[GEM] THE GEM MESSENGER, Volume 28, Number 43
Newsletter Editor
editor at igpp.ucla.edu
Thu Sep 13 18:37:43 PDT 2018
Volume 28, Number 43
Announcement submission website: http://aten.igpp.ucla.edu/gem/messenger_form/
Table of Contents
1. JOB OPENING: Senior Scientist, Heliophysics Division
2. Space Physicist Position at CIRES
3. Two Postdoc Job Openings at Los Alamos National Laboratory
1. JOB OPENING: Senior Scientist, Heliophysics Division
From: Nicky Fox (nicola.j.fox at nasa.gov)
NASA is hiring a Senior Scientist in the Heliophysics Division of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. NASA's Heliophysics Division conducts research on the Sun, its extended solar-system environment (the heliosphere), and interactions of Earth, other planets, small bodies, and interstellar gas with the heliosphere. Division research also encompasses geospace -- Earth's uppermost atmosphere, the ionosphere, and the magnetosphere -- and the changing environmental conditions throughout the coupled heliosphere (solar system weather).
NASA is seeking a highly skilled individual to work with an agile and diverse team whose core values include excellence, integrity, transparency, teamwork, and a growth mindset towards planning and coordinating NASA programs in research, development, operations of missions and instrumentation, and strategic management of available resources in Heliophysics and related fields.
The incumbent will report directly to the Heliophysics Division Director on all matters pertaining to the science activities in which the Division is actively engaged. In addition, the Senior Scientist will provide recommendations, advice, and consultation on all science-related aspects of NASA's Heliophysics Division to the Heliophysics Director.
More details may be found in the job announcement.
Applications must be submitted through USAJobs.gov and the announcement will close on October 5th, 2018.
2. Space Physicist Position at CIRES
From: Dr Paul Loto'aniu (paul.lotoaniu at noaa.gov)
The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder has an immediate opening for a Research Associate (Research Scientist) to support NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in work related to the magnetometers (MAGs) on the GOES-R mission satellites. The position is initially for one year, with up to two additional years depending on performance and availability of funding. Two of the four GOES-R satellites have been launched and are now called GOES-16 and GOES-17. The position is located within the Solar & Terrestrial Physics program of the NCEI in the NOAA David Skaggs Research Center, Boulder, Colorado.
The Physicist will split their time among scientific research, optimizing MAG data correction algorithms, and future mission development. The time spent on each is dependent on need. On the algorithms, the Physicist will evaluate different correction methods, test the algorithms using GOES-R data and select the best method to implement. Their scientific research will utilize GOES-R MAG data leading to published journal papers and presentations at scientific conferences. Possible area(s) of research include: Pc 1-5 ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves; ULF wave-particle interactions in the ring current and/or outer radiation belt dynamics, development of a high-resolution magnetic field model, and application of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to multi-GOES satellite observations. The physicist will also work on development of our small satellite mission study.
Minimum requirement includes a Ph.D. in Space Physics or similar scientific discipline with an excellent understanding of magnetic fields in the space environment of Earth.
Due to U.S. Export Control Restrictions, only U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents may apply.
To see details of the job and apply go to:
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Paul Loto’aniu (Paul.Lotoaniu at noaa.gov)
3. Two Postdoc Job Openings at Los Alamos National Laboratory
From: Steven Morley, Greg Cunningham (smorley at lanl.gov)
Los Alamos National Laboratory seeks candidates for two postdoctoral positions in space plasma physics with the Space Science and Applications Group (ISR-1). These are two year positions with the possibility of extension to a third year.
The selected candidates will have the opportunity to interact with Laboratory staff engaged in a broad range of observational, computational, and theoretical research in plasma physics of the terrestrial magnetosphere. Applicants should have a doctoral degree in space physics or appropriate similar fields obtained within the last five years, or soon to be completed. They should have demonstrated ability to pursue independent research and work as a member of a team, as well as a strong record of publication and presentation.
For general information about postdoctoral positions at Los Alamos, see http://www.lanl.gov/careers/career-options/postdoctoral-research/index.php.
1. Postdoctoral Position in Radiation Belt Physics (IRC68743)
The candidate chosen for this position will be expected to focus on the topic of radiation belt modeling and comparison to data. The specific project will depend on the skills and interests of the candidate selected, but could include event case studies using the LANL DREAM3D diffusion model, comparative studies of the effects of different wave modes on trapped electrons, or incorporation of global effects of nonlinear wave-particle interactions into DREAM3D. The most relevant previous experience would include numerical modeling, observational analysis, or developing and using numerical simulations on large-scale computers.
Interested candidates should send their CV, publications list, and statement of research interests to Greg Cunningham (cunning at lanl.gov), Geoff Reeves (reeves at lanl.gov), and Michael Henderson (mghenderson at lanl.gov), and apply online at jobs.lanl.gov and search for IRC68743.
2. Postdoctoral Position in Space Weather (IRC68717)
The candidate chosen for this position will be expected to focus on the modeling of solar energetic particle transport within the magnetosphere and the comparison of model results to data from high-energy charged particle detectors aboard the GPS constellation. Applicants should have knowledge in at least one of the following areas: solar energetic particles, cosmic rays, coronal mass ejections and their interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere, large-scale magnetospheric current systems, or charged particle dynamics. Desirable technical skills include familiarity with numerical optimization techniques, experience with high-performance computing, and a knowledge of modern scientific programming.
Interested candidates should send their CV, publications list, and statement of research interests to Steve Morley (smorley at lanl.gov) and Jesse Woodroffe (jwoodroffe at lanl.gov), and apply online at jobs.lanl.gov and search for IRC68717.
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program is sponsored by the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
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