.at/en/research/space-plasma-physics/.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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URL of GEM Home Page: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gemwiki
Workshop Information: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/gem/index.html
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